Some of the early memories of my childhood are those of my Grandma singing 
lullabies to me. Her familiar beautiful voice would often calm my discontented 
restless little body and lull me to sleep. As my Grandma crooned over and over 
those soothing tender tunes I would often feel swiftly transported into 
dreamland, a fantasy world of vibrant colors and sweet imaginations. Today the 
tables are turned. I often struggle with my kids who at many times tire me out 
with their boundless energy and their insatiable thirst for stories and songs. 
I then felt the need to remember, mixed in fond memories, those quaint old 
songs to sing to my little ones. And help came unexpectedly and in pleasant 
  Mr Rajen Baruah of Houstan , after painstaking research, has collected and 
compiled , in the Roman script  , around twenty of those lyrical lullabies 
which in Assamese are called " Nisukoni Git". On a recent trip to Austin, Rajen 
da came over to my place and we worked together in compiling and giving voice 
to these age old songs. Rajen da believes that sound has its own energy; sound 
breathes and shapes itself into musical work, and the importance of getting the 
pronunciations phonetically correct in order to preserve and uphold our 
Assamese language.
  We were also delighted to have Alpona Barooah ( Lonee baidew ) of Houstan in 
midst of us that day. Lonee baidew possesses insurmountable energy and has a 
great passion for life. She enthusiastically volunteered to give her voice to 
recording those sweet lullabies. We watched in awe and delight as she began 
singing, putting her heart and soul into each song, some of which she would 
often sing for her own little grandson. A few of the lullabies also got laced 
by the melodious voice of Ajanta Baruah of Houston and Ranu Dutta of Austin. 
  Dear Readers, for all those with little children to enjoy, and for the rest 
who are far away from their homeland, these beautiful lullabies will touch your 
hearts and bring back memories of times gone by. You can read and listen to 
them at the website
   And selecting the menu NE Languages / lullabies
  Alternatively you can click directly to the url
  On that page, you will find an audio link alongside each of the lullaby. To 
listen, move your mouse over audio, right click and select “open in new window”.
  Most of the Laptops now-a-days come with an in built speaker. While this is 
sufficient for audio, external speakers offer a better volume. 
  Thanks and I would appreciate your comment and suggestion. 
  Austin , Texas

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