Yesterday Dipak jain, Dean of the Kellog school of business was in
Guwahati. he spoke to about 700 management stduents gathred from not
only Guwahati but Assam University, tezpur univ, Dibrugarh Univ and
Prof. Jain won th hearts with his talk, his emphasis on values and how
his Indian culture has seen him through. It was indeed a rare
opportunity for the youths out here.
What really touched me the most was his humulity. He, after landing in
Guwahati on Friday, went straight to tespur and visited his old
school, Rashtrabhasha Vidyalaya, which he said has not changed much in
the last forty years. He also met his old friends and after spending
four hours came to Guwahati. The way he showed his reverence toi his
old teachers and friends was very exmplary. One could see the pride in
the faces of People like Prof. J. Medhi who were his teachers in
Guwahati Univ.
We hope he would come more often to Assam
Shantikam hazarika

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