Dhemaji to be made a developed district by 2015
GUWAHATI, Feb 19: Reiterating the stand of the district rural development 
agency (DRDA) to mobilize the people to avail the schemes of the agency and 
benefit from the flagship programmes, it has set a target to make the 
economically backward Dhemaji district, a developed one by 2015, a PIB press 
release said.
This was the core of the discussion during an interactive session held on the 
implementation of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) recently. 
The discussion received an overwhelming response from the general masses, the 
self help groups and mediapersons of Dhemaji district.
The session was organized in tune with the Bharat Nirman Campaign about the 
flagship programmes of Central Government at DRDA Ground, Dhemaji.
During an interaction between the Dhemaji district administration and people of 
Dhemaji, the later asked many pertinent questions on the social audit of the 
NREGA schemes by the gram sabhas, procedures of paying wages to 
job-card-holders, funds for the self help groups etc. Dhemaji Deputy 
Commissioner Diwakar Nath Mishra who is also the nodal officer for implementing 
the NREGA replied to the questions.
The five-day-long campaign, which ended on Sunday, was organized by the Press 
Information Bureau, Government of India in association with other sister media 
units of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting— the DAVP, DFP, song and 
drama division, Doordarshan and Prasar Bharti. The campaign was also backed by 
the district administration of Dhemaji.
Being organized throughout the country, the Bharat Nirman Campaign is a 
mass-oriented awareness drive about the flagship programmes of the Central 
Government. The campaign, which is an innovative national programme to 
publicize certain development programmes, also called the Public Information 
Campaign sponsored by the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting.
Pankaj Pandey, senior media and communications officer, PIB, delivered the 
welcome address and offered the vote of thanks.
"The Sentinel " 20.02.2007 
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