
Good article but if we draw the moral that
micro-credit is bad becos it is not effectively
implemented and people are dying becos of its faults
--so stop it --then the same logic can work for
stopping road travel and sea travel etc --becos people
do die in traffic and travel accidents.


> >
> >Death by Micro Credit-2
> >
> >
> >I don’t know why writers always give interest 
> >rate charged as just 20% when in GOI report on 
> >Vidharba gave the figure to be as high as 5% per 
> >month to even 1.5% per day. World Bank report of 
> >2003 (Report No. 25797-IN) also state that 
> >interest rate charged from farmers and SME is 
> >36% to 120% per year.
> >
> >Access to Rural Credit – Page 108! of WB- 25797- IN
> >
> >[3 .8 1 India has a wide network of rural 
> >finance institutions (RFIs), but a large number 
> >of the rural poor remain under-served or 
> >completely left out of the formal financial 
> >system. There are over 30,000 commercial bank 
> >branches, over 14,000 regional rural banks 
> >(RRBs), and over 100,000 rural credit 
> >cooperatives (RCCs) in addition to several 
> >non-bank financial institutions. This translates 
> >to about 4,700 people served by each RFI outlet. 
> >However, the last available rural household 
> >survey (Reserve Bank of India 1991) found that 
> >only about one-sixth of rural households 
> >borrowed from formal RFIs. Non-institutional 
> >sources accounted for as high as 52-62% of 
> >household outstanding debt. The rural non-farm 
> >sector also faces constraints to accessing 
> >finance. A recent study covering some 20 million 
> >small-scale rural enterprises (in the 
> >unorganized sector) found that commercial banks 
> >reportedly meet merely 4% of the credit needs of 
> >this sector, and micro-finance sources provide 
> >another 3% of their credit needs.
> >Various estimates suggest that India’s rural 
> >poor rely almost entirely on informal sources 
> >(money lenders, traders, commission agents, 
> >etc.) to meet their consumption credit needs, at 
> >annual interest rates ranging from 36% to 120% 
> >per annum.]
> >
> >My uncle told me the standard procedure in 
> >Ludhiana, Punjab is moneylenders give a loan ! 
> >of say Rs.1,00,000/- on stamp paper. Actual 
> >money released is 85% or Rs. 85,000/- and the 
> >loan is payable at Rs.1000 per day or 1% per day 
> >from day one.
> >
> >Compounding of 15% alone comes to 66% annually 
> >but again Rs.1000/- returned per day lend at 
> >same rate shall also fetch similar return 
> >therefore actual interest rate may come close to 
> >100%.
> >
> >Supply of spurious seeds, pesticides and 
> >fertilizers, very low MSP and takeover of farm 
> >produce by moneylenders at harvest time when 
> >prices are at it lowest compounded with draught 
> >or unseasonal rain destroying crops, lack of! 
> >public healthcare all at add up to the financial 
> >burden.
> >
> >Farmers are forced to sell their land to pay for 
> >treatment of their family members or to get them 
> >admissions to schools and colleges in 
> >mushrooming private hospitals and educational 
> >institutions.
> >
> >Ravinder Singh
> >September28, 2006
> ><mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  hoo.com>[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >From: sudhirendar 
><<http://us.f349.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>sudhirendar@
> >bol.net.in>
> >Date: Sep 26, 2006 3:13 PM
> >Subject: Micro-Credit
> >To: 
><http://us.f349.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>krishnagreen@
> >gmail.com
> >
> >(from The Times of India, Sept 16, 2006)
> >
> >Death by Micro credit
> >
> >Sudhirendar Sharma
> >
> >The tragic suicides by more than 60 self-help 
> >group members in Andhra Pradesh during April 
> >this year may have been subsumed under the 
> >unending spate of farmer suicides in the 
> >Vidharba region of Maharashtra but the hidden 
> >dimension of micro-credit revolution in the 
> >country has only begun to surface. Reports 
> >indicate that the actual number of suicides may 
> >exceed 200 in the SHG-saturated districts of 
> >Krishna, East Godavari, Guntur and Prakasam 
> >where intimidation of families by the 
> >Micro-Finance Institutions (MFI) against 
> >reporting the matter to police had surfaced.
> >
> >Following protests staged by mourners and 
> >enraged borrowers, ! the district authorities 
> >closed down 50 branches of two major microfin 
> >ance institutions in the state. The erring MFIs 
> >were charged with exploiting the poor with 
> >`usurious interest rate' and intimidating the 
> >borrowers by `forced loan recovery' practices, 
> >combined effect of which drove debt-ridden poor 
> >to embrace death. An anguished Chief Minister Y 
> >S Rajasekhara Reddy had lashed out: `MFIs were 
> >turning out to be worse than moneylenders by 
> >charging interest rates in excess of 20 per 
> >cent.'
> >
> >As the government began in-depth enquiry into 
> >suicide deaths and the MFIs launched themselves 
> >into damage control measures, many affected 
> >families were left wondering if the government 
> >had not played ignorant to the modus operandi of 
> >MFIs. The fact that micro-credit loans earned 
> >interest in excess of 20 per cent has been no 
> >secret. Borrower harassment by MFIs hasn't been 
> >uncommon either. Having been in the business of 
> >creating self-help groups and promoting 
> >micro-credit institutions, the government cannot 
> >absolve itself from being in the thick of the 
> >fatal crises.
> >
> >Given the fact that the commercial banking 
> >system has little regard to the bottom-of-the- 
> >pyramid group as being creditworthy, the MFIs 
> >have enjoyed unrestricted political patronage in 
> >extending credit services to the poor. The 
> >Reserve Bank of India statistics indicate that 
> >micro-credit constitute no more than 15 % of all 
> >commercial bank lending, leaving MFIs to cover a 
> >clientele of over 200 million families in the 
> >rural areas. Taking shelter behind these 
> >numbers, the MFIs have requested the government 
> >not to pursue the matter further as it was 
> >detrimental to the interests of the poor!
> >
> >Are MFIs genuine in catering to the interests of 
> >the poor? So it may seem as easy credit in rural 
> >areas has brought about significant turnabout in 
> >lifestyle, however, at the cost of plunging poor 
> >households under debt. The latest National 
> >Sample Survey Organisation (released in Dec 
> >2005) survey reveals that rural households 
> >account for 63 per cent of the country's overall 
> >aggregate outstanding debt of Rs 177,000 crore. 
> >The incidence of indebtedness was reported to be 
> >about 27 per cent among rural households, 
> >predominantly being in the rural areas of Andhra 
> >Pradesh, Kerala, Rajasthan and Karnataka.
> >
> >There are number of cases which suggest that a 
> >large proportion of micro-credit clients are 
> >worse off after accessing loans. Since higher 
> >interest rates on micro-credit do not provide 
> >scope for savings as also for investing in 
> >insurance, the dominant risk-covering factors 
> >for the poor, micro-credit seldom propels poor 
> >out of poverty. Further, there are no businesses 
> >that can generate profit after paying an 
> >interest of 24-36 per cent on capital 
> >investment. Else, why after mobilizing more than 
> >Rs 5 billion the average saving per member of 
> >the SHG is a pitiable Rs. 377 in Andhra Pradesh?
> >
> >MFI pay little attention to the core concerns of 
> >the poor. For them the critical concern is to 
> >sustain services against emerging odds. The 
> >brewing crisis in Andhra Pradesh has not only 
> >exposed the `unethical' practices by MFIs but 
> >has raised serious questions on the regulatory 
> >measures applicable to them. As the murky world 
> >of MFI operations comes to fore, the government 
> >is seized of the seriousness of the issue in the 
> >wake of an assessment report on many cases of 
> >`unnatural deaths' that has cautioned the state 
> >against `an imminent danger of more suicides in 
> >the offing'.
> >
> >With credit being considered the panacea to 
> >eradicating rural poverty, it is doubtful if 
> >political decisions will weigh heavy against 
> >MFIs. As poverty gets directly co-related to 
> >reduced cash flow, providing easy credit through 
> >host of lending institutions creates an illusion 
> >of `feel good' amongst the rural poor. In many 
> >ways, micro-credit justifies the ongoing 
> >processes of decentralization too. As poor take 
> >control of their destiny through soft loans, it 
> >becomes convenient for the government and the 
> >commercial banks to absolve themselves of their 
> >primary responsibility towards the poor.
> >
> >Micro-credit has caught on so much, courtesy the 
> >donors; that its promoters have gained immunity 
> >under a weak regulatory environment. Marlene 
> >Dietrich had rightly said: `there is a gigantic 
> >difference between earning a great deal of money 
> >and being rich'. Far from helping people 
> >generate wealth, easy credit is being used to 
> >encourage primary producers at the farm to 
> >become secondary distributors for consumer 
> >products. Howsoever lucrative, the transition 
> >has severe implications on the livelihoods 
> >security, and now on lives of poor people.
> >
> >As micro-credit takes its toll on the lives of 
> >poor households in Andhra Pradesh, the future of 
> >the self-help groups and the micro-finance 
> >institutions has come under scanner. However, 
> >unless the government jumps in to apply 
> >stringent regulations on MFI operations 
> >alongside throwing a safety net around the poor 
> >and the vulnerable, micro-credit related 
> >suicides will become more of a norm than 
> >exception. In a country where farmer suicides 
> >have been largely accepted, accommodating 
> >suicides of another kind may not be out of place!
> >
> >Formerly with the World Bank Dr Sudhirendar 
> >Sharma is a development analyst attached to the 
> >Delhi-based the Ecological Foundation. He can be 
> >reached at 
><http://us.f349.mail.yahoo.com/ym/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>sudhirendar@
> >vsnl.net
> >
> >
> >
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