My Days As A Hindi Teacher In Nagaland And After    By Jagdamba Mall     
"Shala Deshwali, mari dise, ami ke mari dise. Ami na chhadibo. Nak-sak sab 
bhangai dibo, Chatani banai dibo." said a student who was roaring and staring 
at to scare me. Fellow students caught hold of him. Some of them stood beside 
me to protect in case he jumped over me. The boy abused further, "Shala bhat 
bisharibo nimite Nagaland aahise, jene tene naukari pahise aaroo itya phutani 
hoise. Naga khan ke maribole shuru korise."

Other students were trying their level best to calm him down and for not using 
abusive languages. But the more he was being persuaded the more he was getting 
furious. He was getting excited. A great commotion occurred in class VIII. I 
was shocked, stunned and frightened and I could not understand what to do, 
whet-her to leave the class and report the matter to the Headmistress or to 
remain there, I could not make out. But even though I wanted to come out to 
save the face, I could not because I was already surrounded by the students not 
to prevent me from going out but to protect me in case those angry students or 
any of his friends attacked me. A disturbing moment occurred. Teachers and 
students from nearby classes came out to see what had happened. Soon, the 
Headmistress Khrielenuo Terhuja was informed that a student had caught Mall by 
the collar and dashed him off, while taking Hindi class in class VIII. She 
rushed on the first floor of the building where the incident
 took place. The students gave her passage and she reached to me. On seeing my 
Headmistress who really loved me, I could not control my emotions and I sobbed. 
Ganga -Yamuna flowed down my eyes. She enquired the cause of commotion but I 
was speechless. The students narrated the incident. The Headmistress spoke in 
Angami dialect and chided the furious student. She caught hold of my hand and 
took me to Headmistress’s Office room.

That was the incident that occurred when I had used a mild stick below the knee 
of an Angami student while teaching Hindi in Class VIII in Christian English 
School, Dimapur in early 1977. Headmistress consoled me and said, "Mall, you 
are new in Nagaland, you are not aware of feelings of Naga society. The Naga 
students are not much interested in Hindi. Moreover, the marks obtained in 
Hindi examination do not affect their results; therefore, try to become very 
practical and tactful. You should have tolerance, patience, perseverance and 
endurance". Terhuja continued, "Nagas are not inclined to learn Hindi due to 
social commotion in Nagaland. Therefore you cannot force Naga children to learn 
Hindi. Try to motivate them. Make Hindi classes very interesting and enjoyable. 
Attract children to your own personality. Give more attention to those who 
really wish to learn Hindi. Try wisely to control the students so that they do 
not make noise; so that they do not cause disturbance to
 nearby classes".

When I asked as to how the habitual offender girl or boy students should be 
controlled she said, "Never be very harsh to them, and also never use any 
stick. If it is beyond your control, bring it to my notice. I’ll see to it." I 
was with Headmistress for about half an hour and by the time I came out of the 
office room my eyes were dried.

In the recess, my colleagues -Jacob, Joseph, Ku. Angel, Rukunuo, Meken Sangma 
and others came to me to know the cause of the commotion. I was trying to pose 
as not much-distressed and was trying to bring a forced smile on my face. But I 
miserably failed to do so. I was much humiliated beyond my imagination. I was 
more hurt when most of my colleagues found fault in me for using that mild 
stick on the lower leg of that boy who was throwing chalks on girl students, 
making unpleasant noise, cutting vulgar jokes with girls and amongst his 
friends and disturbing other students who were complaining to me to check him 
from causing indiscipline in the class. He very often taunted and ridiculed me. 
Headmistress rebuked him several times but he was not mending his habits. 
Senior teachers had similar complaint against him. My close colleagues advised 
me, "Don’t get beaten in pursuit of becoming an ideal teacher. In return of 
your sincere Hindi teaching, you would one day get your nose
 broken and nobody would come forward to protect you or to plead for you. Nagas 
would point an accusing finger only on you. They would try to find fault only 
with you. If you want to survive in Nagaland, try to understand Naga psyche." 

With heavy heart I met my Hindi Education Officer, IP Singh who was then 
stationed at full - Nagarjan in Dimapur. I narrated the story. He said that I 
should be very cautious while dealing with Naga students to avoid any trouble. 
By this time I had developed close acquaintance with Prof. B.B. Kumar of Kohima 
Science College, Dr. KK Sharma of NEHU Campus Kohima, Dr. Kishore Yadav of 
Nagaland Secretariat and MJ Risbud who was later promoted as Chief Engineer PWD 
Nagaland. I had many Naga men and women as my close friends and well-wishers. 
What I found common in the advices of my Naga and non-Naga friends and 
well-wishers is that I should not be over-enthusiastic and over-sincere in 
Hindi teaching in Nagaland. They advised me to go slow in pace with the pulse 
of Naga society.

I could not just ignore the advices of great people like Prof. BB Kumar, Dr. KK 
Yadav who had served Nagas in different capacities throughout the prime age of 
their lives. They held social upheaval responsible for developing such mind-set 
in a section of Naga society. They also held New Delhi responsible for not 
paying requisite attention to what was happening in Nagaland which was 
hindering the all-round development of Nagas.

Though the incident was very depressing for me before I met these people, it 
became an opportunity to know more and more about Nagas thereafter. I purchased 
one after the other most of the books written on Nagas by Indian and British 
authors. I read them as much as it was felt necessary to know Nagas. I visited 
the Naga villages around Dimapur and Kohima. I visited all the district 
including Mon and Tuensang. Though I am a total vegetarian and absolute ‘no’ to 
liquor or local drinks, I was eating in Naga families and sleeping in Naga 
houses. It was a pleasant surprise for me. The treatment I received from Nagas 
in Kohima and Dimapur was entirely different from what I was showered at by 
Naga families in traditional Naga villages. The more I explored the more I 
found rare virtues in Naga society barring very few under the influence of 
insurgency. I found many underground Naga youths very talented and refined 
person ‘but due to compelling circumstances they were in underground

Since most of the Nagas were Christian and Christianity and underground 
movements were so amalgamated that at least for me it was difficult to 
understand this amalgam. It was difficult to decipher and discern the 
Christianity and underground movement. The voices expressed by underground 
leaders and Church leaders appeared corroborative in different words and 
fashion. A Bible was presented to me in the school which was just lying in a 
comer of my rented room at Burma Camp. But when situation demanded I picked up 
that Bible, cleaned it properly and kept it beside Gita, Ramayan and Mahabharat 
in my library. I read Bible thoroughly. I read critical writings and 
explanations of Bible written by Indian church leaders - Nagas and non-Nagas 
and also by foreign missionaries.

Thorough assimilation with Nagas of urban and rural areas, study of Bible and 
Christianity and study of customs, traditions and indigenous faith of Naga 
society enlightened me (i) that Nagas are our blood brothers and they should 
not be held responsible for what they are doing today and for what underground 
Nagas are demanding today. (ii) that criminal neglect of Nagas by Hindu society 
is the cause of discontents in Nagaland. Because of this neglect some 
disruptive forces have taken undue advantage. (iii) that the underground 
movement was not properly handled. Harassment of innocent Naga villagers by 
security forces was an unpardonable offence on some occasions.

This enlightenment quietened my anger and some short of attachment for Naga 
society - underground or overground, Christian or non-Christian with no 
reservation for anybody, developed in my mind. Later only after few months I 
called that boy and said, "Sorry, I should not have used stick on your leg. I 
was wrong. Don’t worry now. I am not unhappy on you." The boy was simply 
speechless. He looked down. After a minute he looked into my eyes and said, 
"Sorry Sir" and went away.

Little more after two years of my service as Hindi Teacher in Christian English 
School, Church Road, Dimapur I resigned and joined as an auditor in Accountant 
General’s Office Kohima not for any other reason but for better service 
prospect. I involved myself in many service-oriented activities in Kohima. 
Because of my additional Hindi qualification - Rashtra Bhasha Ratna, I was 
appointed part-time Hindi teacher in A.G. Office in 1980 to teach Hindi to all 
non-Hindi speaking Central Govt. employees stationed at Kohima.

I have witnessed several ups and down in Naga society occurred during last more 
than 25 years in the State. The positive changes occurring today in all section 
of Naga society are really a matter of satisfaction. The hostility between 
Na-gas and non-Nagas is considerably decreased. The hostility against Hindi is 
mostly disappeared. Nagas today wish to learn Hindi. The elder generation of 
Nagas rather regret for not learning Hindi and today every Naga wants that his 
or her children are not deprived of Hindi learning. The hostility between 
different underground factions still persists. But this is a temporary phase. 
With passage of time, the wounds will be healed up. Hostility will disappear. 
And soon, a harmonious and peaceful Naga society will emerge. I dream for that 
ideal Naga society where there will not be any bloodshed, any hatred and 
hostility and ultimately there will be peace, prosperity and mutual trust 
everywhere.       (Courtesy: The Sangai Express) 
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