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EDUCATION   | October 4, 2006
Activist Ousted From Vanderbilt Is Back, as a Teacher
The Rev. James M. Lawson Jr., 78, returned to teach at Vanderbilt this fall, 46 years after the university expelled him for his role in lunch-counter sit-ins.

Most E-mailed
1. The New Age: Old but Not Frail: A Matter of Heart and Head
2. In Europe It’s Fish Oil After Heart Attacks, but Not in U.S.
3. So the Torah Is a Parenting Guide?
4. Dead Bachelors in Remote China Still Find Wives
5. A Secret Society, Spilling a Few Secrets

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The Last King of Scotland
A powerful thriller that recreates on screen the world of Uganda under the mad dictatorship of Idi Amin. Deftly mixing fact and fiction and startlingly resonant with today's world, the film features a tour de force performance from Forest Whitaker as Amin.
Click here to watch trailer

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