>I equated it to current slaughter by ULFa as being attributed to Indian army.

*** And you blame the English language for it?

Though your bro. Mukul-da has no compunctions about the slaughter by ULFA >currently.

*** If I remember correctly your father was an Indian army officer in Assam. Should *I* bring him into this debate? Should I speculate about what he did there? And if I did, what would you think of me? Or what would others think of me?

Of course I realize, you may have absolutely no clue about why I ask.

At 4:14 AM +0000 1/8/07, umesh sharma wrote:

I may be wrong but it is the damned english to be blamed,

u wrote:

** OK, I will abandon my sense of reasoning for a moment and go along with your view that ULFA or suspected ULFA slaughter by Indian army goons is a more noble pursuit or at least an efficacious one.

I equated it to current slaughter by ULFa as being attributed to Indian army.

Though your bro. Mukul-da has no compunctions about the slaughter by ULFA currently.

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am still waiting to see it Umesh  -- the proof of what you charged me with.

At 11:02 PM +0000 1/7/07, umesh sharma wrote:

No Indian should be driven out of their homes -- anywhere in India --thats what I say . They should remain even if they have to fight for it.

U still trumpet that Indian army killed all these people --thats the lie.


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is the lie?

And my question again:

 NOW that you know, what would you propose to these Hindi speaking victims?

Or to those who will be killed either as ULFAs or SUSPECTED ULFAs ?


>And call B'deshis PIGS, the Assamese SAVAGES and go offer some Pujas to the >gods to make ULFA disappear?

At 10:28 PM +0000 1/7/07, umesh sharma wrote:


telling a lie one hundred times will NOT make it the truth. Which planet are you in?

***ULFA or suspected ULFA slaughter by Indian army goons is a more noble pursuit or at least an efficacious one.

where does Indian army come in the slaughter by ULFA ?

Alos as a US citizen are you saying USA is negotiating with Osama Bin Laden?

Which universe are you in?


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

At 6:54 PM +0000 1/7/07, umesh sharma wrote:


Do you believe in negotiating with terrorists --US doesn't.

** Really? What planet have you been in Umesh?

ULFA has proved itself to be terrorists by killing innocents again. Hasn't it? Why equate killing of laborers by ULFa to killing of ULFA by Indian army?

** OK, I will abandon my sense of reasoning for a moment and go along with your view that ULFA or suspected ULFA slaughter by Indian army goons is a more noble pursuit or at least an efficacious one.

If so, it should have proven beneficial and ended the carnage by now. It has been a quarter century now , hasn't it? But has it?

If not, what seems to be the problem? And how do you, a Harvard trained intellectual licensed to lecture the world, plan to bring it to an end? I spoke to someone in Assam an hour back and I hear the killing goes on. I asked how come the army, which is all over the place, can't stop it? I was told that the army cannot be everywhere, that they cannot stop what goes on in the backwoods of Assam.

Not that I did not know the answer. I was just curious about how the prevailing

wisdom that Manoj shared earlier has infected the reasoning ability of otherwise

able people.

If YOU did not know the answer earlier ( can't hold it against you -- you too being a victim of the desi-mindset affliction); NOW that you know, what would you propose to these Hindi speaking victims?

Or to those who will be killed either as ULFAs or SUSPECTED ULFAs ?


And call B'deshis PIGS, the Assamese SAVAGES and go offer some Pujas to the gods to make ULFA disappear?


Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>The motive of ULFA killings is to create a vacuum so that the Bangladeshis can >occupy the professions now being monopolised by the Biharis etc. This is plain >and simple and nobody is saying it in as many words.

Let us examine this bit of wisdom, which seems to have its origins in the hallowed editorial chambers of the Sentinel:

        *** First off, regardless of MOTIVES, the killings are horrible

        tragedies, that none of us can or should condone, support,

        promote or abet; directly or indirectly, overtly or tacitly.

        *** If indeed killing of Hindi-speaking laborers/traders/political

        leaders ( they are NOT all laborers, if newspaper reports are to be

        believed)  is to create jobs for illegal B'deshi immigrants, like these

        'analysts' tell us ; should it not raise a red-flag in the minds

        of Assam's protectors and 'mai-baap' in Delhi?

        *** Has Delhi NOT heard, from the late 1970s , about Assam's discontent

        with unabated B'deshi migration to the state and to the region, which

        actually triggered the ULFA movement, even though it is rooted in

        much more?

        *** If that was not enough, why have Assam's protectors NOT done

        anything about it, even at this late date, even after brilliant

        intellects who have finally seen through the ULFA ploy of turning

        Assam over to B'desh, point it out in The Sentinel, The Statesman,

        The Telegraph ,The ToI? Never mind the plaintive outpourings of

        assamnetters and their NRI sympathizers and admirers.

        Is India NOT worried about losing Assam's wealth to the hordes of

        the lungi menace and B'Desh? After-all non-Assamese Indians own

        most of Assam , don't they? Don't India's strategic planners and

        steel-trap minded military generals see this huge risk to India's

        'national security'?

        Are they blind, are they stupid, are they THAT inept? Are they SOOO

        impotent? Are they sooo clueless that they cannot connect these

        NOT-subtle dots, but glaring beacons?

Well? What gives?

Perhaps they indeed are blind, stupid, inept ,clueless and abjectly impotent to do anything about it. Heavens know we see daily examples of that all over the sub-continent, don't we? It is entirely possible that these morons who supposedly govern India and 'protect' ( heh-heh!) Assam are worse than Keystone Cops.

        *** If so, WHY can't our brilliant netters see thru that when they wail

        on the internet like a bunch of cry-babies or go about parroting

        simple-minded anal-yses by a clueless and careless media ? What is

        their excuse? Are they too clones of their nincompoop keepers and


The truth, unfortunately, is a whole lot more complicated.

BUT, even if it were not; EVEN if parroting of these simple-minded anal-yses really are what it is all about; would it not make sense for those who are dismayed by these developments to RAISE their voices to end the carnage? Carnage not merely of Hindi speakers, but of ULFA who are Oxomiya youth - our own; of Indian soldiers ( they too are human, aren't they?) and innocent bystanders -- regardless of the labels we place so conveniently to rob them of their humanity?

I like to think, that all these fine people whose outrage erupts only when such bloodshed makes the headlines, are not asleep the rest of the time.

So WHY do they AID and ABET this quarter century old carnage, albeit indirectly, by remaining silent or in fact opposing a negotiated political settlement between the Indian Govt. and ULFA ? Why don't they urge their keepers and saviors to end it, once and for all?

I hope our friends will take a moment to reflect on that. I like to think they are more than able to.


Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep

 Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com

assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

weblog: http://jaipurschool.bihu.in/
website: www.gse.harvard.edu/iep

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