It seems in USA Independence Day is celebrated like Diwali in India -- with lots of fireworks -even in people's houses (as I saw in Salt Late City while on a stopover -enroute to LA from DC  -in Delta Ailrines flight on 4 th of July). In India the scene might look equally good or better but I hve never been on a plane in India so cnnot say how it seems there.

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Couldn't be mine!
I loved the style.
So I wanted netters to share.

From:  umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To:  mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject:  Re: [Assam] Happy Independence Day
Date:  Tue, 4 Jul 2006 04:50:01 +0100 (BST)

Is this your own stuff or did you copy and paste from some American's writings. It looks so much American -and you are 12,000 miles from here -when there is noon here it is midnight there.

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The principles that made the United States of America the greatest country on the face of the earth are under attack from enemies both foreign and domestic.
Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, to secure the natural rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
Muslim extremists seek to destroy our Liberty and criminalize our Pursuit of Happiness. Their chosen path to achieve these goals
involves taking away the lives of many Americans.
Statists from the Democratic Party seek to destroy our Liberty with useless government intervention into our private lives and to handicap our Pursuit of Happiness with crippling taxation.
Statists from the Republican Party seek to destroy our Liberty with a different set of useless laws attacking different portions of our private lives.
The Republicans seek to protect us from foreign threats; the Democrats seek to protect us from ourselves. Who will protect us from them?
The American secession from Britain was sparked by excessive government intervention into private affairs, by unreasonable taxation, and by government from a distance. These three statements described colonial America in 1776 - and they describe modern America in 2005.
Fort Liberty is a different place. Fort Liberty is a refuge in cyberspace for those men and women who see the enlightened
individual as the greatest achievement of civilization, and who see government as a necessary evil.
Come in, make yourself comfortable, look around. Check out our Quotes page to see what our Founding Fathers have to say about what is going on in America today. Review American Politics and International Politics to educate yourself on the state of the nation and of the world. Take a look at What can I do? and ask yourself Am I doing what I should be doing?
assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
Lackawanna ST
College Park, MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005


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assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park, MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005


Web email has come of age. Don't settle for less than the All New Yahoo! Mail.
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