Following from the Sentinel. SYSTEM failure? What a surprise !

cm :-)


A System Failure

It is pretty clear that India's much-hyped defence
  research organization - the Defence Research and Development 
Organization (DRDO) - is more myth, less substance. And this, despite 
the fact that a man like APJ Abdul Kalam, hailed by the country as 
Missile Man, headed the organization in its happening years. An 
investigative series by The Indian Express has revealed that the DRDO 
is all about ''delayed research, derailed organization'', and that 
the failures of the organization are manifold stemming basically from 
its having the unique privilege of a government organization that 
does not bother about transparency and accountability. Whether 
missiles or tanks or light combat aircraft, the DRDO story is one of 
flaws, hiccups and, worse, laxity. This is indeed a tragedy for a 
country that spends huge amounts in defence research and development 
(because it is surrounded by untrustworthy neighbours), while at the 
other end the country suffers from chronic poverty and an uncared 
hungry population. Given the frustrating DRDO story then, the country 
seems to splurging without being really able to afford so. The DRDO 
authorities must remember this if they have time - and the attitude - 
to bother about the country.
  It is disgusting that even the Agni missile venture is crippled by 
technical snags and flawed engineering. Most of our missiles have 
flawed trajectories and, as the Army feels, are risky. India's 
indigenous main battle tank Arjun also seems to be a showpiece. 
Brigadier DK Babbar, who was the Army's pointman for the Arjun 
project at the Mechanized Forces Directorate until he retired last 
year, has this to say about Arjun: ''The Arjun tank has no future. It 
still cannot fire straight. The T-90, a far superior tank, can kill 
the Arjun. We would not cross any border with these tanks.'' Readers 
would do well to know that the Arjun project was sanctioned by Indira 
Gandhi's Cabinet 30 years ago, the DRDO extended its deadline by 11 
years (from 1984 to 1995), and the cost overrun was almost 20 times 
the original estimate. And now the DRDO says that it is working on a 
hybrid variety of tank called Tank-X that involves the mounting of an 
Arjun gun turret on a T-72 chassis. The Army is not excited. As for 
the DRDO's light combat aircraft (LCA) project, it is a 23-year-old 
story since its inception in 1983 but whose deadline has been revised 
thrice - the new deadline being 2010 - and the Indian Air Force is 
not ready to certify the LCA technology until its clearance in 2008. 
There are many who feel that the LCA technology may be outdated by 
the time it is inducted.
  In the wake of such discouraging facts and figures as to the DRDO's 
style of working and 'achieving', one now has experts in the field 
deliberating as to how the DRDO's is in fact a story of system 
failure. The fault lies in the very system called the DRDO. According 
to retired military generals and defence analysts, the focus should 
shift from bureaucratic positioning and pompousness to laboratories 
and workshops. Equally guilty is the higher defence management 
framework within which the DRDO works. Has the political leadership 
ever bothered to hold the DRDO accountable for its delayed or failed 
projects and its breach of commitments? Has anyone bothered about the 
fact that in a democracy an organization like the DRDO should also be 
audited? It spells doom for the country if an organization like the 
DRDO, on which ordinary people repose faith when it comes to their 
security and hence the nation's security, continues to bask in fake 
glories without having to correct its systemic loopholes that create 
an atmosphere not conducive to scientific excellence.

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