Accept my invitation and I will answer all your questions. And as regards
the following:

*** That shows your fair-and-balanced outlook and respect for the law which,
I presume,  holds no one should be held guilty until so proven in a court of

I surely believe that as I was the Advocate fighting for release of the DHD
(ceasefire group) when their cadres were arrested by the Indian Army in
violation of the ceasefire ground rules. And ultimately the Gauhati High
Court released those cadres.



p.s: I did not post my observations in assamnet to intimidate you, I did
that because maybe you could contribute in lessening of the killings of
innocent people. I apologise. I was wrong.

On 5/30/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi Nayan:

>  I'm glad that at last you admitted that you are a wimp.

*** Didn't realize you were under the mistaken idea that I was otherwise.
Why didn't you just ask. I am not ashamed of being a wimp to admit it.
Haven't you noticed how I never accuse anyone of being a 'coward' unlike
your brave compatriots in assamnet?  That is because I am one myself :-).

>about the suicide bomber thing, no matter who ever says that, Till the
attacks are against the civilians >of Assam, they will be deplorable and
taken as an act of terrorism by the people of assam against >them and not as
anything else.

*** I am sure  your warning will be taken due note of those who might be
contemplating such.  Question is whether they will be shaking in their
chappals  from it ? If past and present experience is any guide however,
that may not be enough of a deterrence. What do you think ? Maybe you can as
ask a Tamil Tiger or a Kashmir Freedom Fighter if they are deterred by
warnings of the righteous like yourself.

 Will you be able to demonstrate your  commitments to a peaceful
resolution of the conflict by  standing up and supporting the plea of the
'traders'   published in the AT that Barta Bistar posted ?

>In case you have not noticed, I have not commented upon the doings of any
organisations until now

*** That shows your fair-and-balanced outlook and respect for the law
which, I presume,  holds no one should be held guilty until so proven in a
court of justice. Such magnanimity is the stuff of legends and
differentiates a high-court advocate  from ordinary mortals .

> I as a concerned citizen of Assam, would like the fear factor out of the
minds of the people, who are >afraid to venture out to any market areas even
during the day time.

*** That must make you unique! Glad you pointed that out.

>So for me and for the people of assam, who does not have the means to
find out who are behind such >heinous acts, these will be just random acts
of terrorism.

*** There you go! You do know how to distance yourself from the realities
that surround you with the use of words. Just like Ram distanced himself
from the humanity of those people who appealed to GoI for bringing and end
to the violence thru negotiations with just one word "TRADERS",  thus
discounting their humanity and concerns.

With such intellectual bravery, you all  hold up your civilization as a
beacon to the world.

>Everybody is concerned about only one thing. THAT IT SHOULD STOP.

*** But are YOU? And if you are, why did you AVOID answering the question
I asked:

 Will you be able to demonstrate your  commitments to a peaceful
resolution of the conflict by  standing up and supporting the plea of the
'traders'   published in the AT that Barta Bistar posted ?

But I realize, one gets carried away with all the writings and can miss a
point or two.  So, would YOU put your money where your mouth is and support
the plea of these TRADERS, even though they could be expended as mere
opportunists, to seek the ONLY possible way to bring an end to the conflict?

I shall wait with bated breath :-).

>I'm on your case because i know that you alongwith some others who do not
have the guts to give >blood are instigating others to do that on your
behalf. and that is setting a bad trend.

***  So do you think you are having any effect?  Is your getting on my
case and extracting the confession that I AM a wimp and a coward  is doing
any good to your cause - namely silencing  me or even those other unnamed
few?  You don't observe too well do you Nayan?

Now why do you think anyone is getting instigated by what I say or write?
Because I say good things? Or because I say bad things? Are these folks who
get instigated by my writings  fools and are willing to go die on MY BEHALF
fighting the Indian Army, me who does not even live in Assam , because I
defend Assam's rights to its resources and rights to reform its governance
for the BENEFIT of ALL its people, not just a select few like you folks want
to perpetuate?

That is quite an inference  if you asked me. You flatter me so.

But something tells me it is a rather brazen attempt to intimidate me.
Unfortunately it does not work here
Nayan. You should have known that  by now.


At 12:46 PM +0530 5/30/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:


I did not ask you how many times you have/had been in Assam and whether
you know Assam. I know that you know.

*** Unlike you brave folks , I am quite a wimp and have neither the desire
nor the commitments required to become a suicide bomber or for that matter
any bomber. Thus I also do not instigate others to become such. But I
thought you were informed enough to have known where news of that

came from. FYI, that was what was hinted by none other than ULFA's
chairman, Rajkhowa. I would not take that lightly, unlike you military
strategists of Assam Net.  Because that has been a well define trend in
countless asymmetrical warfares waged by freedom fighters and terrorists
alike in recent decades, around the globe.

I'm glad that at last you admitted that you are a wimp.

about the suicide bomber thing, no matter who ever says that, Till the
attacks are against the civilians of Assam, they will be deplorable and
taken as an act of terrorism by the people of assam against them and not as
anything else. In case you have not noticed, I have not commented upon the
doings of any organisations until now. I as a concerned citizen of Assam,
would like the fear factor out of the minds of the people, who are afraid to
venture out to any market areas even during the day time. Whoever is doing
this is not helping the people of assam in any way but rather they are
contributing to the backwardness of this region.

Now the question arises as to who are behind these acts of terrorism. No
one has come forward to claim responsibility till now neither has there been
any explanation as to why these acts has been committed. I as a private
citizen do not have the means to find out who are behind these. So for me
and for the people of assam, who does not have the means to find out who are
behind such heinous acts, these will be just random acts of terrorism. But I
have asked you to come and enlighten us as you seem to know more about

But your non acceptance of my offer would only make me come to a
conclusion that although you know more than us, you for some unknown reason
are unwilling to share it with us and so further make me conclude that you
are not sincere to the thoughts you defend vehemently in assamnet.

And as to your knowledge about why these things are happening, no one in
assam is concerned as to why its happening. Everybody is concerned about
only one thing. THAT IT SHOULD STOP.

Thus you can count on hearing from me again . Don't forget , if my
analyses  and reasoning had no influence, you would NOT be on my case like
crows over june-bugs :-), as they might say here in the US midwest.

You are right. I'm on your case because i know that you alongwith some
others who do not have the guts to give blood are instigating others to do
that on your behalf. and that is setting a bad trend. it is getting the
young peole of assam into early graves. And  they also say many others
things in US midwest. I would not like to say that to a  Assamese elder no
matter how crazy he may be.



p.s: i will be in Geneva for 2 weeks, so replies may be a late in coming.
please bear with me.

On 5/30/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Nayan:

At 11:19 PM +0530 5/29/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:

C Da,

Don't beat around the bush. Just say in a plain 'YES' or 'NO' whether you
are coming or not

*** I have already been in Assam twice this year.  Thanks much for your
generosity in offering guide services, but I really don't need it. You may
not know this, but I happen to know Assam fairly well.

You have forgotten that here in India, the government is by the people,

*** You are quite the humorist, aren't you :-)?  I wished you had read  a
recent address by Newsweek editor Fareed Zakaria and what he thinks of
Indian democracy.  If I can locate it again, I will send a copy of it for
your reading pleasure. BTW, Zakaria is quite an India promoter, not like
yours truly at all :-).

>If you want I can get all the families of the victims send an invitation
to you.

*** That will not at all be necessary Nayan. I happen to know all about
their plight , and WHY it continues. Thanks to Assam and Indian
intelligentsia's role in helping perpetuate the tragedy.

> I had refrained from answering your questions then because someone else
had answered them >better than i could ever have. And if you remember I had
said that.

*** If I am not mistaken, you wrote that you will wait to hear what OTHERS
say about the first set of questions. And I don't recall anyone attempted to
answer it, as I expected none to.

>Even recently Chittaranjan Da had replied to some of your queries in a
very liberal manner to which I >throughly agree and can't think of adding
anything more.

*** I haven't had a chance to reply to Chitta yet on that, but rest
assured there WAS NOTHING that resembled an answer to HOW he or his
supporters and admirers plan to end the conflict in Assam, unless you
consider wishful thoughts plans for action.

>I am not like you and for that matter like anyone else who would comment
on any Godamme thing just >for the sake of commenting.

*** Now, now Nayan! Let us not get all that worked up to damn your God on
this. I know  you are a far better man than I could ever be, and thus you
don't comment on things that I barge right into. BUt there is another reason
also:  I have an ability to look into the basic principles underlying an
issue, even if I might not have knowledge of the facts or technical details.
When we discuss and debate issues, we can never be certain of  what is
presented as factual evidence or technical details. Therefore we have to
look into the underlying principles to analyze them. It is a skill that is
not always evident in our forum, even though it ought to be, considering the
level of education and commensurate intelligence expected.

>p.s: If you have the guts, be a suicide bomber yourself. Don't instigate
others to suicide for your whims >and fancies. You have done enough already.

*** Unlike you brave folks , I am quite a wimp and have neither the desire
nor the commitments required to become a suicide bomber or for that matter
any bomber. Thus I also do not instigate others to become such. But I
thought you were informed enough to have known where news of that

came from. FYI, that was what was hinted by none other than ULFA's
chairman, Rajkhowa. I would not take that lightly, unlike you military
strategists of Assam Net.  Because that has been a well define trend in
countless asymmetrical warfares waged by freedom fighters and terrorists
alike in recent decades, around the globe.

No I have NOT done enough yet. I wished I could do more to help hose whose
mindset helps perpetuate the conflict in Assam see reason. Thus you can
count on hearing from me again . Don't forget , if my analyses  and
reasoning had no influence, you would NOT be on my case like crows over
june-bugs :-), as they might say here in the US midwest.

Take care.


 Why do you not talk with the people. I am inviting you. If you want I can
get all the families of the victims send an invitation to you. I will answer
all your questions. But the forum should be here in Assam. Before its

  I had refrained from answering your questions then because someone else
had answered them better than i could ever have. And if you remember I had
said that. Even recently Chittaranjan Da had replied to some of your queries
in a very liberal manner to which I throughly agree and can't think of
adding anything more. I am not like you and for that matter like anyone else
who would comment on any Godamme thing just for the sake of commenting.



p.s: If you have the guts, be a suicide bomber yourself. Don't instigate
others to suicide for your whims and fancies. You have done enough already.

On 5/29/07,* Chan Mahanta* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Hi Nayan:

My apologies for the delay in replying to your  incisive, steel-trap
questions .  Here I am , humbly submitting to your inquisition (albeit late
for being out of town for the Memorial Day weekend) without a whimper about
your disappearing act whenever I ask some questions in return. I realize you
are busy deliberating on them and will reply in* 'due time' :-).*


>"why all these Maara Maari is acceptable"

*** To foolish people like myself, it is NOT at all acceptable that these
conflicts should have ever escalated from disgruntlement against
governmental un-responsiveness to 'andwlons' ( agitations) and then to
insurgency , warfare, secret-killings, state sponsored terrorism, bombing of
civilian targets -- you name it.  I await in dread of the next possible
phase of the continuing escalation---- of suicide bombings, tacitly
supported by those who shall not accept a negotiated political solution ( as
amply demonstrated by their pronouncements in every conceivable media).

On the other hand, I ask of you and others like you, who make up the
brain-trust of your society, if your approach, of crying rivers of tears,
while continuing to stone-wall a political solution, aren't mere crocodile
tears of those who are UNAFFECTED by the violence, sitting pretty in your
comfortable prosperity and relative security?

Your intelligence, your wisdom, becomes an issue, only because of what YOU
say and what you do ( or don't).

Will you be able to demonstrate your  commitments to a peaceful resolution
of the conflict by  standing up and supporting the plea of the 'traders'
published in the AT that Barta Bistar posted ?

We will be all ears.


At 10:37 PM +0530 5/27/07, Nayanjyoti Medhi wrote:


  That was what i wanted to say. Saying directly has had no answers nor
acknowledgements. Only dangor dangor philosophy from the know it all's as to
why all these Maara Maari is acceptable in the name of liberation of Assam.
I want them to see and feel the same anguish the family members of the
innocent victims are going through.


On 5/27/07,* Manoj Das* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's sad that innocent people suffer in the all such cases. Our
condolences to the sufferers. It could be anyone, and they have nothing to
do with liberation, oppression or anything.

Some years back an Assamese family lost 5 family members in Delhi's
Saroniji Nagar bomb blast. Mr. Apurba Sarma of Nagaon, working in a bank
came for a vacation with his sister-in-law's family. Mr. Sarma went to buy
some sweets, and the other members were having 'aloo chaat', when the bomb
ripped through. 5 of them were pulverised instantly, three badly burnt. We
went to see his recuperating survivors at Safdarjung Hospital. His youngest
daughter was in ICU and wanted to be with her mother. Mother and elder
sister were no more, and who could break the news to her? It was heart
rendering. Mr Sarma's life was devasted in a second's time. Just a second
before that moment it was full of life and fun, a moment later it was all


On 5/27/07,* Nayanjyoti Medhi* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Dear C da,

I would like to invite you to Assam/Asom/axom (Athgaon, Fancy
Bazaar/Abroad the Brahmaputra Mail). The weather is really great. Red is the
Colour of the day. It feels really good when you take a walk down the
Bazaars. Tommorow is Guwahati Bandh. I'm sure you have not enjoyed a Bandh
for a long time. i suppose it does not happen there in UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA. So why don't you accept my invitation and come down for a prolonged
visit. I will surely take you everywhere. Will show you where the bomb
blasts occured. Will even take you to talk with the family of the victims.
You can even tell them how lucky they are to have given their beloved ones
for liberation. If you are lucky, we might even be eye witness to a few
bombings and see the RED oozing out of humanity.



On 5/27/07,* Jyotirmoy Sharma* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

This is what I feel should happen in Assam:
President' Rule be imposed on Assam.
ULFA given a strict deadline by which to surrender and come for talks.
Bangladesh also given a deadline by which they should destroy and
hand over anti India insurgents lodged in their territory.
In the failure of the above, India launches a full scale offensive on

ULFA  in NE as well as inside Bangladesh territory.
If the World reacts, it will be a good fortune for India. India has
enough evidence of how terrorists are striking India from across the
border and how Bangladesh is offering a safe sanctuary to these groups.
India should come out of it's puppet like spineless existence. If it
wants to be a superpower in the next 2 decades it should behave like
one. What is the use of spending so much of national wealth on
defense if it can't even protect it's own borders. Look at Israel, it
launched a full scale offensive against Lebanon to rescue 2 of it's
soldiers from Hezbollah.

On 27/05/2007, at 7:06 AM, Chan Mahanta wrote:

>>  >Should a Govt continue in business if a group of a few thousand
> ( <3000)  can hold the state to ransom with their cowardly tactics?
> *** Good question. Should  it?  I would not even go into the choice
> of adjectives here.
> And if not, what should be done and who should ?
> Finally, HOW will that be stopped? WHO will do that ?
> At 6:08 PM +0800 5/26/07, Jyotirmoy Sharma wrote:
>> Just as we talk the cowards have struck again in Fancy Bazar,
>> Guwahati.
>> Should a Govt continue in business if a group of a few thousand
>> ( <3000)  can hold the state to ransom with their cowardly tactics?
>> JS
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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
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+91 361 2416960
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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
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Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443


Nayanjyoti Medhi
Gauhati High Court

Satya Bora Lane, Dighalipukhuri East
Guwahati-781001, Assam

8, Chandan Nagar Bye Lane-2
Basistha Road, Guwahati-28

+91 361 2416960
+91 94350 43007
+91 99547 13443

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