See the map for 10000BC --does it show any migration
from Central Asia towards Iran or India? No!
Looks like NG has missed it by couple of thousands years. The said migration supposedly took place during last 2000 to 5000 BC.
----- Original Message -----
From: "umesh sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Cc: "Prof Weitzel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Richard C. Foltz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2006 6:04 PM
Subject: [Assam] National Geographic's Genomic Map- Aryan Invasion Theory

Excellent use of technology by IBM etc !!

See the map for 10000BC --does it show any migration
from Central Asia towards Iran or India? No!

One can disscern some interaction between India and
Iran -which were neighboring countries till Pakistan
was formed in 1947-so common words --and some previous
migration towards Europe - so common language with
Ireland , Greece etc. No indication of reverse
migration (like in Aryan Invasion Theory) from Central
Asia towards India/Iran. 

Any comments?


FromProf  Foltz's (PhD Harvard ) book: pg 7 :" When
Aryan groups arrived in India, beginning some
thirty-five centuries ago , they came to view the vast
population of indigenous  South Asians as a massive ,
fourth underclass." (Foltz, 2004 :Book: Spirituality
in the land of the Noble - How Iran shaped the world's

Also:  " It may be helpful to prepare for reading the
following example by taking a moment to close one's
eyes and mentally picture oneself as a part of the
ancient steppe world. Sittina around a campfire with
family and friends beneath a crisp Montana sky might
inspire the appropriate sort of image. Earth and
heavens recede in all directions, meeting each other
beyond the horizon. The sun sets , cows low and horses
whinny nearby. Add the tension of some imminent
threat--a looming storm, a band of strangers in the
distance - and look to those among you most gifted
with insight to guide the course of your group will
take (Foltz, 2004 pg 9,10)

 My note: this resembles the dusty environs of Thar
desert and its borders in India and Pakistan!!

Prof Foltz's comments further: "The oldest extant
Indo-European literary source in the Rig Veda,
considered by Hindus to be a sacred text. Its present
form dates probably around the eight century BCE
("before the Common Era") , but its content is much
older. Infact, the world it evokes resembles not the
steamy planes of northwest India, but rather dry
steppes of Western Eurasia whence the Indo-Aryans
came.........The harsh, remote environment depicted in
the Rig veda is the one from which the Aryans of Iran
and India both came (ibid pg 8-9) 

my note: If this remote environs is from where they
both came --then it is logically the remote environ
BETWEEN Iran and India --ie current day Paksitan and
its harsh environ of Thar desert -which extends into
West and Central India.

It seems Prof Foltz is (like me) in Canada these days.

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park, MD 20740 USA

Current temp. address: 5649 Yalta Place , Vancouver, Canada

 1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]
Canada # (607) 221-9433

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005


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