Abandoned on  Everest!
Sudeshna  Sarkar
T he cry was: ‘‘Oxygen.  Oxygen. I must have oxygen.’’ Winds tossed the 
desperate cry among the  implacable mountains in the ‘‘Death Zone’’ — the 
freezing, oxygen-scarce no  man’s land above 8,000 m. But there was no answer.
‘‘I could feel my lungs  bursting,’’ says the wire-thin woman slumped 
despondently in a chair, both her  feet still in bandages and the right thumb.
‘‘My pack grew too heavy and my  body buckled. Then everything grew black,’’ 
says Usha Bista, the Nepali woman  who hit the headlines last week after she 
was abandoned by her teammates on Mt  Everest but was miraculously rescued by a 
group of Westerners and their Sherpas,  The next memory Usha has is of someone 
giving her a vigorous massage.
‘‘There  were three of them,’’ she remembers. ‘‘They dragged me down and tried 
to revive  me. But I couldn't get up.’’
An aerospace engineer with Canadian Air Force,  Meagan McGrath, 29, an unnamed 
Western male climber and his Sherpa came across  Bista on May 22, at a height 
of about 8,600 m while they were descending from a  successful summit of the 
8,848 m peak. They alerted other climbers below,  setting in motion a Herculean 
rescue operation.
The 22-year-old — whose  father, a watchman at Ajmeri Gate in New Delhi, died 
when she was only a year —  was brought up along with nine siblings by her 
mother, an illiterate peasant  woman in Patheriya village in Kailali district, 
one of the most backward areas  in Nepal.
The seven-member Democratic Everest Expedition was headed by Ang  Ngima Sherpa, 
who had summited the peak earlier, Everest legend Ang Rita Sherpa,  known as 
the Snow Leopard because of his ascent 10 times without bottled oxygen,  and 
Dorjee Sherpa, with 12 summits to his credit.
‘‘I felt I was in safe  hands,’’ Usha says. ‘‘Even if I couldn’t make it to the 
summit under my own  steam, they would drag me to the top.’’ However, things 
turned out different.  When the journey to the summit began, Usha says she was 
mentally tortured by the  team, who did not cooperate.
‘‘I had hired a Sherpa with my own money,’’ she  says. ‘‘But Kami Sherpa 
refused to go any further after we reached the last  camp. I have frostbite, he 
told me. I can’t go any further.’’ She also says Ang  Ngima tried to dissuade 
her from going any further.
‘‘I was mad,’’ she says.  ‘‘After having spent so much money and effort and 
having come so close to my  dream, how could I go back? I told them, if no one 
comes with me, I am going on  my own.’’ She says she had lost her water bottle 
and asked her teammates several  times to give her water.
‘‘No one listened,’’ she says. ‘‘Then someone said,  you can drink once you get 
to the summit.’’ When she had climbed up to nearly  8,600 m, Usha could see Ang 
Ngima summit. Incredibly, he was accompanied by Kami  Sherpa, who had claimed 
to have frostbite.
The Bistas want unwary climbers to  know about the pitfalls lurking behind 
expeditions. ‘‘Some of them are into it  to make a quick buck and don’t care 
what happens to the people with them,’’ they  say.
‘‘Snow Leopard Ang Rita never went beyond the third camp. And Dorjee,  after he 
had set out with the Democratic expedition, went off with a western  team.’’ 
Ang Ngima has not contacted the family since the fateful day when he  left Usha 
in the Death Zone. The phone number he had provided now belongs to  someone 
Nepal Mountaineering Association, the key agency for  mountaineering, was 
reported as saying it would undertake an investigation. But  with Nepal’s 
record of not a single commission having ever dealt justice to  victims, it 
remains to be seen if the promise is kept. (IANS)

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