We are happy that the EPIGENESISI Assam 2007 concluded on a highly successful and optimistic note. It was much more successful then what we had anticipated, especially since our experience to organise things differently in Assam has not been very successful in the past.

The conference was inaugurated by Shri Prithvi Majhi, the Minister of P&D. Shri Tarun Gogoi sent a message of encouragement that was a big moral booster. The highlight of the inauguration was a forceful presentation by Shri HS Das, IAS on the financial reforms undertaken by the state and the financial stability it is trying to achieve. Many veterans agreed that they have never seen a bureaucrat of Assam making such an elaborate and forceful presentation before.

The sessions started with presentations by Prof. Degregori, Ms. Prins and Sid Choudhury, who came in place of Shri Ashok Saikia who was felled by a bad cold. The presentations generated a great deal of interest amongst the participants, which were moderated by Dr. Jayanta Madhab.

The second session on 30th morning was the most exciting. Arjun Malhotra and Subir Raha came out with some brilliant new ideas and thoughts. Shri ABHIJIT BARUAH also made a presentation about his own efforts in the competitive national environment. Amongst the panelist was Mr. Barada Sharma from the USA.

The final session was on how to network with the NRAS. It was presided over by Minister Shri Himanta Biswa Sharma. This session unfortunately failed to achieve its objective much. Mr.Wahid Saleh read out his paper which dwelt a great deal on the ills prevailing in Assam and its negative impressions above. S. Kalita gave a concrete framework on developing the Assam Brand in a systematic manner. Ms. Rini Kakati related her efforts to get prominent Britons interested in Assam and the lack of responses. From the audience, Mr. Barada Sharma basically emphasized on the need to “WORK, WPRK and WORK” instead just discussing endlessly. Prof DiGregori and arjun Malhotra also gave valuable inputs. The Minister, in a hard hitting response, basically urged the NRIs of Assam origin to come out with new ideas and thoughts instead of harping on the ills of the state and pointing out what is wrong. He is apparently aware of the postings the NRIs of Assam origin make on the net and refuted some of them quite effectively.

The overall attendance was quite satisfactory, judged on our experiences. Of course, the local media gave a complete ignore, except that the sentinel published a photograph of Subir Raha.

Shantikam Hazarika

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