Congratulations Umesh. All that hard work paid off.
--Ram da

On 9/15/06, umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks for the support to you and all AssamNet members
- and best wishes for all your endevors.

today I got the passpport  with the visa stamped in
it. Quite a relief. Went to the beach later near my
host's residence and ate & fed cheese-biscuits to the
sea -gulls. Peace is a must.

Now I will enquire from the immigration officials at
the Vancouver Intl Airport as to what is the earliest
date I cann enter USA -given that I have a visa issued
yesterday but permission to work only from Oct 2nd.

Lets see.


--- Mridul Bhuyan < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nice account Umesh. Best Wishes.
>   Mridul
> umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
>   Hi,
> Here is the bit about my visa interview. Being one
> of
> a kind case - I do not know anybody being here for
> H-1B visa for teaching (thru a visa contractor -in
> my
> case ) . So I was
> inwardly shaking when I went in. No lets start from
> the beginning --from the preparation --from the hey
> days of my sea beach visits --right to visit to the
> visa officer.
> Here goes... When I had started from Washington DC
> to
> Vancouver, Canada - I already had brought with me
> almost all the required documents. So it was only
> this
> Monday that I decided to wake up from this nature
> resort holiday at and check out the place
> where I was supposed to go for the visa interview.
> For
> added effect I went to the international airport at
> Vancouver once again -where I had landed from DC.
> The
> aim was to make a direct connection between my
> coming
> here from DC and my going to the visa interview. It
> made me focused and serious about the whole thing.
> This lovely place had me taking it quite lightly
> since
> I had come here.
> So the next day (Tuesday) i spent filling out and
> printing the forms DS-156, DS 157, DS -158 (I had
> already got my passport size photos done on
> Sunday--just 2 photos for $8 (Rs 400!!) at the UBC
> library. The tricky part was the column regarding
> country of residence -- had to mention two people
> who
> could vouch for me. Shall I say Canada (I know only
> my
> hots here) or India (then I could not recollect any
> phone numbers). After a Google search -which showed
> where you spent your last 12 or more months -as
> resident country - mentioned my landlord and my
> Harvard sponsor schooltime firnd Dr kamal Kejriwal's
> names and phone etc.
> Yesterday (Wednesday) I painstakingly went over all
> the documents I might need -made photocopies of them
> all. God is in details -as the say. And more I went
> over the stuff the more I realized that I had left
> something . But I was successful in my aim in
> packing
> all the documents needed (incl US visa forms,
> passport, $100 fee in cash in USD and original
> marksheets etc, payslips etc, employment letters,
> tax
> forms, etc etc) by 10 pm in plastic bags. We could
> not
> take backpacks, cellphones, water or any electronic
> devices--as told in the website --however on
> reaching
> there I was told to tear open all my sealed
> marksheets/transcripts also--big mess -now have to
> get
> new ones from India.
> Then I ironed my only full sleeved white checked
> (Raymonds Rs 300) shirt I had brought and the black
> pants . I was told by my host and her mother that
> the
> all American tie (with stars and stripes -I bought
> it
> in DC -3 for $10) was too inappropriate and
> recommended I wear a grey patterned one. Last night
> while returning from the UBC library suddenly it had
> started raining so weather had cooled down (I had my
> folding umbrella gifted by Harvard Dorm crew -my
> colleagues when we used to clean classrooms
> together)
> so I decided to wear an inner warm vest under the
> shirt -and a wind cheater on top.
> I used my cellphone to tell the time but it was
> banned
> from US consulate so my host's husband had offered
> his
> watch (my HMT with Hindi day dial has run out
> battery
> anyway) but I decided against taking it --since even
> in James Bond movies -he blows up buildings with his
> watch --the consulate security mighthave similar
> ideas
> regarding watching and might asked me to throw my
> host's watch out before getting in.
> I could not sleep nearly all night (my cellphone was
> set for 3 alarms -at 6:30 am, 6:45 am and 7:00 am)
> so
> did not need more than one alarm and kept waking up
> all night. (Even had a nightmare where a calf in
> someplace near Jaipur is biting my arm -and stopping
> me from racing on to some school in some village
> near
> there. the previous night I had a dream that somehow
> I
> am Jaipur School and talking to a student's parent
> -of
> 2005 batch--and suddenly I look at my watch and lo!
> it
> is already 8:40 am -and then I remember I have to
> rush
> for the visa interview -the US consulate building at
> vancouver appears [in a deamy way] to be located in
> downtown Jaipur -in my mind. So I rush outside -how
> willI reach there?? Oh!! then I see my red , chrome
> and black bullet enfield parked under the tree in
> front of my house. Does it still work after my two
> year stay in US? So confusing ---all mixed up -
> across
> time and space. That was the end of taht terrifying
> dream of last night (Wednesday Sep 13th).
> So got up at first alarm and rushed thru the morning
> drill -again checked my passport and the visa forms
> -and at 7:45 am ran out the door. No rain, I had
> checked the weather report on Yahoo - said might
> rain
> so took umbrella and cold weather 9-15 degree
> celcius
> -like winter in most India. Thebus which I changed
> after a 20 minute ride was in rush hour for going
> downtown (main city) so elbow to elbow I stood in
> thebus and reached the last station -Burhard Station
> -which was where I was to get down. It was exactly
> 8:30 am in the clock at the bus stand. Still one and
> a
> half hours to go.
> There were tall sky scrapers all around (though not
> too tall compared to NYC --ony upto 30 floors)but
> quite styilishly done. I generally feel like a
> tourist
> -and not at home -in such concrete jungles.
> Having been to the US consulate during my scouting
> mission on Monday - I knew where it was --so got
> inside a building before it -and at "Seattle's Best
> Coffee" bought "Americano" coffee for getting the
> American spirit. Small things get you connected :-)
> After the coffee I got some rumbling in my stomach
> -which I was anticipating (always happens
> ininterviews
> to me -so I nevver eat before interviews or
> sometimes
> even the night before)--and seeing me holding the
> coffee cup the security guard told me how to get the
> coffee shop people to get me inside the
> toliet/washroomm/restroom. After relaxing a bit (I
> mean a lot) walked straight to the US consulate
> office
> -just one building away.
> There was a long line there. The old,
> AfricanAmerican
> security guard I had inquired from -the other
> day-was
> also there. Being polite and genial with security
> gurads is very useful -always ;-)
> There was a line with 8:30 am written on the post in
> front of it. They were close to the door. The line
> nearer was the 9:00 am line. Despite warnings in
> website and even at the office -still some poeple
> had
> brought cellphones, backpacks, purses (ladies)
> --needless to say most of the people were Indian -in
> the lines. I guessed most were from nearby -Seattle
> -where Microsoft is head-quartered -withBill Gates
> -the famous Harvard drop-out ruling from there --or
> from California -a little down the pacific coast.
> Perhaps I was the only one -maybe in months or years
> -who had travelled all the way from Washington DC
> (4,000 miles away -to Vancouver's US consulate -the
> last outpost of Western civilization [if we discount
> Alaska above it]). (I am glad i did - fun city and
> great hosts.) That became more clear when I was
> questioned by the visa officers later.
> Among those standing were a few Indian families
> -witha
> child barely able to walk -swaying around etc. A few
> girls also seemed to be bravingit alone. Most seemed
> like who had studied and/or worked in US -seeing
> from
> their level of confidence and ease.
> When our 10am line was stationed at the door -the
> old
> security guard came up tp me and said :' Are you for
> H-1B visa?" --I said Yes. Then he pointed out to the
> guys in front of me and behind me -- they carried
> just
> a folder with a few documents. My swollen plastic
> bags
> were sagging (one's plastic handle had nearly come
> off
> -due to heavy weight-I had an extra one -thankfully)
> with documents and now my umbrella and the
> wind-cheater also.
> It created problems when I went thru the security
> checks -but I had already opened all the sealed
> envelopes -thankfully they didn't mess up with the
> order of the documents as I had arranged them. I had
> noone to guide me -so i took ALL the documents I
> thought they could ask me for. I felt more confident
> becos of that --so there!!
> Inside the door was the first security check point.
> I
> had to remove everything except my clothes (ie my
> belt
> , iron bangle -Kada of Sikhs etc, wallet, coins
> etc).
> After going one floor one - they had a sign which
> read
> that I had to deposit my visa forms DS-156, DS157
> (my
> DS 158 was useless - it was for only student visas
> -but I took just in case ;-) ) my I-797 form -from
> US
> immigration inside US, employment letter, and US $
> 100
> cash. The cashier gave me a slip with B59 written on
> it.
> I took a seat with others. The digital piece called
> numbers B48 to B52. A quote from Rosa Parks seemed
> familiar in the background. I took up a Feb 2004
> issue
> of National geographic Magazine lying there - about
> Polar bears. I learnt that Eskimos are around
> me-only
> found in Alaska, Canada and across the sea in
> Siberia.
> The seals (which polar bears eat) I had already seen
> near my current residence at
> They called numbers B53 to B58. Then again a click I
> looked up -they called numbers B60 onwards. Where
> was
> my B59!! Still I wnet along and told the security
> guard . She said that sometimes the machine skips a
> few numbers -its alright!!! She got us on the
> elevator/lift to the 20th floor!!! (I have never
> done
> any serious work so high up).
> Again the security check -the Chinese looking guards
> seemed as thorough as Bruce Lee -they really emptied
> all my bags and even checked many envelopes to see
> if
> they were sealed or not (Anthrax scare??) They
> weren't
> --thoroughness is the key in preparation!!!
> So they sent me in. In a narrow corridor sat the
> applicants in plastic chairs. in front were cabins
> (4
> feet by 5 feet) with ticket windows . I was aksed to
> report at "room 1" (cabin 1). When my turn came I
> had
> to place my index fingers (near the thumb) for
> finger
> printing.
> Then back to musical chairs - and suddenly got a
> seat
> just below "room 3" and that was the main interview.
> He already had my forms etc (incl my work and study
> details)
> VO (Visa Officer): So this is your first H-1B visa?
> US (myself) : Yes
> VO: So did you also study in US?
> US: Yes
> VO: Where?
> US: Harvard Univ, School of Education
> He opens my student visa page in the passport and
> confirms my Univ
> VO: What did you study there?
> US: I did my masters in education --actually he also
> says that together -oh you must have done masters
> VO: When did you graduate?
> US: Last summer.......June 2005
> VO: So what have you been doing since?
> US: I was on my OPT (Optional Practical Training)
> for
> last one year and working in various schools.
> VO: So you were working in Boston (thats where
> Harvard
> is)
> US: No I was in Washington DC (my form said I worked
> in Virginia and Maryland -in DC Metro area)
> VO: So who is this SonLight International -your new
> employer and visa sponsor?
> US: They supply teachers to schools (I had recalled
> this answer only while sitting waiting for my turn a
> few minutes before)
> VO: So your earlier jobs did they get over after a
> fixed time?
> US: They got over when the academic session got
> over.
> One got over in April 2006, the other in June 2006
> -they were part time jobs.
> VO: so have started work with the new employer -can
> you show me the pay stubs
> US: I would start working thru them from Oct 2nd. I
> can show you the pay stubs from my previous
> employers.
> VO: OK
> I dig into my big bags and thankfully am able to
> find
> the paystubs still bunched up togther --the security
> guards could not mess up this too much.
> He looks at them. I notice my employer (
> ) 's colroful commendation
> certificate
> and when he returns my paystubs after leafing thru
> them a bit -- I offer him my certificate. 'From my
> previous employer sir -for my good work!"
> VO: Good!
> He is scribbling something on my visa form.
> VO: so where will you be working now?
> US: At Washinton DC . Potomac
> VO: Do you mean Washington state?
> US: I mean Washington DC - Potomac in Maryland
> actually
> He was testing whether I knew where my work-place
> was
> and had I been there.
> VO: So what are you doing here (he probably meant
> Vancouver and not Toronto which is much much closer
> to
> DC)
> US: Oh my OPT period was expiring so I had to come
> out
> (to Canada).
> VO: He smiled -so you got the ealriest date in
> vancouver ?
> US: Yes
> He scribbled something on a form -cirlcled IND H
> some code and 50
> in four separate columns (India, H visa, code for
> visa
> issuance and 50$ fee) and aksed me to pay up at the
> cashier's place. I said I don;t have $50 cash - the
> website didn't say anything about it
> He said don't worry they accept credit cards
> (initially I was reluctant to bring them -security
> might ask them to be thrown -as electronic devices)
> and bring the receipt to "room 1"
> US: Thank you so much. have a nice day!!
> He seemed genuinely surprised -perhaps people were
> too
> formal here.
> Same greeting to the cashier.
> At room one the VO gave me a red slip to bring
> tomorrow (Friday ) at 3pm . The slip read that it
> only
> guarentees return of the passport but not visa
> issuance (if they find something hanky-panky in my
> info etc).
> So thats that. It is 1:43 am now and it is Friday
> already.
> Hopefully i would get the visa-stamped passport
> today
> and so to get busy revising my high scchool math,
> eco
> and chem.
> Regards.Hoep it was interesting (and also useful to
> some)
> Umesh
> PS: Moral : Apply for US visa for work/study from a
> third country only if you have worked and or studied
> in US -otherwise apply from your home country --so
> they can ask questions . VOs in India know a lot
> about
> Indian jobs and edu degrees and society in general
> Many have lived in India for long -even as tourists
> -before joing the VO jobs.
> Umesh Sharma
> 5121 Lackawanna ST
> College Park, MD 20740 USA
> Current temp. address: 5649 Yalta Place , Vancouver,
> Canada
> 1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]
> Canada # (607) 221-9433
> Ed.M. - International Education Policy
> Harvard Graduate School of Education,
> Harvard University,
> Class of 2005
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Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park, MD 20740 USA

Current temp. address: 5649 Yalta Place , Vancouver, Canada

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]
Canada # (607) 221-9433

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005


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