Dear C/M'da

We would like to know the game plan as perceived by you. Let there be an
open discussion on that. I am ready to change my understanding provided it's
acceptable and logical.


On 1/10/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Manoj:

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Unfortunately, EVEN I know what you write is a skewed and extremely
view of what has been going on and what is involved. You and many other
fine people are not using your intellectual abilities to really delve  into
the whys and hows of it all, and lapping up the mindless spin dissed out by
the Indian state with full complicity of Assam establishment.

But it does not take any genius to see thru the game. All one has to ask
are questions like I posed. If there are credible answers to them then one
might concede there might be some merit . But is there?  Could YOU answer
them? Can anyone do? Try it, it might do us all some good.



At 11:11 AM +0530 1/10/07, Manoj Das wrote:

Dear C'da

ULFA has started as an offshoot of Assam agitation. They were the most
firebrand and patriotic section of the AASU agitation. Initially they did
certain things like punishing drunkards, eve teasers, corrupt officials in
public to gain public acceptance and send in a message that they are the
ones who will bring in the governance and cleanse the system. ULFA's
sovereign Assam, the boundaries are yet to be defined and  I doubt if they
have any  clue.

Bodoland, Mishing autonomous, Karbi, Dewri, Tiwa autonomous areas  are
out.  So are the  tea  gardens.  Then the  overlapping  areas with
Nagalim.  So the  sovereign  Assam  is a  landlocked entity. It can have an
exit through Bangladesh through the great river.

Why my reasoning? Well our brothers had to take haven in bangladesh due to
various reasons. Bhutan, Myanmar, China etc. were too difficult and
Bangladesh offered them a safe passage with a calculated design to hijack
the steam out of the original anti foreigner campaign of ULFA. They become
"hol mash in kholoha". The leaders family, money, lives all are in the hands
of DGFI and ISI. When did you hear from them about the foreigner issue? Now
they are a mere ISI agent, trying to destabilise the region and create a
mischief. Public support has waned from the day ULFA forgot about the

Assam has been systemtically subjugated by the British and then the Centre
to snuff out the proudness and aggressiveness of the people. We were the
only people subjected to opium alongwith  the Chinese.  After independence
investments  per capita were the lowest from the planning commission. Add
that to the influx of immigrants both legal and illegal. The denominator got
buldged further. The resources like oil, coal, water were taken in central
and health, education, law and order were pushed to state list. State was
made to beg before centre despite its huge resources.

Now if ULFA can bargain and sit down, it should look for an amiable
solution like the BLT. Get maximum from the centre. Take own flag, anthem,
ask to give resources to state list. Ask for a consolidatef fund equivaent
to the NPV of the resources taken out of the state in last 60 years. Make
all the "khilonjiya basindas" tribal under VIth schedule. Such a provision
is available for residents of Kinnaur in HP. In that case the current
constitution of India will provide the security to our people, whatever is
retrievable. Ask for power to negotiate and do border trade. make Assam the
hub for trade with the ASEAN and China.

Everyone knows that with 1000 cadre ULFA cannot fight the Indian Army. It
was chased out by the negligible Bhutanese Army. Killing few innocent
unarmed fellws here and there will only complicate the issue and bring
hardships for the poor Assamese villagers. "Kerketuai tamul khai, neulok
bandhi kilai".

We missed the first industrial revolution, green revolution, IT
revolution. Now we are about the miss the bus again in the resurgent India.
We have been endowed. But like "horina-r mangkshoi  boiri" - it has become a

In our argumets none will win. But there is definitely a loser and she is
"ai oxom"



On 1/8/07,* Chan Mahanta* < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am NOT at all involved in these things for PERSONAL reasons. If we
cannot discuss it in public, then it is not worth discussing at all. If we
cannot discuss the public interest in PUBLIC, then something has to be WRONG
with what we cannot air in public. In that neither you, nor I ought to
indulge in.


At 9:45 PM +0530 1/8/07, Manoj Das wrote:

Dear C'da

The issue is very sensitive to discuss in public domain. I'll explain my
belief in a private mail.


 On 1/8/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Manoj:

At 8:17 AM +0530 1/8/07, Manoj Das wrote:

Hello C'da

The reasoning that I gave is the fact, everybody knows that, including
you. History will tell who is correct and that day is not very far in time!


*** You did not address the questions I asked abut the reasoning you gave.
To await history's verdict will be like GWB banking on history to prove his

righteousness about Iraq.

If the Sentinel theory you passed on as the gospel truth had any validity,
then you should be able to explain how it addresses the questions I raised.
Why don't you give it a try explaining instead of banking on history to do
it for you ?

Take care :-).


   On 1/8/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Can you tell us how Osama vs US compares with ULFA vs India?

Your inferential skills need a lot of work.

At 10:28 PM +0000 1/7/07, umesh sharma wrote:


telling a lie one hundred times will NOT make it the truth. Which planet
are you in?

***ULFA or suspected ULFA slaughter by Indian army goons is a more noble
pursuit or at least an efficacious one.

where does Indian army come in the slaughter by ULFA ?

Alos as a US citizen are you saying USA is negotiating with Osama Bin

Which universe are you in?


*Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*>* wrote:

At 6:54 PM +0000 1/7/07, umesh sharma wrote:


Do you believe in negotiating with terrorists --US doesn't.

 ** Really? What planet have you been in Umesh?

ULFA has proved itself to be terrorists by killing innocents again. Hasn't
it? Why equate killing of laborers by ULFa to killing of ULFA by Indian

** OK, I will abandon my sense of reasoning for a moment and go along with
your view that ULFA or suspected ULFA slaughter by Indian army goons is a
more noble pursuit or at least an efficacious one.

If so, it should have proven beneficial and ended the carnage by now. It
has been a quarter century now , hasn't it? But has it?

If not, what seems to be the problem? And how do you, a Harvard trained
intellectual licensed to lecture the world, plan to bring it to an end? I
spoke to someone in Assam an hour back and I hear the killing goes on. I
asked how come the army, which is all over the place, can't stop it? I was
told that the army cannot be everywhere, that they cannot stop what goes on
in the backwoods of Assam.

Not that I did not know the answer. I was just curious about how the

wisdom that Manoj shared earlier has infected the reasoning ability of

able people.

If YOU did not know the answer earlier ( can't hold it against you -- you
too being a victim of the desi-mindset affliction); NOW that you know, what
would you propose to these Hindi speaking victims?

Or to those who will be killed either as ULFAs or SUSPECTED ULFAs ?


And call B'deshis PIGS, the Assamese SAVAGES and  go offer some Pujas to
the gods to make ULFA disappear?


*Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*>* wrote:

>The motive of ULFA killings is to create a vacuum so that the
Bangladeshis can >occupy the professions now being monopolised by the
Biharis etc. This is plain >and simple and nobody is saying it in as many

Let us examine this bit of wisdom, which seems to have its origins in the
hallowed editorial chambers of the Sentinel:

       * *** First off, regardless of MOTIVES, the killings are horrible*

*        tragedies, that none of us can or should condone, support,*

*        promote or abet; directly or indirectly, overtly or tacitly.*

        *** If indeed killing of Hindi-speaking laborers/traders/political

        leaders ( they are NOT all laborers, if newspaper reports are to

        believed)  is to create jobs for illegal B'deshi immigrants, like

        'analysts' tell us ; should it not raise a red-flag in the minds

        of Assam's protectors and 'mai-baap' in Delhi?

        *** Has Delhi NOT heard, from the late 1970s , about Assam's

        with unabated B'deshi migration to the state and to the region,

        actually triggered the ULFA movement, even though it is rooted in

        much more?

        *** If that was not enough, why have Assam's protectors NOT done

        anything about it, even at this late date, even after brilliant

        intellects who have finally seen through the ULFA ploy of turning

        Assam over to B'desh, point it out in The Sentinel, The Statesman,

        The Telegraph ,The ToI? Never mind the plaintive outpourings of

        assamnetters and their NRI sympathizers and admirers.

        Is India NOT worried about losing Assam's wealth to the hordes of

        the lungi menace and B'Desh? After-all non-Assamese Indians own

        most of Assam , don't they? Don't India's strategic planners and

        steel-trap minded military generals see this huge risk to India's

        'national security'?

        Are they blind, are they stupid, are they THAT inept? Are they

        impotent? Are they sooo clueless that they cannot connect these

        NOT-subtle dots, but glaring beacons?

Well? What gives?

Perhaps they indeed are blind, stupid, inept ,clueless and abjectly
impotent to do anything about it. Heavens know we see  daily examples of
that all over the sub-continent, don't we? It is entirely possible that
these morons who supposedly govern India and 'protect' ( heh-heh!) Assam are
worse than Keystone Cops.

        *** If so, WHY can't our brilliant netters see thru that when they

        on the internet like a bunch of cry-babies or go about parroting

        simple-minded anal-yses by a clueless and careless media ? What is

        their excuse? Are they too clones of their nincompoop keepers and


The truth, unfortunately, is a whole lot more complicated.

BUT, even if it were not; EVEN if  parroting of these simple-minded
anal-yses really are what it is all about; would it not make sense for those
who are dismayed by these developments to RAISE their voices to end the
carnage? Carnage not merely of Hindi speakers, but of ULFA who are Oxomiya
youth - our own; of Indian soldiers ( they too are human, aren't they?) and
innocent bystanders -- regardless of the labels we place so conveniently to
rob them of their humanity?

I like to think, that all these fine people whose outrage erupts only when
such bloodshed makes the headlines, are not asleep the rest of the time.

*So WHY do they AID and ABET this quarter century old carnage, albeit
indirectly, by remaining silent or in fact opposing a negotiated political
settlement between the Indian Govt. and ULFA ? Why don't they urge their
keepers and saviors to end it, once and for all?*

I hope our friends will take a moment to reflect on that. I like to think
they are more than able to.


Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005


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assam mailing list

Umesh Sharma
5121 Lackawanna ST
College Park,
(Washington D.C. Metro Region)
MD 20740

1-202-215-4328 [Cell Phone]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005


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Be so unselfish that when God writes your destiny; he can be free to ask:
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Manoj Kumar Das
C 172 Gr Floor
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New Delhi 110017
Tel: 91 11 26533824
Telefax: 91 11 26533829
Hand Phone: 91 9312650558

Be so unselfish that when God writes your destiny; he can be free to ask:
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Manoj Kumar Das
C 172 Gr Floor
Sarvodaya Enclave
New Delhi 110017
Tel: 91 11 26533824
Telefax: 91 11 26533829
Hand Phone: 91 9312650558

Be so unselfish that when God writes your destiny; he can be free to ask:
What do you want?

Manoj Kumar Das
C 172 Gr Floor
Sarvodaya Enclave
New Delhi 110017
Tel: 91 11 26533824
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Be so unselfish that when God writes your destiny; he can be free to ask:
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