RE: [Assam] Fw: More on UP Elections>*** Unfortunately, as things are, it 
really does NOT matter WHO is elected to rule in a given year. The problem is 
more fundamental, more deep rooted. It is systemic.

  That may be so. But the bottomline remains same:

  Let us not think that Indians will be smart enough to think unitedly and 
react and take actions based on these indicators quickly.
  Indian middle class is now too busy enjoying the material benefits of 
Capitalism to worry about such long term indicators


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Chan Mahanta 
  To: Barua, Rajen ; barua25 ; 
  Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 2:28 PM
  Subject: RE: [Assam] Fw: More on UP Elections


  >Let us also not think that such indicators will make any difference to the 
average Hobo Diok Litikai Assamese who will go on >electing the Congress again 
and again.

  *** Unfortunately, as things are, it really does NOT matter WHO is elected to 
rule in a given year. The problem is more fundamental, more deep rooted. It is 

  Look at this:

  Finally, I am sure you will agree that it is quite immaterial WHO goes past 
India. That competition is only for that tiny segment of the population that 
has arrived and are now seeking parity with the rest of the world's significant 
powers. It is a trophy issue. For those millions ( see ) 
that are left out of that 'growing service sector' and struggling merely to 
stay alive.


  At 3:00 PM -0400 4/2/07, Barua, Rajen wrote:
      Summary of the report:

      >Now the real kicker is that all this is happening when China is 
institutionalizing a system of succession and inner party democracy to enable 
it to continue on its current growth trajectory of around 10%. Thus a 
totalitarian system better suited for thugs is getting gentrified, while a 
system of democratic governance is being taken over by thugs. It is said that 
Rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen, while soccer is a game for 
gentlemen played by hooligans. The same thing can be said for the systems in 
China and India.
      (Very intelligent assessment of things)

      Chandan says:
      >Question however is, NOW what?

      The answer is NOW NOTHING!

      I think it simply means that the above is another big indicator that 
China will get ahead and India will fall behind in a very short time in a big 
way which may (or may not) eventually break up India politically.

      The other similar indicator was in the report which I recently posted on 
India's progress and lack of infrastructure vis-a-vis Bangalore.

      Another indicator may be the recently posted article on India's water 

      These indicators predict dooms for India no doubt. 
      However, let us not think that Indians will be smart united enough to 
think and react and take actions based on these indicators quickly.
      Indian middle class is now too busy enjoying the material benefits of 
Capitalism to worry about such long term indicators. Probably we need such 
critical analysis for many many moons to come so that people will see the 
light, absorb the reality  and act.

      Let us also not think that such indicators will make any difference to 
the average Hobo Diok Litikai Assamese who will go on electing the Congress 
again and again.

      Hobo Diok



    From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chan Mahanta
    Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 9:02 AM
    To: barua25;
    Subject: Re: [Assam] Fw: More on UP Elections

    Insightful article. Thanks for sharing, Rajen. Not that we did not know of 
it all along, but good to see there are others who see it too.

    Question however is, NOW what?


    At 6:30 AM -0500 4/2/07, barua25 wrote: 

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: Centre for Policy Alternatives
      Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 2:29 AM
      Subject: More on UP Elections

      Difficult Days Ahead.

      Predicting the defeat of the Congress Party in the recent Punjab and 
Uttaranchal elections was easy enough if one analyzed the performance of these 
governments during their term in office. (See Hardnews of September 2006 to 
read about the dismal performance of the Amarinder Singh government) It is only 
the so-called professional psephologists and glib television pundits who 
invariably get these wrong. Let us also not forget that the India Today, which 
has now become India's most popular reading in barber saloons and dentist 
waiting rooms, had only last year deemed the Amarinder Singh government as 
India's best performing one and had got the President of India to award him a 
prize. At that time this columnist had decried the practice of the President 
and high constitutional authorities being the chief guests at such superficial 
beauty parades. Ordinary people are better judges of performance and have 
always exhibited a great ability to discern good government from hyped up 
governance, as they did in the case of Chandrababu Naidu and SM Krishna in the 
recent past.

      But the Prime Minister seems to be busy being a chief guest at political 
beauty parades and like functions organized by the faithful, not realizing that 
the faithful are faithful to the office and not to the person. One should take 
the adulation of the CII and FICCI with more than a pinch of salt, for the 
adulation comes with a price tag. Witness how the State is acquiring land from 
the peasants using the most unrealistic valuations to give them away to 
so-called developers of SEZ's, but actually in most instances these are just 
gigantic real estate plays. Many decades ago a leading industrialist, Lala 
Charatram, candidly confessed: "We support the Prime Minister. We support 
whoever is the Prime Minister." But Dr. Manmohan Singh would have got a truer 
measure of his popularity with India's multitudes by the attendances to his 
meetings in his home state of Punjab. At more than one meeting policemen vastly 
outnumbered the public. I have enough Congressmen testifying to this.

      Then consider this, if he accepted the offer of Amarinder Singh to 
contest the Lok Sabha elections from Amritsar, we would have had a true world 
record of his being the first Prime Minister to be defeated by a professional 
humorist. But then he was defeated in South Delhi by one just a little better 
than that. Right now Dr. Manmohan Singh is better off being the paying guest of 
the late Hiteshwar Saikia's widow in Gauhati and returned to the Rajya Sabha by 
the long suffering people of Assam. The point here is that we have a Prime 
Minister without a political constituency and hence out of touch with the 
reality of India. Unfortunately for him and for us, ours is a system of 
government by elected politicians, and India is paying the price of having a 
non-political person as its leader. More on this later.

      Now the challenge of Uttar Pradesh is on hand. The only question for the 
Congress Party is whether it will get more than two dozen seats or less. We 
seem to be getting some early indications of how the cookie is going to crumble 
with the SPG advising that Rahul Gandhi curtail his public meetings and the MoS 
in the Home Ministry, Sriprakash Jaiswal, advising Rahul Gandhi to follow the 
advice of the SPG. I suspect that it is not security but attendance that is the 
problem. It's not always true that people in UP vote entirely according to 
their caste. Caste is important, but promise and hope are just as important. In 
the recent past when political parties held out the promise of a major change 
in terms of performance to meet the aspirations of people for better 
government, the people of UP have responded overwhelmingly in support. Rajiv 
Gandhi, VP Singh and the BJP held out credible promise of change and the people 
rewarded them. It is another matter that they failed to meet the aspirations of 
the people even partially. The result is that people are being left with no 
option but to turn to the parties of thugs led by Mulayam Singh and Mayawati. 
The Congress is yet to realize that Rahul Gandhi and retinue of his page three 
princelings do not still hold out any hope of rescuing India's biggest state 
from prolonged mal-governance. For that you need to have a program based upon a 
true appreciation of the problems besetting India and a promise of solutions. 
Wearing a prayer cap in Deoband is not a program. It is a stunt.

      The problems that beset UP are well known. Not the least among these is 
that with Rs.10, 817 (per capita GDP in 2003-4), it has the second lowest per 
capita income in India. This is about a third of the national average. If one 
were to separate the incomes of western UP from this, you would be left with a 
vast hinterland that is no better off than Bihar (Rs. 5780). If this huge 
region were a separate country it would rank right at the bottom between 
Burundi ($90) and Malawi ($160) in the worlds poverty rankings. One quarter of 
UP lives below the official poverty line. This official poverty line is 
actually a starvation line, as it is based on an income to provide a daily food 
intake norm of 2400 calories. The methodology used to arrive at a conclusion as 
to whether people are starving are not is utterly dubious and self serving and 
is mostly meant to show the system in better light. Even so the suggestion that 
almost one quarter of the socio-political heartland of India starves everyday 
is a horrendous thought and the fact this is now proving to be a stubborn 
challenge is a matter of great concern. The Planning Commission just a few days 
ago put out a positive picture about the reduction of the incidence of poverty 
(starvation) in India, but if one just got off the tarmac roads for a kilometer 
or two the reality will be apparent. The people who live here know better and 
all the paid advertisements that UP is now Uttam Pradesh do not cut much slack 

      This is not just the situation in UP. It is the reality in most rural 
areas of India. The State in India is in full retreat. It has largely failed in 
meeting even the minimum aspirations of the people. Most rural clusters do not 
have the minimum health facilities, just as they do not have schools. 
Consequently the infant mortality rate is among the highest in the world and 
even today almost 27% of the 15-24 age cohort is illiterate. The State has 
withdrawn from establishing new irrigation works to take water to the parched 
lands and has largely left it to the peasants to dig deeper into the earth by 
digging deeper into their meager resources for water for the fields. In the 
last twenty years the State has not created any worthwhile irrigation and all 
the additional millions of irrigated acreage have been by private tubewells. We 
all know that this is ruinous to the economy and ecology, but the Government of 
India still watches idly. Even the new plan being contemplated by Montek Singh 
Ahluwalia shows no inclination to tackle this situation in any realistic 
manner. He of course thinks it is more important to get Wal-Mart into India as 
it will take care of the agriculture supply chain? That's what you get when you 
have bureaucrats drawing up the national vision.

      When he first took over office, Dr.Manmohan Singh said that bureaucratic 
and administrative reform will be his government's number one priority. At that 
time we lauded him for his vision and commitment to reform. But his government 
has done little beyond giving extensions and sinecures to favored babus. 
Despite Rajiv Gandhi's known commitment to decentralization, the party headed 
by his widow has apparently abandoned the commitment to take government to the 
people and give them a say in managing their daily lives. This power is not 
with the politician either. It has passed into the hands of the vast 
bureaucracy that has taken charge of India. It is small wonder then the biggest 
single item in public spending is the burden of salaries and pensions paid to 
government employees as the Central, State and Local levels. At last count this 
figure stood close to Rs.195, 000 crores and is still climbing. This should 
enable the reader to understand as to why the Services sector is the fastest 
growing of India's three economic sectors. For some perverse reason Public 
Administration expenditure is considered a service and this sub sector is the 
fastest growing one recording an 11.73% growth rate. So my friends don't think 
it is IT that is propelling the growth of the Services sector.

      In Dr. Manmohan Singh we thought we had a reformer. But what we got 
instead was a man with a resume, he has had the best appointments anyone can 
aspire to and a Cambridge degree to boot. Our mistake was that we confused 
resume with record. He has now clearly lost his chance to set things right. His 
term as Prime Minister is drawing to a close. He is 75 years now and we can 
well consider him a lame duck. He has no political constituency and not only 
has shown a singular disinclination to take the bull by the horns, but has also 
shown that he has no understanding about India's problems. Nor is he performing 
the role of Bairam Khan and tutoring the fledgling prince on the art of 
administration and the problems of nation building. But to be fair to him the 
princeling has not shown any of Akbar's enthusiasm and curiosity either. So he 
will wear the prayer cap at Deoband and do other symbolic things which his 
handlers will plan for him. Which means we will have to leave Uttam Pradesh to 
Mulayam Singh or Mayawati? India seems heading for even more difficult days 

      Now the real kicker is that all this is happening when China is 
institutionalizing a system of succession and inner party democracy to enable 
it to continue on its current growth trajectory of around 10%. Thus a 
totalitarian system better suited for thugs is getting gentrified, while a 
system of democratic governance is being taken over by thugs. It is said that 
Rugby is a game for hooligans played by gentlemen, while soccer is a game for 
gentlemen played by hooligans. The same thing can be said for the systems in 
China and India.

      Mohan Guruswamy
      Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      March 26, 2007

      Centre for Policy Alternatives
      94, Uday Park, New Delhi - 49

      Ph: 91-11-41650997, Fax: 91-11-41650996



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