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Re: Passing away of Dr Jagjit Singh  Chohan
The Council of Khalistan today  learned of the demise of Dr Jagjit Singh 
Chohan with great sadness. Having  passed on its heartfelt condolences to  his 
family, the Council wishes to express the loss that will be keenly felt by  so 
many of those who shared his unshakeable conviction that the Sikh national  
interest can only be safeguarded by the creation of an independent sovereign  
state of Khalistan in Punjab.
Dr Chohan, a former president of the  Council, was a visionary leader who 
shunned the personal advancement which his  considerable political skills and 
credentials as a former Punjab Finance  Minister offered him, in order to 
that noble cause. His clarion call for  Sikhs to assert their right to self 
determination, as enshrined in international  law, was first made decades ago 
and he was forced in to exile in order to pursue  his political goals. At the 
time he was ridiculed by those who foolishly  believed that the Sikhs and their 
homeland were safe within the Indian state. 
Subsequent events proved beyond  doubt that his insight was correct. Since 
the early 1980s the Sikhs have  suffered a genocidal assault in India which has 
cost hundreds of thousands of  lives and which the international community has 
been witness to. The level of  political oppression has left the Sikhs in 
Punjab unable to raise their voice  and now, as the recent Punjab election 
results demonstrate, their destiny lies  in the hands of their historic enemy 
Congress party and the right wing Hindu  nationalist BJP, both of which  have  
shown their clear intention to destroy the Sikhs as a nation. Meanwhile, those  
who were responsible for the mass human rights violations against the Sikhs  
remain protected by the Indian state. 
It is a matter of great credit to Dr  Chohan that upon his return to Punjab 
he remained resolute in his campaign for  Khalistan, notwithstanding the 
persecution of the Indian state which not only  saw him charged with sedition 
also subjected to personal threats.  He spoke out against communal conflict  
instead sought to bring all sections of Indian-occupied Punjab in to the  
peaceful struggle for freedom. If other Sikh leaders in Punjab stood by their  
publicly made commitments in favour of Khalistan then perhaps by now the vision 
would have become a reality. 
Be that as it may, the Sikhs will  never abandon their lawful and rightful 
claim to independence and will, as their  history shows, ultimately overcome 
forces of oppression and injustice. Dr  Chohan made a worthy contribution to 
that struggle. The Council of Khalistan  honours the memory of this stalwart 
of the Sikh freedom movement.
Amrik Singh Sahota, OBE
Council of Khalistan,
United Kingdom.
4th April  2007


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