  It has been a suprising week so far regards people's perception of War on 
Terror by US. The recent article by Jugal-da Kalita was perhaps the first time 
the issue was discussed in ASA's March 2007 newsletter 
http://www.assam.org/newsletter/  (though he hedged it with photos of his US 
Marine friend's pictures shooting - perhaps to show his longstanding  love for 
US and his patriotism for  the only country whose passport he now holds) . He 
spoke against war in Iraq. 
  He will perhaps enlighten us next round how US should deal with situation 
like Sep 11 bombings. 
  And how the next US president should behave if in her/his tenure another 
major US landmark  is destryoed by terrorists (God forbid) . I think the 
prominet US landmarks are Empire State buidling, Sears Towers, NYSE , Capitol 
Buidling etc . Should that president talk only of peace or take decisive 
action. Bush's Iraq war (2003) was supported by the public when they reelected 
him to the office of US President in 2004. 
  Would Barack Obama, Condi Rice or Mrs Clinton (wife of Monica Lewinsky lover 
Bill who was too busy in romance to see terrorism  ) or Rudy Guiliani or John 
Maccain have those guts. Have they any experience at all in dealing with war or 
  PS: Surprisingly some Harvard MBA profs also cannot provide decisive 
leadership of what to do about terrorists. http://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/5633.html  
  Will Iraqis be able to forgive US if it leave now and subsequently millions 
die in civil war (the way if happened when British left in a hurry under Lord 
and Lady Mountbatten - leaving a divided India with millions dead in civil war 
-while corssing the then  newly established border between India and Pakistan) 

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