Dear BB Kokaidew:
I am disappointed by your responses in the net on the subject, not by its content which is wrong at many places, but by the tone of your message which portray the following:
1) The messages carry the typical  'Hobo-Diok-Hojur-Mai-Bap' type attitude of the by gone Assamese days which I think is at the root of many of the causes of the present poor state of affairs in Assam. Continuing that attitude, far from questioning the wrong doing of the authority, you are  showing your over eagerness to accept the authority be it GOA, some editor of some news paper, or head of some large establishments. 
2) The attitude also shows the typical poor state of affairs of the Indian albeit Oxomiya 'dexi demokresi' where authority prevails be it Chief Minister, some Editor or President even though it may be against any rational, logic, justice and common sense.  In case of the Assamese, this attitude can be actually extended further where the people would like to create an authority where there is none just to follow and worship.
3) Assamese allergy and apathy to know the facts and the realty to study any problem.
Having said this, with due apology, let me try to separate the FACTS from the FICTION from the ongoing debate and discussion and my standing request to the people who use the spelling ASOM, where I asked two questions:
1) Are they using ASOM to replace the official English name of the state as recorded in Indian Constitution as ASSAM?
2) Or are they trying to replace the Roman script spelling of the Assamese word OXOM?
In spite of your attempt to shut me off and over simplify the problem and show as if I am the problem to question the authority Mai Bap, my open questions stand.
1)  The English word ASSAM was never used to pronounce the Assamese word with the guttural kh sound X, because the words ASSAM was taken directly from the original name of the state as used by the Tai Ahom and the Moghols at that time (ASHYAM etc). On the other hand the Assamese words as OXOM was derived much later from this same original word (ASHYAM).
2)The official English name of the state is still ASSAM, and Assam Govt has not changed the name yet. Assam Government proposed, very immaturely I would say, to change the name to ASOM, but they did not proceed and in fact has stopped short.  In fact in all GOA official publications, they still use the spelling ASSAM. So your assumption that GOA has changed the name is premature and simply shows your over eagerness to accept the authority of GOA without questioning whatever it may be.
3) Any establishment has a right to register its name under any spelling of the word ASSAM, ASAM, ASOM, AXOM or OXOM etc.  By doing that they donot affect the official name of the sate, ASSAM. Thus ASSAM SAHITYA SABHA changed its official name to ASAM SAHITYA SABHA in 1944 (following an example shown by Sir William Robinson of Gauhati Christian Mission who used the spelling ASAM in 1839). Thus the UK Branch of ASAM SAHITYA SABHA is 100% correct in using the name ASAM, and they should not change the name to anything else.   BTW the USA Branch of Asam Sahitya Sabha is  using the spelling ASOM SAHITYA SABHA which is wrong since that is not the registered official name of the Sabha. I would suggest that  ASS USA should correct their error and if necessary should write to ASS Head Quarter in Assam to clarify the matter.   (Incidently I confirmed the above correct name of the Sabha through Dr Nagen Saikia one of the past and enlightened Presidents of Asam Sahitya Sabha. The official name of the Sabha is ASAM SAHITYA SABHA. Nobody should mispell this.)
4) In the same token, the official name of ULFA I think is UNITED LIBERATION FRONT OF ASSAM and not UNITED LIBERATION FRONT OF ASOM  (Will someone confirm this, I may be wrong) as is being written by Assam Tribune now a days.  The newspaper should know that like nobody can change the spelling of ASSAM TRIBUNE, it also has no right to mispell the official names of any organization.  In fact if this (ASSAM and not ASOM) true, I am surprised why ULFA is not protesting unless they are aslo taking an Assamese Hobo Diok attitude.
5) The Roman letter S does not represent the Assamese guttural sound kh. Thus none of these words ASSAM, ASAM or ASOM represent the proper pronunciation of the Assamese word OXOM, since the letter S in all Indo European languages is used to represent the sound of S as in SUN (with some variation).  If someone wants to spell the Assamese guttural sound, they will have to use some other Roman letter than S. Incidently this does not need a rocket scientist to figure out and come wityh a solution with logical and rational analysis.
6) Assam has two names . ASSAM in English (or in Roman script correctly speaking) and OXOM ie O+XO+MO (with Assamese guttural sound kh) in the Assamese language. It is similar to the two words INDIA and BHARAT, or WEST BENGAL and POSIM BONGO etc. We never had any problem with having  two separate names.
1) AGP was the first to make the mistake to use the word ASOM when it registered its name. They thought, out of their ignorance, that ASSAM was a foreign word, and ASOM will signify a local Assamese name. The mistake was pointed out to them but of no use.  Incidentally it is now AGP who is one of many orgs opposing the change of the name of the state to ASOM.
2) Late Chandra Prasad Saikia, another confused educated Assamese, proposed in his magazine 'Gariyashi' that the word ASOM will properly represent the Assamese sound. In fact while writing this he knew that it was not so, because he wrote: (February 2006 issue) (Paraphrase mine)  "eventhough the word ASOM will be mis pronounced by outsiders as ASOM instead of OXOM, we should change the name ASSAM to ASOM". ( What brilliant Assamese intellectual logic!!!)
3) Assam Govt took the tip as they were looking for ways to show to the Assamese public that they can do more for the Assamese ethos than their competitor the AGP and tried to capitalize on the idea, and  out of ignorance again, and proposed a name change. However, when GOA realized that it actually ignited a dormant Assamese 'kodwr banh', it immediately stopped proceeding any further.
4)  Now the owners of Assam Tribune, Gariyashi and other papers all being same, are letting to run these publications wild without any Editors and are kow towing the great late  Chandra Prasad Saikia and trying to carry the DARK Assamese light even to DARKER days.  Educated Assamese, apathic to everything in Assam,  are following the trail without uttering any protest worth the name with a Hobo Diok attitude.
Today there is no English newspapers in Assam worth the name.  The whole state is running wild without any authority.
That is why I say, Assam is doomed because of the Assamese.
Let us say: Joi Ai Oxom Bwl.
Rajen Barua
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fwd: Fashion Show in Asom politics !

Brua Saheb
I do not think it is a complicated issue. As I understand the Govt of Assam changed the name of Assam to Asom. This raised some controversy as to what it ought to be considering all aspects, history, etymology, popularity etc. When such a. change takes place, people using it face a dilemma, yes. I give an example. The President of Asam Sahitya Sabha, London Chapter, was asked why he spelt Assam 'Asam' instead of 'Assam', or 'Asom'. His reply is to the point. Asam Sahitya spells the word Assam as Asam legally, ie the Sabha is registered as such. He does not have the authority to write either Assam or Asom unless he is directed by the Asam Sahitya Sabha to do so. Just for your information, I saw another Branch Sahitya Sabha using 'Asom' instead of 'Asam'. Could be that he has an explanation.
Large establishment means, for example, a Government department like the Department of Education, Assam Government,  which will have to use the word Assam/Asom a great many times in their official correspondeces with their employees, the teachers, etc.
However, I share your anxiety to get more responses from other netters as well as members of the public.
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