Some have found a banner: secular India should give way to 
  Naga: Message to the Naga People on Nagalim Republic Day  2006-03-23
ISAK CHISHI SWU. 21st March, 2006. 
  Praise the Lord!
  Beloved Countrymen, twenty six years ago on this day, a solemn pledge was 
made to our God Almighty and to our people: That the Naga Nation shall be ‘a 
People’s Republic’ and march on under the banner, ‘Nagalim for Christ’. The 
decision taken that glorious day rejuvenated entire rank and file of the NSCN 
and we stand committed to it today as we did twenty six years ago. We are 
convinced that the unrestrained physical, moral and spiritual support of our 
people, over the years, has been our forte. In the overwhelming response, we 
see the triumphant spirit of the unbowed people. I salute you all!
  Allow me to pay homage to our incomparable men and women who laid the 
foundation of our Nationhood with their blood and guts. Thousands of our 
comrades are gone having given their best for the nation. Their insurmountable 
courage shall be imbibed by every succeeding Naga generation. May the soul of 
each and every Naga be as precious in the eyes of our Almighty God as they are 
to us. Naga History shall be richer for their lofty sacrifice.
  NSCN was founded when a hitherto unknown danger faced our Nation with the 
betrayal and signing of the infamous Shillong Accord. Its formation was the 
only realistic step to move forward after such a catastrophic blunder. Our 
adversaries, in their ill-advised plan, threw Nagalim into great turmoil and in 
their lust for power, shut us out from the rest of the world and committed the 
most heinous of crimes against our brothers and sisters. Alas, many precious 
lives were lost during the terrible period and despite the grave danger, the 
pursuit for God’s purpose for the Nagas and the inalienable right to determine 
our own future was unquestionable. Thank God, our decisiveness prevailed. We 
survived the onslaught and defended Nagalim with all our might; for it is the 
greatest gift that we have on this Earth. In our most vulnerable period we drew 
strength from God. The passion to serve the Nation to the end was evident in 
our men and women. It was but a manifestation of God’s
 great love for the Nagas. We were insignificant in the eyes of our enemies but 
in our hearts we were the strongest even while being hunted day and night like 
creatures fleeing from sweeping wildfire. God was our refuge and He made good 
our escape many a time from utter hopelessness. A man is at his courageous best 
when he realizes God’s love and charts his own destiny. Thus, a handful of men 
and women, much harassed yet armed with faith in the creator of nations and 
commitment to the cause, became a force to be reckoned with. 
  My Countrymen, decades of uncertainty have swiftly gone by. The future of 
Nagalim must be secured above all else. A confused generation cannot mould its 
young. We have come to the point where our minds must embrace higher values.. 
The world may appear to be progressing at an astonishing pace but on closer 
observation, we realize that nations must maintain their geo-political identity 
for meaningful existence, because there is no meaning to life if a mirage of 
economic prosperity takes away political and historical rights of peoples and 
nations. An avalanche of modern ideas can neither erase the legitimacy of 
Nagalim from the facts of history, nor can it stop the pulse of the Nagas from 
embracing what is theirs’
  Remember, beloved Nagas, the purpose of your creation as a ‘Naga’ shall have 
no value to either your nation or yourself if you were to commit into economic 
enslavement initiated from the corridors of Delhi, giving up on your God given 
right. Alas! You shall be nothing more than a defeated man in a defeated 
nation. God is blameless and therefore you and I shall be solely accountable if 
future Naga generations live in shame and humiliation. NSCN recognizes its own 
deficiencies and loopholes and to this, we shall seek to commit ourselves to 
our nation and allow truth and justice to prevail on all matters pertaining to 
our civil and military duties. We shall never shy away from the 
responsibilities entrusted upon by our people.
  Today we face a two pronged strategy in India’s policy: One hand, the 
Government of India agrees that only political solution and not military, is 
the answer to end the Indo-Naga conflict. On the other, Indian Army continues 
to offer logistic support to Khaplang gang and the Accordists with least regard 
for the agreed principles in the ceasefire signed between the two entities in 
1997. NSCN has explored all possible options to show its firm commitment in 
letter and spirit yet is not the same from the Government of India’s side. We 
insist that it is one sided and peace anywhere cannot be achieved unilaterally! 
  Fellow Nagas, decisiveness is the need of the hour. Let us be on our guard 
against those inconsistent Nagas who are eating out of India’s hands. They have 
resigned to their fate for they know the truth yet they have been conditioned 
to chant against the Nagas! They are nothing but servants of capitulation. We 
shall not succumb to such political infidelity. Let us not be like the 
Israelites who, when faced with occasional hardships on their way to Canaan, 
kept looking back towards Egypt, fully aware of the fact that they had escaped 
eternal slavery! 
  It is wise for us then, to realize that the greatest issue of life must be 
understood by each and every Naga. We must seek repentance from God and demand 
from man what belongs to us. God created the universe and in it a tiny portion 
was given to our forefathers to inherit; as a nation and as a people. He did 
not create for us to sit back and witness our land being divided for the 
convenience of our neighbors, nor were we placed on this earth to surrender our 
inheritance to stronger forces. Our conscience must be very clear on this. 
Triumphant moments in history are often recorded when tiny nations first 
conquer their own fears and march on to claim their share of greatness. Shall 
we fear our enemies after fighting 60 years? After much heroism and tenacity, 
shall we accept the badge of cowardice? No! For centuries Nagas have been 
vigilant, never in our history have we been prey to any power.
  I wish to applaud the remarkable role being played by the NGOs such as the 
Naga Hoho, NPMHR, NMA, NSF, Church associations and various other 
organizations. NSCN belongs to the people and therefore the unprecedented 
support to the ongoing peace process is but a benchmark for any fertile 
nationalist aspiration. NSCN appreciates the commitment of organizations such 
as the UNPO, Forum Asia, NAC, NISC, IWGIA, KWIA, Geneva Call and others in the 
US and Canada, for endorsing the Naga cause to the world community. We also 
deeply cherish the solidarity of our friends and well wishers from around the 
world for their relentless pursuit in having the Naga issue heard across the 
  May our redeeming God continue to instill the great spirit of freedom in our 
hearts. AMEN!
  Source: NSCN

umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  media should also give coverage to extremists in North East who fight others 
in the name of Christ.


umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Date: Sun, 6 May 2007 00:44:40 +0100 
From: umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Assam] Fundamentalists - of love and hate
To: Pradip Kumar Datta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 
issuesonline_worldwide <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 

This is really sad. These guys should make their mission of removing brahmin 
priesthood and replacing with caste-free temple management --that requires real 
guts - of going against their support base - which perhpas they don't have.


Pradip Kumar Datta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Fundamentalists - of love and 
hateFri, 04/05/2007 - 05:39 — Tarique Anwar   By Vishal Arora

  The attack on a Christian priest allegedly by members of the Vishwa Hindu 
Parishad (VHP) and the evangelistic zeal demonstrated by the victim right after 
the assault April 29 in Jaipur brings to light the contrast between the 
Hindutva and Christian "fundamentalism" in our country.

  The VHP members launched the attack on Pastor Walter Masih at his house after 
inviting TV news channels to cover their mission. A sense of pride was evident 
in their gesture, which was later shared by VHP leaders who refused to condemn 
the incident. The bleeding Christian victim, accused of "conversion", too stood 
his ground by turning towards the camera to preach his religion before he was 
taken to a hospital, saying this is how Jesus Christ was killed 2,000 years ago.
  Given that fundamentalism means returning to the fundamentals of a religion 
or ideology, both Hindutva forces and Christian missionaries can rightly be 
termed as fundamentalists. But their goals and methodologies are as different 
as the east is from the west if seen in the light of the law of the land and 
universal values.
  Hindutva fundamentalists are said to indulge in hate campaigns against 
religious minorities, mainly Christians and Muslims, and perpetrate violence. 
Besides, they train their cadres in arms to fight the "enemies". These 
activities are unlawful under several sections of the Indian Penal Code.
  They also do social service, but the pockets where they serve often witness 
violence against the minorities.
  On the other hand, Christian fundamentalists preach the Gospel with the 
people of other faiths by personal interaction, public meetings and 
distribution of literature, permissible under Article 25 of the Indian 
constitution. But proselytisation is not allowed, as the Supreme Court has 
  Christian groups also serve marginalised sections through developmental 
programmes and educational and medical institutions. In the areas where they 
work, sections of the people convert to Christianity. Do they convert using 
unfair means? Converts, who have the sole right to make such an allegation, do 
not say so. Besides, anti-conversion laws are in force in Orissa, Madhya 
Pradesh and Chhattisgarh for close to 40 years, but not even a single person 
has been convicted of "forced" conversion by any court of law.
  There are, however, sporadic incidents of sections of Christian 
fundamentalists criticising other religions in their evangelistic zeal, which 
is distasteful and untenable besides being unlawful.
  Christian fundamentalists are also accused of receiving foreign money - an 
accusation that is true. But so do Hindutva groups to fund their activities. 
Money comes through and is regulated by the Indian home ministry as per the 
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act.
  As regards the Hindutva dream of making India a Hindu nation, it is both 
impossible and undesirable. The basic structure of the constitution mandates 
India to be a secular state. This cannot be amended even if a clear-cut 
majority in parliament seeks to do so. Even otherwise, the progressive Indian 
society would never like to regress to a theocracy like Saudi Arabia.
  Similarly, preaching of non-Hindu faiths cannot be banned, as that would defy 
both the constitution and international human rights conventions to which India 
is a party. Besides, any such restriction will subsequently curtail the rights 
of mainly Hindus - who are in majority in the country - to embrace any religion.
  The infamous killing of Australian missionary Graham Staines and his two 
minor sons in Orissa in 1999 by a mob led by Dara Singh, supposedly a follower 
of Hindutva, had demonstrated the different natures of the Hindutva and 
Christian fundamentalism.
  Staines moved from Australia to one of the most backward areas in India and 
served leprosy patients besides preaching Christianity for 34 years before he 
was killed. On the other hand, Singh, who preached hate against Christians, 
managed to convert a few to his ideology and allegedly organised the burning of 
Staines and his children - an act that can be ascribed to Hindutva, but not 
Hinduism, which teaches tolerance.
  Eight years later, Singh, who is in jail in Orissa, continues to spread hate 
against Christians through his Dara Sena. Staines' widow Gladys, who forgave 
Singh and others for the killing, is also furthering the mission of her late 
husband by serving leprosy patients. Both are undeniably fundamentalists, but 
one is a fundamentalist of love, and the other of hate.
  (Vishal Arora writes on religious fundamentalism. The views presented here 
are his. Arora can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED])

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