To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Happy Songkran!Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 14:00:00 -0400

 During Songkran, everything gets wet--including the negatives forthis 
photo…which is where the brown spots come from
Happy Songkran!
International Living Postcards--your daily 
Songkran, 2007Chiang Mai, Thailand
Dear International Living Reader,
I should have paid more attention to yesterday's Postcard. I--and my cell 
phone--have just been thrown into Chiang Mai's moat, and I'm getting no 
sympathy. Not even from myself. After all, what did I expect during Songkran? 
The most important event of the Thai year, Songkran is officially the start of 
the new year on the old lunar calendar. Traditionally it lasts about three or 
four days in the middle of April, a time for Buddhist prayer and penitence.
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Long, large parades of costumed commoners and solemn monks pass through streets 
filled with joyous crowds. Monks sprinkle water on the masses and onlookers 
return the favor, blessing monks, blessing participants, throwing holy water on 
holy shrines and catching the now-holier water as it drips off.
Combining these customs with the Thai love of sanook (fun) and the atmosphere 
of the hottest month of the year it's not hard to understand how Songkran 
changed from purely a stately spiritual affair to the wildest water festival 
the world knows.
Chiang Mai is perhaps the craziest spot in the country for the New Year; the 
water fights start well before and continue long after the main festivities 
commence. Shops set up large plastic barrels of water and try to get as much 
onto passing vehicles as they can. The sale of water guns sky-rockets and 
around every corner is a waiting smiling assassin. Pick-up trucks fill their 
flatbeds with 50-gallon drums of water and ice, along with anyone willing to 
throw the stuff at everyone else.
The center of town is pure bedlam; you might think the main roads were clogged 
by a traffic jam, except everyone is really just parked and throwing water 
every which way. Vendors sell buckets with string to dip into the moat water 
and hoist out onto your nearest neighbor. The dirty moat water is switched for 
cleaner water just before everything begins.
Stages are set up around town for everything from open-air concerts to wet 
T-shirt contests. Shops perform friendly raids on each other, and will recruit 
any willing or unwilling passerby to the cause. Groups of friends sit eating 
picnics on muddy riverbanks, dipping into streams or waterfalls whenever they 
feel too dirty.
The entire atmosphere is one of channeled hysteria, a relived and heightened 
kindergarten recess. If you aren't going to be playful when someone sneaks ice 
water inside the back of your shirt, you aren't welcome. And everyone is 
Ryan ColeFor International Living
P.S. My first water gun broke from overuse, as did my second and third. 
Eventually, my water attacks were all buckets and cupped hands and the 
occasional well-placed nudge toward deep streams.
Related articles:
- Thailand: The Owner's Manual--Save 15%.
- Welcome to the Biggest Water Fight in the World.
- The Genuine (and Cheap) Thai Experience.

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