Dear Mukul da

Thank you for sharing it with us. Yes, its a simple appeal (and touching at
places). But, IMHO it is quite utopian. I also have a few questions

*>Let us feel ashamed that the region of South Asia has still been branded

No country or region will itself to feel "ashamed". Poverty is a malaise
that affects all parts of the world, and under every type of economic or
governmental setup we know.  Asia and Africa are usually the most affected
and the reasons for this are a plenty.

The Govts do share the blame - for their bad policies. Then you have
corruption rife within these countries. Add to that every other problem from
droughts to floods, disease and illiteracy and you have the perfect recipe
for creating 'bastions of poverty'.
So SAARC will not have make one iota of difference - as resources are simply
scarce and populations are booming.

*> a. There will be development of the people, by the people,for the people
in >South Asia.*

You mean "Democracy"? I remember sometime ago we were discussing on this
very net about Singapore. Compared to India, Singapore is much more
economically advanced, cleanest in the world etc. Then we found out that
those things come with a price tag - and that is called freedom.
Economic development, growth are ALSO possible in democracies (like India),
but the nature of democracies is such that it is slow.
And people in places like India often mistake democracy to mean freedom to
steal, corrupt, to form own fiefdoms (insurgent groups fall into this
category) and run around scaring their own people to submission. Goondas and
jailbirds often become MPs and minister baboos. The bigger the goonda and
more corrupt, uneducated one is, the easier it is to become a montri.

*>all the religious and ethnic minorities in all the countries* * >in the
region can find a place of conducive and dignified humane >environment.*

Yeah right. The people in these countries have been killing each other over
religious and caste intollerances for centuries. They do not need to be
egged on by anyone and nor can they be controlled. The politicians
themselves come from this same pool. How on earth can one expect them to
solve all this. But if you are looking for lip service, you have come to the
right place.

*>The profiteering lust of a handful group will not decide the destiny of
the >billions of the region.*

That is capitalism and everyone is in it. Profiteering is not an ugly term.
But there are rules of engagement and even profiteers ought to follow those.

we envision for a visa-free world, visa-free >South Asia .

Huh!. Why are these Bangladeshis complaining? How much easier can India make
it? We let them come, take local jobs, let them influence elections, let
them harbor our insurgents, let them destablize our territories - and now
they tell us to keep the region visa free, open borders.

**In any case, this one-world idea is another pie-in-the-sky dream. Can
never happen.
Also, Mukul da your endorsement took my breath away - how would an
"independent Assam" reconcile with this one-world, no visa stuff. Imagine,
all those lives lost for an independent nation, and then after so many
years, some crazy Bangladeshis want us all live like one big happy family.
:) :)

Sorry about the 'sesa paani'


On 4/3/07, mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This ia a very simple yet touching appeal.
Hope our Dear PM will feel the pathos and act bold--for SAARC's sake and
its viability.

Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2007 06:43:08 +0600

*Esteemed leaders of South Asia,*
*Greetings and best wishes to you all for your efforts in finding
concerted south asian solution to the south asian complex problems
accumulated thru' centuries.  Within hours you are going to open the
routined SAARC  Summit Meeting. We from Bangladesh like to cite certain
points for your wise considerations : *
*Our expectations from a group of social activists working in Bangladesh
are just simple as follows:*
*1. Let us feel ashamed that the region of South Asia has still been
branded as the LARGEST BASTION OF POVERTY.  Two large countries of South
Asia, to the utter dismay of coscientious people of the globe,boast of
possessing nuclear arsenals. Our simple expectation that this SAARC Summit
Meeting will progress at least a single inch in creating a nuclear arms
-free South Asia. We all will be able to proceed even a yard in making
poverty a thing of museum or history in our South Asian geographical
premises with the pronouncement of firm promises and realistic follow-up
actions, not the hollow speeches. *
*2. We are listening that you have been envisioning a South Asian
Economic Union within 2020. Our firm expectation is quite clear :*
*  a. There will be development of the people, by the people,for the
people in South Asia.*
*  b. There will be development in harmony  and with respect to nature.*
*  c. The profiteering lust of a handful group will not decide the destiny
of the billions of the region.*
*3. Please adopt certain realistic measures so that  all the religious and
ethnic minorities in all the countries*
* in the region can find a place of conducive and dignified humane
environment. The disadvantaged sement of population including women,
destitututes, paupers and the 'ultra poors' receive ultra care in the summit
deliberations and action plan thereof. *
*4. Let all the nationalities in all the countries in the region get the
equal opportunities for exerting free will for their all round
development............ the summit must go ahead with this essence in order
to build a true Peoples Union of South Asia. The human rights situation in
all the countries must have to be improved without fail *
*5. The countries of South Asia, its governments and people at large, will
go for resolving the complex problems mutually with frankness,willingness
and true sense of friendship. We will make all the cursesof hegemonistic
attitude and approaches prevalent in certain inter and intra relations in
different forms in our countries of South Asia a thing of history. This
summit meeting will show at least some early signs towards this very goal.
*6.There are international and common riverflows in our region. Let us
ensure safe water for all in the region with common  and mutual actions. Let
there be an end to  all forms of unilateral interventions to all the
international and common rivers in the region. The controversial project
of Tipaimukh Dam being constructed upon the common river of Barak/ Meghna of
India and Bangladesh must have to be scrapped immediately.*
*7.For a true peoples globalization point of view, we envision for a
visa-free world, visa-free South Asia . At the same breath we aspire to have
a world free of discrimination in the cover of caste, creed, colour. All
forms of apartheid must have an end at the soonest. There must be DIGNITY
AND RIGHTS FOR ALL irrespective of caste,creed, gender ,
profession,disabilities. For attaining these goals,  our mindset must have
to be freed from super power psyche-syndrome. As otherwise everything, fine
words, statements and communique will prove a great HOAX.*
*These are our certain expectations as regards to the outcome of SAARC
Summit Meeting, 2007.*
*Sincerely yours :*
*Professor A B M Faroque.Dr. Quaji Rabiul Haque. Engineer Muhammad
Hilaluddin. Advocate Quamrul Islam Siddiqui. Journalist Ajoy Dasgupta.
Peasant Ayub Hossain. Trade Unionist Sahida Parveen Shikha. *
* *

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