Housewives run the risk of having broken marriages too -who cheat with the gardner, plumber, milkman (in India) and whose husbands cheat with their secretaries in their offices. The housewives are the real slaves -since they are not even allowed to check out what their husbands do when they are out of the home.
See "Desperate Housewives" TV serial  for housewifery info -I've only read about it , though. Housewives run greater risk of ending as prostitutes -if and when their husbands dump them or they become widowed. So women should not marry men who want them to become housewives -- thats what data would project.
Pl see this rebuttal of the article in ET: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/quickies/1959670.cms

Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The article written by Michael Noe is discussing basically that marrying a Career woman is not good for the marriage as the article says
"Because if many social scientists are to be believed, you run a higher risk of having a rocky marriage. While everyone knows that marriage can be stressful, recent studies have found professional women are more likely to get divorced, more likely to cheat, less likely to have children, and, if they do have kids, they are more likely to be unhappy about it. A recent study in Social Forces, a research journal, found that women--even those with a "feminist" outlook--are happier when their husband is the primary breadwinner."
This is true not only in the West but everywhere even in countries like India and China where it will be gradually more as we are also trying to come up to the Western level. I fail to see any media biasness. I think you are confusing Professional women with regular housewives who have to work hard for the family.
Your statement:
In many cases such women leave their husbands and take up new ones ...
goes to prove that working women run the risk of having broken marriage as the article says.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Rediff/Forbes: career women: my mother, Princess Diana , Prophet Muhammad, our housemaid couldn't disagree more

The bias is the very fact such an issue is being debated in top US magazines. Do they still debate the issue that Blacks are geneticaly inferior and that their heads are not big enough to fit mature human brain. I'm told Watson and Crick -who unravleed the DNA structure and Nobel Laureates used to do just that. They were biased if they did that. If media does that -it is biased.
About Indian or Chinese or African or Latin American or native American women engaging in outdoor work -why is it slave labor? They have the freedom to work. They get paid for their work . They can work even if their husbands die or leave them  - I have seen quite a few such working women. They can riase their children etc on their earnings. Where is the slavery in that? In many cases such women leave their husbands and take up new ones -- there's the modernity you were seeking perhaps.

Rajen & Ajanta Barua <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>This article shows the bias in the media -even in the west. It shows that males are incapable of raising children and females are incapable of having careers.
I see the point in the aticle but failed to see the bias in the media in the west. Am I missing something.
>In villages and the poor in India etc women do most of the work -in the fields, as housemaids, as construction workers - they are career women.
These women in India and China are not Career women, thay are like slave labours. Women do most of the work in Asia in the house and field plus raise the children, and men just sit an enjoy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 04, 2006 6:13 PM
Subject: [Assam] Rediff/Forbes: career women: my mother, Princess Diana ,Prophet Muhammad, our housemaid couldn't disagree more

This article shows the bias in the media -even in the west. It shows that males are incapable of raising children and females are incapable of having careers. This sick mentality has no basis in nature. female tigers and females of other species have killed prey and provided for their young ones -they are career females in that sense. Many famous career women have long standing non-famous husbands -such as Indian Police Officer Kiran Bedi, Julia Roberts the Hollywood actor . However, traditionally there has been demand for "trophy wives" by well placed bachelors (beautiful, cultured etc) as seen in young teens wearing T-shirts saying "A future trophy wife" -in the West also. Also the Western media promotes most eligible bachelors in the traditional way - rich and famous-period. Not as good househusbands but as money earners or bread winners. Perhaps that is why the research mentioned in the above article shows that not only are many men put off by richer women (Prophet Muhammad married a richer and older woman -a widow - 1300 years ago -so most liberal?) but even women are put off by a less money earning house-husband. In villages and the poor in India etc women do most of the work -in the fields, as housemaids, as construction workers - they are career women. Have been for centuries or thousands of years -with no significant affect on their marital lives. Any comments? Umesh

Umesh Sharma
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