<I gave up on this project>

Good that  Iyer/Pillai/Reddy or whoever gave up.

What did  K.D.Malaviya do  anyway?(I know- do Assamnetters?)

Did he  make  Assam( when Assam was the sole Oil/Gas producer in '47 to'57)  the powerhouse and Development Center for making India self-sufficient in  machinery, plant, hardware for Oil/Gas/Refining/PetroChemicals/Catalysts?

Did he create in Assam:

  • Geophysical-2D,3D  Super-Computerized mapping expertize  solely with  20-30 year Oxomiyas from Tingkhong or Kukura-sowa Gaon.
  • Set up Elaborate Hi-Tech Drilling rig-Drilling Platform Designing/Fabricating  works at  Bijni?So that India's entire requirements of Mainland/Offshore/Middle-East/World-Export could have beeen met from here
  • Set upthe Soviet-equipped Instrumentation Ltd . near Kokrajhar
  • Set up Heavy Machine-Building Plant of The Heavy Engineering Corporation  at North Lakhimpur-to supply Hydro-Electric Turbo-Generators at  the Himalayan foothills
  • Alas, Iyer was cold shouldered rightly by the Kharkhowa little Bureacrat .

As India Sowed - So India is reaping now-with great and grateful  patriotism.

Ha Ha!


From: "Barua25" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "mc mahant" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
CC: <assam@assamnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 00:03:04 -0500

The point here for the Assamese is not necessarily to crack any gas. Most of the people care less what a Gas Cracker does and where the gas will come from. The point here is to get some people employed, get some contractors do business. So it does not matter any whichever way: to have a Gas Cracker cracking gas and making a loss or not to crack any gas and spend some Indian s white money in the project which will not happen.
For the last 10 years, GOI is trying to set up an Oil Museum in Assam named after KD Malavya Oil Museum in Guwahati. I hardly see any news at all. It is also held up for a long time because GOA could not give the required land.  One senior guy in oil industry from South India wrote to me, "Rajen, I have done many projects for many states. But when it comes to Assam, I gave up on this project. Nobody can move the Assam minstry. I failed."
Does anybody in Assam care? How many in Assam know of these?
I say Hobo Diok Kokaidew!!!
Jabo Diok!!!
Rajen Barua
----- Original Message -----
From: mc mahant
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 12:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???

<Gas Cracker but a Gas Cracker does not necessarily >

Sounds good! But that's about it. I say This Gas Cracker cannot happen technically in the end. Will go the same way as Brahmaputra Embankments or Bogibeel Bridge.

  • Which Gas will you crack?Methane (NO!), Ethane(what  % in associated Gas , and how will you seperate-cryogenically?) Propane,Butane(everybody now wants LPG-would they live on 10th floor and cook with Gobar Ghuti?), Naphtha(but IOC will get more profits if they sell as jetfuel/diesel - with just a few small changes)
  • Say you beg-borrow-steal and get to Ethylene-what then?

India has no mechanism to go by plain logic. No mechanism to listen to my advice.

Even now I am available.

Don't like it? Well, best of luck to who doesn't.


From: "Barua25" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "umesh sharma" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,<assam@assamnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 23:43:51 -0500

I have just thrown a number of adults who might have immigrated during last 30 years. It does not matter whether we are 300 or even 3000. It is still a drop in the bucket of 20 million. I was just trying to awake our people who seem to be biased with a wrong mind set that brain drain is bad. Actually brain drain helps a country like India where we have abundant of engineers and technocrats. What we lack is managerial people. People who are coming here are not the managers. Immigrants always help themselves and help the country back monetarily.  Like Momy said, we need to change our attitude. Corruption is an attitude. An engineer going back from here cannot help. The greatest advantage the Punjabis and the Hyderabdis have against the Kharkhowas is that Assamese lack confidence. We even donot have the courage to ask an MLA a question "Why we don't have electricity why the roads are bad. This confidence will come only when enough people will get out our Kharkhowa state and work outside like a guy of Kerela, UP, Rajasthan, Gujrat or Punjab.  We the Kharkhowas even donot know how much export we can made of Bamboo products to Delhi and Mumbai and USA which will help the villagers. Not that we donot need a Gas Cracker but a Gas Cracker does not necessarily help our villagers.  
Rajen Barua  
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 10:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???

good point. I thought there were more Assamese abroad (incl their progeny) 300 is too small a number . I think there were over 3,000 Sikhs from Punjab in only Canada's Vancouver area 100 years ago. Do you think migration in large numbers has helped Punjabis? On the other hand, Hyderabadis have really made a connection between Silicon Valley and Hyderabad -by setting up tech projects which are run out of theri home town. Infosys Chief Narayan Murthy had suggested something similar for Assam - in his recent visit at AEC -about setting up cal centers initially. Maybe NRAs can help in that.
Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park, MD 20740 USA

Current temp. address: 5649 Yalta Place , Vancouver, Canada

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]
Canada # (607) 221-9433

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/

----- Original Message ----
From: Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: muktikam phukan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Monday, 25 September, 2006 8:01:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???

>Problem lies in our educated people migrating to USA and other greener pastures after getting full advantage of the >govt provided educational infrastructure (whatever little is available).
Damn these educated Assamese people that migrated to USA seeking greener pastures. We could have saved Assam had not these selfish 300 or so educated people (out of 20 million population of Assam) migrated to USA. Damn!
What we 20 million minus 300 peopel can do in Assam? Nothing.
Otherwise, we had everything planned.
Iake koy manuhe pate, isore bhange.
I say : hobo diok kokaidew!
Rajen Barua, Houston
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 6:41 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???

Problem lies in our educated people migrating to USA and other greener pastures after getting full advantage of the govt provided educational infrastructure (whatever little is available).
Why can't these individuals stay back and try to change the situation?
Left behind are those people who actually has to shout slogans once in a while to get a refinery, a tea auction centre, an IIT et al.
And ASOMIYA's in Higher echeleons of Natun Dilli --- for them it seems they are actually from North India or Bengal. Only concern seems to be to jerk off that asomiya climbing below me in the ladder.
 Muktikam Phukan
Momy Saikia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Do you really think that someone could be deprived of what they deserve due
to prevailing discrimination. However, I can appreciate your point of view.

With all due respect to everyone who support the cause of ULFA or are in the
notion that central govt is biased against the north east, do you really
think establishing your own rights by "snatching" it from either friends or
enemies is the right action.........

It’s down to every individual at the end of the day; govt can only support.
Playing the blame game is temporary and can never last long and yet the
repercussions are severe and permanent.

I wasn’t brought up in Assam and have rarely set foot on my land, so my
opinion might not be significant. However, blaming the govt. for the
complete situation of the state is not justified. If people of Assam are so
bothered with the face of Assam’s roads, the least they could contribute is
to construct the road and drains in the periphery of their new homes. If
each household would care to spend the extra price of laying the road
outside their “dream house”, everyone would have better lanes to walk

With regards to your concern with no major industries being set up in Assam
since independence, why wait for the govt to take the initiative. Be it a
personal or govt’s initiative to establish an industry, the results will
always be favourable for the people of the place in terms of more employment
opportunities and globalization of the state…

I hope that my personal opinion will not be misconstrued as my support for
the Indian govt (I am an engineer by profession and not a politician so I am
not radicalized)…I believe in “everyman for himself”. Besides evidences from
history prove that revolutions and changes happens due to the initiative of
one/more people together, not due to any govt’s standalone decision.

So we need to plan some course of action instead of passing the buck....If
our generation was to be trusted with the politics of the nation, we would
have nothing to complain about....


>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Dipankar Malla Baruah (Well Logging))
>Reply-To: "D M Baruah"
>To: "Momy Saikia"
> , ,
>Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???
>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 14:51:47 +0530
>ULFA problem is the result of large scale un-employment and common
>sentiment amongst the people of Assam that the central government is not
>doing enough for the development of Assam. The two major industries of
>Assam, Tea and Oil industry was started by Britishers. People of Assam had
>to do agitations for setting up refineries for oil produced in Assam. After
>independance, there is not a single major industry set up in Assam. Assam
>is a major producer of tea, oil and gas in India. But Assam is still one of
>the poorest state. If you look at the conditions of roads, primary health
>and educational infrastructure in Assam, it is amonngst the worst in India.
>Most of the people of Assam had the access to moblile phones only recently.
> Most of the time people dont have electricity here. Big things come to
>assam only when people agitate.
>These are a few things that one can realise while staying in Assam. It is
>easy to talk of peace and prosperity staying in a foreign land. Taking the
>gun or going ULFA way is certainly not the right way to solve the problems
>of the state. But we should realise that every problem has got certain
>reason. I dont support the ULFA millitants when they kill people or collect
>ransoms. But I still feel that Central Government should stop doing step
>motherly treatment to Assam. Let more industries set up here, let more
>youth have jobs, let people be happy with the basic ammenities of life,
>ULFA will not have enough people joining them and the problem will solve by
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Momy Saikia"
>To: ;
>Sent: Monday, September 25, 2006 1:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA????????Seeking answers???
>>Can't understand why some people choose violence over peace????????? Do
>>support the cause of ULFA militants? Do you think Assam would be better
>>place if separated from the central government or is it a thought of the
>>juveniles who have lost directions in life??????
>>>From: umesh sharma
>>>To: assam@assamnet.org
>>>Subject: Re: [Assam] AT: Who runs ULFA?
>>>Date: Mon, 25 Sep 2006 03:28:23 +0100 (BST)
>>> Some talk about peace some indulge in war....
>>> Umesh
>>>Guwahati, Sunday, September 24, 2006
>>> TE manager shot dead by ULFA
>>> >From Our Bureau
>>> DIBRUGARH, Sept 23 - The manager of Hollonghabi tea estate near Digboi,
>>>Haren Das was shot dead from close range by suspected ULFA militants
>>>outside his bungalow late this evening. He was rushed to the AOD hospital
>>>at Digboi, where he was declared dead on arrival.
>>>Another report says that suspected ULFA militants caused a terror this
>>>afternoon at Bordumsa Bazar near Pengeri, after they opened fire into the
>>>air. No one was hurt in that incident.
>>> -------------------------------
>>>Guwahati, Sunday, September 24, 2006
>>> Policeman killed in ULFA shootout
>>> >From Our Bureau
>>> DIBRUGARH, Sept 23 - A police sergeant of the Borboruah police station
>>>here, Ranjit Sonowal was gunned down by ULFA militants at Jokai on Friday
>>>morning. He died on the spot. A team of policemen had gone to the house
>>>one Deba Dutta to seek him out when the incident occurred. Dutta earlier
>>>delivered an extortion letter to the management of the Sessa tea estate,
>>>belonging to the Goodricke Group, demanding Rs 30 lakh.
>>>The police received a tip-off that a group of 15 ULFA militants have
>>>sneaked into Jokai on the previous night, and went prepared, accordingly.
>>>Sonowal, who was armed with a Sten carbine, was at the rear door of
>>>house when he was shot at by three fleeing militants, all armed to the
>>>teeth. He died on the spot. The police have arrested Deba Dutta for
>>>harbouring militants and acting as their courier. Dutta's wife and a
>>>teenaged daughter have also been arrested. Dutta was earlier with the
>>>and was dismissed from service for misconduct.
>>>Umesh Sharma
>>>5121 Lackawanna ST
>>>College Park, MD 20740 USA
>>>Current temp. address: 5649 Yalta Place , Vancouver, Canada
>>>1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]
>>>Canada # (607) 221-9433
>>>Ed.M. - International Education Policy
>>>Harvard Graduate School of Education,
>>>Harvard University,
>>>Class of 2005
>>>weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
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