If banning films is a measure of fundamentalism --as New York Times recently mentioned about India banning Deepa Mehta's films http://assamnet.org/pipermail/assam_assamnet.org/2006-May/005966.html - then besides Punjab and Nagaland --it is Meghalaya , Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh who are the most fundamentalist states in India. They have banned a movie which even Indian govt allowed with approval of Catholic church.
Any comments?
PS: So Most Indian Fundamentalists are from Nagaland and Meghalaya in North East , TN and AP in SOuth India , Punjab in North and Goa in West India??

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park, MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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