Without the Rep. slanted redistricting, the numbers would have been around 45-50.
Most analysts think Dem. gains will be around 25-29.
It is optimistic, but look Dennis Hastert isjust now been called to testify in the Ethics comm. That can't be any good for Reps. in this late day.
I saw an interview with  McCaskill, and seen Talent. She seems really poised.

On 10/24/06, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  how is Claire McCaskill doing against Talent in your neck of the woods?

*** It is a tight race. They are pouring money into Talent's campaign
like there is no tomorrow. McCaskill too. But it is close.

I have not been following the numbers , but 27 dem. gain in the
House? Doesn't that seem awfully optimistic?


At 10:52 AM -0500 10/24/06, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
>It looks like this time around is looking very exciting.
>My predictions:
>Dems gain 27 in the House
>Dems gain 7 in the Senate ( at least 6)
>C'da - how is Claire McCaskill doing against Talent in your neck of
>the woods? Whats your sense.
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