thats a good idea. Get the Russian to come to the Boston Assam convention and 
explain about Hydel project!!

mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body  {  FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  
FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    <'We have arranged a consultant to work out and liaise 
to import the technology that is already successful in Brazil and South Korea,'>
Looks like it is a done deal!
Yet--you can cause an upset and help!
This way or That!
Is Gorlov's  rediscovery of the Darriieus Turbine of 1925  an answer to Assam's 
Hydropower DENIAL? This Old Russian lives at Boston where too NRA's are meeting 
in a convention soon? NRA's should go Hi-Tech and advise Tarun/Pradyut ---- 
which--- Good/Bad/Useless. And the Assamese innovator  -- much touted in 
Assamnet  some 1 yr. back "Damless Run-of-the-River Hydro Electric " should 
also be interviewed/assaessed.
That way NRA's can then DO something for Assam!
See this:
 Today's Trib. details out how Delhi is gearing up to take out 8000MW. How 
about That! 
What happened to Assam's Karbi Longpi + all the MW's planned /in progress for 

  Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2007 08:15:29 -0600
Subject: [Assam] Power in Assam's backyard could become a reality - IANS

  Power (the lack of it) has plagued the state for a long time. It is very 
encouraging that Assam's Power Minisiter Bordoloi is not only thinking about 
this seriously, but also out of the box.
This could become a reality in Assam with the government all set to replicate a 
model using a turbine that can capture energy from the flow of water without 
'We have formulated the Assam Small Hydro Power Development Policy to encourage 
individuals or communities to set up power plants from 1 MW to 25 MW by 
generating electricity from the many rivulets, streams, and rivers in the state 
with the government reimbursing 90 percent of the cost,' Power Minister Pradyut 
Bordoloi told IANS .
The dream project to harness the power of river currents to generate enough 
electricity to power all the towns and villages is based on a path breaking 
technique devised by Alexander Gorlov, an emeritus mechanical engineering 
professor and director of the Hydro-Pneumatic Power Laboratory at Northeastern 
University at Boston in the US. 
'We have arranged a consultant to work out and liaise to import the technology 
that is already successful in Brazil and South Korea,' the minister said. 
Brazil is currently producing about 1,200 MW of electricity based on Gorlov's 
model of tapping power from flowing water. 
The estimated cost for a hydro plant generating 1 MW of electricity would be 
about Rs.50 million.
'To make this mission a reality, we have made the process simple - no 
permission required to set up the plant, but just a concurrence from the 
government so that modalities could be worked out to buy any excess power 
generated from such small projects,' Bordoloi said. 
Gorlov's turbine is unique because it can generate power from flowing water, 
not necessarily on a high gradient. With Assam boasting of many such sources of 
flowing water in the form of rivers, streams, and rivulets, the model has the 
potential to click. 
'With the new Northeast Industrial Policy to be announced next week, we expect 
certain incentives for the power sector, and this model could just work wonders 
and revolutionise the entire power sector in general,' the minister said. 
At present Assam buys electricity of about 600 MW a day from the national grid. 
Just 18 percent of homes in rural areas are electrified. Assam needs about 800 
MW of electricity daily, and the demand is expected to double by 2011. 
'If this project works out according to plan, not only would power reach the 
villages and rural areas, the economy of the state could just boom,' Bordoloi 
The idea to hunt for new technologies to generate power was floated by Chief 
Minister Tarun Gogoi when he recalled seeing such small machines set up in the 
backyard of British tea planters in Assam to light up their bungalows. 
'My father worked in a tea garden and I remember as a kid seeing the sahib 
operating a fan to cool himself using some machine set up near a stream. I told 
Bordoloi to find out if we could do the same thing once again,' Gogoi said. 

  By Syed Zarir Hussain (Staff Writer, © IANS) 

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