Dear Manoj,
67 degree C is 150 degree F : a temperature in the middle of Sahara desert. This Mukul Mahanta+Jay Talton combination is telling us that biodiesel can be produced (which needs heating some mixture in a reactor for 4 hours at 150 degree F)   in a 10 feet x 10 feet room in your house in Guwahati City. And, IF somebody dies, Assam-net will not even feel sorry for the victim.
I thank you for ending your letter with "cheers" --- it is very depressing to see that NOT a single person in the Assam-net expressed his or her sorrow for the victim ---1 person succumbed to injuries 3 days later after debris fell on his body. He was sleeping below at ground level-when a tie beam snapped at 2nd floor. Has anybody felt the pain and suffering of the victim who agonized for 3 days before he finally died for no fault of his own ? Why nobody feels anything any more?
The City of Guwahati, with 2,515,030 people on an area 4,345 km²   (density 579/ km²) without any sewer system, where leeching fields of neighbors overlap, and many houses discharge raw sewage into open city drains, is now being advised by Mr. Jay Talton (promoted by Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta) to make bio-diesel in every home.  Irresponsibility of this advice matches the Mukul Mahanta + Rajen Barua advice to store rainwater in "deep well" below every house, to be distributed as drinking water without filtration and without any license of the distributors. Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta is awarded with a title "learned MM"  for starting this idea.
With the best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Manoj Das
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 8:49 PM
Subject: How to make Bio Diesel

Hi all
Making bio diesel (BD)is very simple. In Punjab and Haryana, the ingenious farmers make it on a big 'tawa'- (huge cooking pot) and run their tractors on it.
In fact all vegetable oils can be converted into bio-diesel. It is done by direct acid catalyzed esterification of the oil with methanol. The process is batch type. 10% Methanol is added into the oil with 1% peroxide and  heated in a reactor for 4 hours at 65 degrees C. The end product is settled in a tank and glycerine (10%) and biodiesel (89%) separates out.
Jetropha is widely used as the base stock for biodiesel in India, because it's cheap and has a very high yield (upto 35%). All other cheap TBO (Tree Born Oilseeds) can be used to make BD.
If we blend 5% BD with normal diesel, by 2007 India will need 2.6 million tonnes of BD.
Check for more info

On 8/26/06, Himendra Thakur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Mr. Jay Talton

P.O. Box 7953

GA-31209-7953, USA


Dear Mr. Talton,


On August 23, I clicked at your link Make Biodiesel and saw that you were asking for US$67 for information as to how to make biodiesel. You did not mention whether the  "rates" of the product that you are selling will be "depending on IQ level of purchaser" as declared by your friend Mukul as per his CONFESSION appended at the end of this letter.   


I was interested in biodiesel and I wrote letters to you asking a few preliminary questions. You answered to my two letters that it was possible to manufacture biodiesel in a densely populated city, by utilizing a 10 feet x 10 feet room in the house with windows open. However, when I asked you in my third letter about the smell and about the solid waste generated by the process and raw materials needed, you stopped answering. I then clicked at your link Make Biodiesel and got bounced back with a message "We are sorry, but the page you are requesting has been removed or disabled."


The biodiesel idea got started with your letter to Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta (Subject: Mukul, Go on a homemade fuel powered road trip. Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:16:53 -0400 ) that Mr. Mahanta posted in the assam-net.


A number of participants in the assam-net consider any posting by Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta as a gospel. Mr. Rajen Baruah has recently declared Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta as " learned MM" while advising "local youth in Guwahati"  to " dig a deep well"  "If you have a plot of land in Guwahati" ----  Guwahati is a city reportedly populated by 2,515,030 people on an area 4,345 km²   (density 579/ km²) without any sewer system. Leeching fields of neighbors overlap. Many houses discharge raw sewage into open city drains. Neither Mr. Mahanta nor Mr. Barua discussed how to keep the " deep well" rainwater reservoir free from sewage contamination. Mr. Rajen Barua stimulates the " local youth in Guwahati" with the idea that "You may need little or no filtration at all." 


While promoting Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta's idea of storing rainwater in a "deep well", Mr. Rajen Barua also incites " local youth in Guwahati" with the ideas such as "You have unlimited supply of free water. You may not even need a license."


A license infuses responsibility and accountability. By inciting "local youth in Guwahati" with the idea "You may not even need a license", Mr. Rajen Barua has actually promoted the style of Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta whose irresponsible building-construction killed at least one man according to Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta's own confession appended below. Actual number of death under Mahanta Buildings may be more, which should be investigated.


I appeal to the participants of assam-net to express their sorrow for this innocent victim of  Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta. I also appeal to participants of Assam-net to open a Trust Fund to help the family of the dead man. I'll send $100/- as my donation to start this fund


And now, we have the idea of your homemade bio-diesel plant at the hands of Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta whose words may be taken as gospel truth by " local youth in Guwahati" because Mr. Mukul Chandra Mahanta is described as "learned MM" by Mr. Rajen Barua, and accepted by other netters.


Unless you prove otherwise with enough information and design details, I'll consider a home manufacturing plant of bio-diesel will be unsuitable in the City of Guwahati. However, it maybe a good idea in open countryside, provided all the precautions are taken. Please let us know the details.


With the best wishes,

Himendra Barthakur



< complete report under oath in the net about how many of his prefabricated buildings collapsed and how many people died or got injured.>

Gladly : Pakor Liyaa!!

Under Oath-so be it!:  "I shall speak the truth, all the truth and nothing but the truth" .

 Let God give wisdom to all halfwits ,nitwits,perjurers and below-average hypocrites!

  • 3 buildings  collapsed out of the  32 total built -all proudly standing . I never Reinforce Concrete with Bamboo.It cannot work.No Govt. or anybody  helped me to invent my epoch-breaking housing solution. Only as they say "Hum to Chaley Bazaaro mey, Kuttey Bhukey Hazaaron sey". My IPR can be purchased at reasonable rates-depending on IQ level of purchaser.
  • 1 person succumbed to injuries 3 days later after debris fell on his body. He was sleeping below at ground level-when a tie beam snapped at 2nd floor.I was not at that site since 4 month earlier.High court absolved me and the owner after 3 years.
  • Happy Now?

My system is cool pucca Ghar in summer, Warm in Winter, theoretically 9 times more shock resistant in Earthquakes, needs 25% labour,25% material ,almost no foundation costs, fully recyclable--THE future Green housing Technology for the 3rd world!

Don't like it?

Then lump it.


End of Appendix ]

----- Original Message -----
From: mc mahant
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 11:40 AM
Subject: [Assam] FW: Mukul ,Go on a homemade fuel powered road trip.


From: "Jay Talton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Mukul Mahant" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Mukul ,Go on a homemade fuel powered road trip.
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 2006 10:16:53 -0400

Hello Mukul,
I've been on the road this week and
the SMOG in some of these larger
cities is terrible.
One of the biggest differences that biodiesel
make is with regards to smog. Using biodiesel
actually REDUCES smog.
It also helps when you PASS BY GAS
STATIONS, without stopping.  You don't
need them when you make your own fuel.
Make larger batches for road trips or
start off with smaller batches and blend
it with petro diesel to get the hang it. 
You can run your vechicle on 100% biodiesel
if you have a diesel vehicle.  More and more
car companies are manufacturing diesel-run
It's the new "practical hybrid"....
thanks to biodiesel. 
Manufacturing your own fuel at home
will become as common as washing your
own clothes...or cooking your own breakfast.
It just makes sense. 
Talk soon,
Jay Talton
P.S.- The personal, economic, and enviromental
benefits of biodiesel is catching on.  Find out how
you can establish connections to supply the resources
you need.

P.O. Box 7953, Ga 31209-7953, USA

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