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A truly challenging task - as faced by this teacher. I can relate to her becos I teach in Silver Spring, Maryland too- to students of similar demographics.

The children themselves have mood swings - a few openly declared to the school authorities yesterday in their annula survey that they did not like the teacher and the program -thats me. a few others wrote in support of me in the survey. I had planned to give them chocolates at the end of the class - and lo today those very ones were singing praises and fighting for me - against those who were at fault today and angry with my censure.

Even among all the SES After School students I think mine are the most challenging - the last teacher was really fired - an unprecedented step by top management - becos she was always partying with tem and teaching little. The children have fond memories of her though - and never hesistate to mention how good she was - and how mean I am (mostly after someone has had to change a card for incorrect behavior).

Change is difficult also becos those whom have to change don;t like change either. Thats part of the game.

is it?



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CNN.com - Maryland teacher named Teacher of the Year - Apr 25, 2006* CNN.com will expire this article on 05/25/2006.CNN.com will expire this article on 05/25/2006.
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