On 3/4/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 >Do not blame others for Assam's inadequacy. I hear this "Mai-Baap"
accusation >frequently in the net. If two parents have twenty children,
fifteen grow up to >be useful citizens and five do not, whom do you blame?
The children or the >parents?

**** Assam's intelligentsia's inadequacy, like the inadequacies of entire
Indian intelligentsia is a RESULT of a 'mai-baap' Central Govt's colonial
accumulation of all important powers of state, with the intent of taking
care of all those 'children', like the loving parents they are, NEVER
letting the children LEARN to take care of themselves; because they are so
'incapable' *(It is also a fact that when the children get out of hand, a
firm hand is required. Maybe thats what is happening because as far as I
know hundreds of Crores, if not thousands come into Assam but it either
remains unutilized or gets utilized [gets divided I mean]).*

The analogy  of the fifteen growing up to be useful citizen with five
becoming losers -- obviously because of their OWN DAMN fault as implied, is
exactly the same kind of screwed-up logic, born out of a belief fostered by
that same Indian mindset, that success and achievements are in the genes, so
often expressed in this forum* (The fifteen useful also have a duty
towards their loser siblings. It is their duty to correct the losers and
show them light and not run away)*.

What would the progeny of a class of people whose secure lifestyles were
guaranteed by the state for producing virtually nothing, know about
enterprise, risk-taking, self-government or working together for the common
good? They would not want the inexperienced, the youth, or the unknown take
charge of things. What do they know about running things?*(Exactly the
point. The select group of people who want independence are from an era
which is unknown to most of the youth of TODAY, their problems do not date
back 27 years, they are struggling for a place under the SUN, they want to
prove that they can do something. Now this group of people does not want the
inexperienced youth of TODAY to take charge. What do they [the select
group] know about running things. They have been losing for the last so many
years without bringing any Wind of Change in Assam. Have these supporters of
independence ever run an organisation like ULFA whose most cadres [who die
in hands of the INDIAN ARMY or MALARIA in BHUTAN or MYANMAR] are the
inexperienced youth)*

A classic example of that played out when such ELDERS challenged and
denied a group of San Francisco based Kharkhowa youth, right here in St.
Louis, who wanted to hold an Assamese Get-together. Their offer was of
course rejected, on grounds of inexperience. And the result? They bolted
from our little kharkhowa xomaaj. *(It had to happen, guess who is among
the so called ELDERS of St. Luis)*

Sorry, but had to say it like it is :-). No better way to illustrate a
point than putting forth real life examples. *(Hope you will continue this
trend. As they say, I'm Loving It)*

At 1:05 PM -0800 3/3/07, Dilip/Dil Deka wrote:

People who detest living as parasites-- better re educate
yourselves--fast.To become Useful to all.

Who are these parasites? Politicians in Assam? Businessmen? IAS officers?

Ulfa Leaders will have to be supported by each  one in Assam.

ULFA leaders are leaders for ULFA. Who says ULFA represents Assam? Why
should "each one in Assam" support them?

Pol Pot was not a bad man. In fact one of the best humanistic,  
* His 2nd/3rd/4th BROTHERS are80+ today-totally unrepentant-and boldly
blames US policy in Indo-China that led them to resort to what they had to.

I can't believe someone eulogizes Pol Pot. Where are the eulogies for
Hitler and Stalin?

"Shock and awe "- is an essential preamble for a * future*
hard-at-work-for-humanity NATION.

Now I know how you are daydreaming.

Last 60 years wein Assam have had no challenge, no responsibility, no
demand on us to prove our capabilities.India's* Leadership * have not had
a clue where/how to start undoing all their failures--even today!

Do not blame others for Assam's inadequacy. I hear this "Mai-Baap"
accusation frequently in the net. If two parents have twenty children,
fifteen grow up to be useful citizens and five do not, whom do you blame?
The children or the parents?

We were :

taken for granted,rightfully to be robbed,as low grade, sub human,"Not
having proven track records"

Just like  most of 1st world takes India to be.

Just As 'Hanhor woporot xiyal roza'

 Nation with a shame or a conscience would have not grovelled to hang on
to us for 27 yrs.

There is a large section of population in Assam that does not want to
secede. So "grovelling to hang on" is not an applicable accusation.


From:* Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
To:* "Alpana B. Sarangapani" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], assam@assamnet.org,
Subject:* Re: [Assam] A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents*
Date:* Sat, 3 Mar 2007 10:25:14 -0600*

blockquote, dl, ul, ol, li {padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;}

You need to get your thinking cap back from wherever you left it behind

Let us say tomorrow ULFA got sovereignty for Assam. Can ULFA govern Assam
all by itself?

Or let us assume that you bright democracy devotees figured out with your
steel-trap minded analyses that -- this is it: ULFA is in charge, it will
use its AK 47s to vote itself into power and Dilip's vision of Pol Pot
brought to rule over Assam.

How long do you think it could last?

By making these kind of arguments do you think you look make yourselves
look like smart people ? You have a whole lot more imagination than you make
yourselves appear to be. Make use of it :-). Others look at you as Assam's
best. Don't let them down.

At 8:58 AM -0600 3/3/07, Alpana B. Sarangapani wrote:

Or, what to do if it is attained. Will there be an election or is it going
to be a monarchy again? well, what's the difference? It could be like - you
vote for me, or else....


From:* "Rajen & Ajanta Barua" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>*
To:* "Barua, Rajen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <assam@assamnet.org>,"Chan
Subject:* Re: [Assam] A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents*
Date:* Fri, 2 Mar 2007 21:42:54 -0600*

BLOCKQUOTE {padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;} DL
{padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;} UL
{padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;} OL
{padding-bottom:0px;padding-top:0px;} LI

You need  SECOND TIER plan, only if you don't have 'how to achieve' the
FIRST TIER plan. Is that the case here? We have not seen any plan from you,
how to achieve 'SOVERIGNTY' yet.


----- Original Message -----

*From:* Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

*To:* Barua, Rajen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ; assam@assamnet.org

*Sent:* Friday, March 02, 2007 9:30 AM

*Subject:* Re: [Assam] A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

I was merely responding to the SECOND TIER ideas :-)./

But don't be bashful. If you have some answers or help for the second
tier, do propose. That will be contributing something useful.


At 9:50 AM -0500 3/2/07, Barua, Rajen wrote:

>*** Why do you want autonomy Rajen?

Did I say that? Please try to stick to your main point instead of opening
new frontiers of argument with no goal. I have given my views Sovereignty
issue  I have not seen you moving a single inch from there yet.



Behalf Of* Chan Mahanta
*Sent:* Friday, March 02, 2007 8:33 AM
*To:* assam@assamnet.org
*Subject:* [Assam] A Question for The 'Second Tier' Proponents

I am re-posting a page from assamnet debates from Dec 13, 2004, where this
'second tier' thing was proposed by some of our esteemed and 'pragmatic'

So I asked the  highlighted question. But no answer ever came. It was like

a 24000 volt live-wire--not to be touched. WHY? Because that would lead to
examining the issues that gave rise to the insurgency, something our
ever-so-righteous friends are unwilling to get near of.

But perhaps those like Chitta, Nayan etc. will. We will see.

>Only hope is if we can, in the prsent process, make ULFA overground to
work for an Autonomous >Assam with the support of the Assamese people.

*** Why do you want autonomy Rajen?

What is the matter with what is operating?

*What will you do with autonomy? What would your recommendations be to the
people of Assam as to what they can or should do with autonomy? And how much
autonomy? What should this autonomy give Assam that it does not have now?*


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