so can one hide in big jackets and ski masks which I see so many youngsters 
wearing inside buses and trains in Washington DC.

Barua25 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          A general objection to women wearing Burqa and covering her face may 
be security reason. A man can easily disguise and hide wearing a Burqa. I have 
heard that Koran actually does not prescribe covering the face by a Burqa.
  Rajen Barua 
    ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dilip/Dil Deka 
  Sent: Friday, November 17, 2006 9:06 PM
  Subject: [Assam] New Dutch Ban

  Is this an infringement on free practice of religion? Is it also curbing 
cultural freedom? Are they going to put the 50 women wearing Burqa in jail for 
refusing to obey the law?
  Are the Sikhs next in line because they also can hide a weapon under the 
  The standard winter outer garments with protection for the head do not look 
any different if security is the concern.
  What does Mr. Saleh in the Netherlands say about this? 
  Dutch to ban wearing of Muslim burqa in public 
        By Alexandra Hudson Fri Nov 17, 1:58 PM ET 

  AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - The Dutch government agreed on Friday a total ban on 
the wearing of burqas and other Muslim face veils in public, justifying the 
move on security grounds. 
  Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk will now draw up legislation which will 
result in the Netherlands, once one of Europe's most easy-going nations, 
imposing some of the continent's toughest laws against concealing the face.
  "The cabinet finds it undesirable that garments covering the face -- 
including the burqa -- should be worn in public in view of public order, (and) 
the security and protection of fellow citizens," the Dutch Justice Ministry 
said in a statement.
  The debate on face veils and whether they stymie Muslim integration has 
gathered momentum across Europe.
  The Netherlands would be the first European state to impose a countrywide ban 
on Islamic face coverings, though other countries have already outlawed them in 
specific places.
  The move by the center-right government comes just five days before a general 
election. The campaign has focused so far on issues like the economy rather 
than immigration because most mainstream parties have hardened their stances in 
recent years.
  Last December Dutch lawmakers voted in favor of a proposal by far-right 
politician Geert Wilders to outlaw face-coverings and asked Verdonk to examine 
the feasibility of such a ban.
  Because veils were worn for religious reasons, she had feared new legislation 
could come into conflict with religious freedom laws. But she said on Friday 
this was not the case.
  Existing legislation already limits the wearing of burqas and other total 
coverings on public transport or in schools.
  France has banned the Muslim headscarf and other religious garb from state 
schools while discussion in Britain centers on limiting the full facial veil, 
or niqab.
  Italy has a decades-old law against covering the face in public as an 
anti-terrorism measure. Some politicians have called for this rule to be 
enforced against veiled Muslim women.
  The Muslim community estimates that only about 50 women in the Netherlands 
wear the head-to-toe burqa or the niqab, a face veil that conceals everything 
but the eyes.
  Dutch Muslim groups have complained a burqa ban would make the country's 1 
million Muslims feel more victimized and alienated, regardless of whether they 
approve of burqas or not.
  "This will just lead to more girls saying 'hey I'm also going to wear a burqa 
as a protest'," Naima Azough, a member of parliament from the opposition Green 
Left, told an election campaign meeting for fellow members of the Moroccan 
  Job Cohen, the Labour mayor of Amsterdam, said he opposed burqas in schools 
and public buildings, and said women wearing one who failed to get a job should 
not expect welfare benefits.
  "From the perspective of integration and communication, it is obviously very 
bad because you can't see each other so the fewer the better," he told foreign 
  "But actually hardly anybody wears one ... The fuss is much bigger than the 
number of people concerned."   Since the murder of anti-immigration maverick 
Pim Fortuyn in 2002, the Dutch have lost a reputation for tolerance, pushing 
through some of Europe's toughest entry and integration laws.   Social and 
religious tensions have escalated in the last few years, exacerbated by the 
murder of film director and Islam critic Theo van Gogh by a Dutch-Moroccan 
militant in 2004.   (Additional reporting by Emma Thomasson) 

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