*****OK, assume the high aim is sovereignty. If you
fall short of that, what is the next lower aim? A
pragmatist looks at all possibilities. Have you?
What does ULFA have in mind when it sits at the
bargaining table with GOI? Stick to the sovereignty
mantra and leave the table when GOI wants to talk
about possibilities other than sovereignty?
Dear Shri Dilip Deka

You have raised a very good point. A second rung of
demands other than unacheivalble one which can be used
for benefit of the people.And that too now when the
outfit still has got some bargaining position. Once it
 aquires a 100% nuiscense value, no body will BOTHER. 
And I believe harping on "independence" is the easier
way out-it is not a higher ambition.
You dont have to do anything-the stalemate continues .

Chittaranjan Pathak

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