Dear Mahanta da
Sorry for slightly late response. Here are my thoughts
on your responses to my earlier points and queries!
Hope you will agree with most and see the points I am
trying convey. I dread your cut, paste (some times
selectively), and disgrace style ;-). 
Most of what I write comes from observations and I try
hard not being dogmatic. 

***Your assertion that voices that advocating freedom
will not be aired by different media.

The local news paper (specially the Assamese ones) if
they can write so much against the governments, I
don’t believe they would dread writing any thing on
Assam’s independence aspiration if ground would not
have been flimsy or the future little shaky.
Yes-officially they may not advocate, but they can
always publish thoughts on the subject-I think the
media in Assam has this much of liberty. If you were
in Assam during eighties agitation, and if you read
all those news paper reports bashing anything to do
with Assam or India governments, you would not have
felt that print media would be shy of voicing peoples
or intellectual arguments for a just cause. Just
recently editor of Agradoot Kanaksen Deka antagonized
those supporting independence and NE TV (rightly or
wrongly) smeared mud on government as well as the
outfit. Implication could have been death. I think
media and publishing houses in Assam have courage. Few
years back there was this weekly “7 days” (in
Assamese), and it was almost acting as mouth piece for
ULFA. If they are presently not doing anything for the
independence cause it may be because they are acting
with their mind than heart. Honestly speaking Mahanta
da, I feel if a good piece with real substance which
goes beyond the oft repeated assertion “Asom was never
a part of India” is written, it will surely be
published. And we can begin from Assamnet itself.
And to begin with , one has to dispel the
“abstractness” of the “Swadhin Asom”. We have to get
real and start with the geographic limits of the
entity. Can we afford to do that Mahanta da-here and

***No bookseller will publish a book for the cause of
freedom Or for that matter, if you write a book and
try to publish it, if anyone will? And if you had one
printed, clandestinely, if anyone will sell it on the
streets or book-stores of Guahati or anywhere else in

In early nineties there were lots of stuff; books,
magazine articles, audio cassettes openly available in
Assam-endorsing the cause. There was a movie on the
outfit. No! these were not stifled by any state
machinery-but they ran out of steam and some stopped
out of embarrassment. Sheer embarrassment of seeing so
many turncoats! How can one direct the resources for
defending a cause-when 8000 surrendered
“revolutionaries” show you the way not to. And worse
still-if those still remaining make a Volta face
tomorrow and settle for a fat rehabilitation package?
These remaining few can not be assumed to be made up
of any different stuff than their 8000 former

***I hope you know the answer. And in that context,
can you or Ram or anybody else explain to us, if such
refusal would be because none in Assam would want hear
or read of it because of their devotion to Indian
dependence and NOT out of a fear of retribution of the
Indian state?
Freedom of speech is a much abused constitutional
right in India. So I think it is not fear of
retribution but lack of enough stuff with substance on
the part of those advocating freedom to take advantage
of this freedom (or free for all situation) of speech
and expression.
There is fear of retribution from the other side also
to those not supporting the cause. But they have been
doing it-in spite of that. Can you not see the letters
to editor in Assam Tribune? Or ASS functionaries or
AASU or those ethnic student union guys who have
publicly distanced themselves from the cause. Don’t
you think they are not potential target for AK-56? Do
you mean to say there are brave people only on one
side of the fence? And those who hold a cause so dear
as Independence are afraid of state retribution?? 
Don’t you think that Assamese people would have a
field day defying state controls, if this idea of
freedom thing would have appealed to the masses?  

***So, the whole assertion that there is NO reasoned
voice about an aspiration for independence is a myth,
concocted by those who want NO change to the
status-quo, which has served their lots well. It
merely underscores the point, that a section of the
populace has done very well--thanks to Indian
government's policy of looting the people of the
region and then redistributing portions of it to
enrich a few. And why would that segment of the
beneficiaries of this reverse Robinhood-ism of Indian
governance, faithfully implemented by its local
stooges, want the golden goose killed?
Yes-I agree certain sections have done well and they
are the ones who are cozy with India connection.
Because it serves them well-as per you! May be you are
Now Mahanta da do you really believe that those
millions at the bottom are so wretched that they do
not have any clue regarding this middle layer. Not
surely in Assam where we have taken peoples
representation through student unions or ethnic
organizations to extreme grass root level. And you
believe these ethnic student organizations would keep
silent if they feel that this freedom thing creates
ripples amongst their communities. They would have
jumped at it. 
Whether you like it or not the community based
organizations which have become sort of mouth piece
and mentor for the communities are pumping in their
hearts aspiration for becoming the part of this very
middle layer-and the means they see for achieving the
end are scheduling, territorial council, autonomous
state etc. Sense of collective struggle for a cause is
no there. 
Does it not reflect erosion of mass support of the
People are so skeptical of this freedom business that
people are willing to become local stooge and
custodian of the golden goose in their aspiration for
peace and prosperity and in no way they want to get
drawn into a long drawn crippling struggle.  Right or
wrong-whether you like it or not-that’s the trend.
Coming to reverse Robinhood-ism-what is the guarantee
that it will not happen under the free Assamese
Coming to local stooges-likes of Prafulla Mahanta are
not descendent of any feudal lords or thrown to us
from Delhi-they are sons of those millions at the
bottom. So is it a case of India corrupting us or
loosing our integrity at the first taste of power?
And what is the guarantee that we will not allow this
to happen in an independent Assam? And more
importantly what is the guarantee that a Biate or Zeme
Naga guy of NC Hills (in the unlikely case the
district becomes a part of free Assam) ruled by a
Bamun or Bodo or Ahom or Muslim dominated independent
Assam government will not suffer from the same
colonial syndrome?
Mahanta da-we are presently a discordant note
consisting of multiple harmonics. If frequency would
have been same for all, may be resultant resonance
would have had the effect you desired.
Lot of uncomfortable questions can be raised on this
perceived independence status of Assam. In the name of
breaking the status quo if we dwell on this
“independence from India” theme for long, we will have
difficult time containing the spiraling chain reaction
it is going to initiate in a mosaic of a state like
 ***When you or Ram and others declare that they and
their kin do not want independence, what they really
mean is that they do not want to upset the status quo
from which they befitted. That they do not want
changes to the system that has kept the people of
Assam from seeking their place in the sun. Oh they go
froth in the mouth complaining about it, and their
hearts bleed about how vast segments of the people are
left behind, except that they cannot or would not want
any change to what has brought them where they are.
Please see above why some people would dread this
concept of free (or rather free for all) Assam

 ***I have heard all the protestations about how they
all want change and reforms. They want corruption
ended. They want better management of the state's
resources. They want justice for all. They also have
seen, for decades on end, how the Indian state and its
proxies in the State Houses or the institutions of
state are stuck in the mud, totally unable to
demonstrate even a rudimentary amount of change, of
reforms, of progress. Only problem here is they are
unable to reconcile the dichotomy. They are clueless.
Mahanta da-yours is a case of being fed up with this
miracle called Indian Nation. May be millions would
agree with you.  
But the problem is what is said subsequently about the
 ***They also have seen, for decades on end, how the
Indian state and its proxies in the State Houses or
the institutions of state are stuck in the mud,
totally unable to demonstrate even a rudimentary
amount of change, of reforms, of progress
The proxies in the state houses-you mean those people
in Assam government, Assam bureaucracy, those in the
district councils, panchayats etc. Is not it? These
people have also failed according to you-and you are
not alone in believing that. Again millions will agree
with you.
But who are these guys-they are the Gogoi, Sarma,
Barua, Majhi, Mohilari, Rabha, Pegu, Ingty, Roy,
Brahma, Sangma, Phukan, Singha, Das, Chetri coming
from nook and corner of the state. Basically they
represent the greater Assamese genetic stock-is not
it? How can you assume that these same people would
perform wonderfully, conscientiously, without
corruption in the independent Assam set up? What is
the premise of your belief in miraculous
transformation in delivering capacity of these same
people in an independent Assam? Your argument is that
taking India out will cleanse Assamese soul and mind.
If there is a potential for that such cleansing to
happen, then it can happen within India also. 

****I hope you are not that clueless Chitta. If you or
others can demonstrate that YES , reforms are
possible, change is possible, able management of the
state's resources for the benefit of all its people --
not just its privileged -- is possible, that Assam's
ethnic, cultural, language and historical identity
would not be obliterated under the prevailing Indian
rule, you might be able to persuade me, and others
like me, that perhaps Assam could do without
Just an analogy Mahanta da-staying, prospering, dying,
decaying with India is like swimming in dirty pond,
but there is chance that you could create a clean
disinfected corner for yourself.
Dreaming of independence is like lure of diving head
first into a crystal blue water body, not knowing the
temperature and not gauging the depth of rocks that
lie just beneath to smash you skull right through.
Honestly, many people are optimist and they believe
reform is possible. And there are many people who see
the situation as very hopeless, but still dread the
independence thing for the fear of going from fire to
frying pan-you may call them status quoits and others
may call them pragmatist-matter of opinion-is not it?
For many people the abstractness of the concept and
many uneasy questions which immediately crop up are
big deterrent enough.
But then I believe group like Assamnet is one of the
platforms where such ideas can be exchanged. This is
the purpose many people might have joined Assamnet-to
see some ideas which will take us to the point to
believe that there is light at the end of tunnel. 
Mahanta da -we will have more this on some future
posts and for the time being may be we can move to the
next point you have raised.

 ***Now it is YOUR turn, and Ram's turn to put your
money where your mouths are and show us! Mind you mere
assertions are not good enough. Asking rhetorical
questions about how Gujarat or Karnataka are doing
better would be meaningless.  You will have to show
where and how change is taking place that Assam can
bank on.  Shall we?

Thanks Mahanta da-for agreeing to listen. No
rhetoric-from either side. No I did not say that any
revolutionary change for Assam’s good is already
taking place and so we should stick to India. But it
was implied in all what I said that many see more
sense in initiating changes by remaining with India
than doing nothing and wishing that India will give
Assam its independence on a platter and we can carry
on from that point onwards. I am saying “doing
nothing” because you will also agree that few rants on
net, few emails from internet kiosks in Dhaka and an
armed struggle which is of more of nuisance to public
than any threat to Indian army can hardly take us any
where near to freedom.
Neither the outfit has LTTE like tenacity and fighting
prowess and nor the all sections of people are
overwhelmingly united for the cause.  
So coming back to hope for Assam within India-yes I
agree changes are not taking place in the way many of
us would want. But there are ways and means to
initiate the same. One way would be to assert our
distinctiveness from rest of India (not to the extent
of asking for unattainable independence) to take more
leverage and concession out of India. Let India remain
complete but at the same time same time take advantage
of siding with India so that:
Assam does not have spend resources in things like
army, boarder security
Assam gets big sink where those who want can go freely
to seek a different life
Assam get a big sink which can be forced to pay the
price retaining Assam by making its share Assam ’s
woes like illegal immigrations, flood, power shortage

However much we have failed to notice it-on a smaller
model it has been demonstrated by the Bodos in Assam.
The Bodoland Territorial Council within Assam is
supposedly an entity within Assam. But at the same
time if any one notices the vision, the agenda, the
program then no body will miss the point that at the
moment the set up is being run to blossom as a
prosperous self contained Bodo state within the state
of Assam. 
So Mahanta da –changes have taken place under our very
nose and Bodos have shown the way. They have achieved
the impossible-what was a script less duwan forty
years back is now a full fledged official language
with same status as Bengali or Tamil. Is not this an
example of blossoming of an ethnic identity under
prevailing Indian rule? That’s how at least the Bodos
would like to see it. But it was not only the recently
conferred sixth schedule status that alone doing the
wonders for the Bodos. I think it has to do with
unified pragmatic approach the community has adopted
and the bargaining power the rebel outfits gained for
combining pragmatic demands with violent armed
And this where a second rung of items for negotiation
other than sovereignty for ULFA come into picture! Can
we dare to at this point for the time being stay clear
of this “easier” demand for independence to confront
the situation where Indian government says to ULFA
that except sovereignty, take anything you want and
the dumb struck outfit does not have to come back
empty handed just because they did not work out any
thing beyond demand for release of jailed cadres and
rehabilitation of active members.
Working out a set of issues for negotiations, which
will be agreeable to all sections of people will be
the Herculean task. And people of Assam will loose the
ULFA leverage if these second rung of intelligent
demands for negotiations are not worked out. And this
will prove the mettle of intelligentsia and lovers of
Assam. And this is something which will be interesting
to discuss on Assamnet than bombarding you Mahanta da
with facts and figures to prove to that that you
belong to the minority believers. 
Bottom-line is Assam is in much more advantageous
position than Karnataka and Gujarat, question is
whether we can take mileage out of this.

95% of people in the recent poll rejected ULFA
rejected Swadhin Asom concept. If this is the kind of
thing you believe in, you must also believe in the
tooth fairy. I am sure you present this not as a
serious argument, but running short on facts throwing
in whatever is available. Not b very thoughtful. Does
not do anything to your credibility. Actually it
damages it.
Now you are just being superficially dismissive. You
missed the essence. There can be only two sides to it
–the survey is true or false. I will weigh only the
side you want us to believe-findings are flawed. What
could be have more attractive or worrying for the
organization who did this-acclaim from government for
coming out with such convenient findings or wrath from
those who are fighting for the cause (and I am sure
Abhijit Sarma (??) the person who did this poll does
not move around with Z+ security). And more than that
fear of “public dhulai” for contorting such an
overwhelming aspiration of masses!
Hope you will ponder a while over the points and give
your honest unbiased opinion.


Chittaranjan Pathak  

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