Honestly speaking, I am jealous of Umesh for his tireless 
information input to Assamnet. This jealosy has now become an 
obsession and so much so that I did a small research on the number 
of emails from Umesh in 2006. The statistics of posts turned out 
to be following:

Month    No. of posts by Umesh
Jan      106 (3.41 posts per day)
Feb      193 (6.65 posts per day)
Mar      111 (3.58 posts per day)
Apr      169 (5.63333333333 posts per day)
Mar      257 (8.29 posts per day)
Jun      196 (6.5333333333333 posts per day)

Now, a more enthusiastic researcher would like to find out why the 
no. of posts dropped in March (Umesh dont give the answer lets 
wait for somebody to find the answer!!)!!

Hope everybody takes this research on a light note :-) .. and 
Umesh really, thanks for keeping the net alive by posting all 
possible topics in the world!!

Again, the methodology of my research is not quite foolproof as I 
used word count as a criteria to find out the no. of posts by 


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