*** My very best wishes to all, including Medha Patkar, Dinesh Mishra, Himanshu Thakkar, and a BIG THANK YOU.


At 12:37 AM -0700 5/29/07, subansiriDam update\(PMSBV\) wrote:
Dear all ,

please give attention

Bhai,   Akhil

Medha Patker’ s visit to Assam
Date 17-18 June 2007
(On invitation from Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, Assam)

Medha Patkar is a voice of peoples’ resistance against the authoritarian approaches of development pursued by the Indian state in connivance with the national and international capital. Leader of the Naramada Bachao Andolan, Medha invited wrath of Indian state by exposing the hidden agenda behind the development strategies. She mobilized thousands of people in the Bank of Narmada to resist the Sardar Sarovar Dam Project demanding the peoples’ right to land and livelihood. In the decade long struggle, she has generated the support of the democratic, progressive and secular communities/individuals in different parts of the country and her movement against Dams and Displacement has transformed into a peoples’ movement for right to land, resources and livelihood. In the long run, Medha has emerged as a voice against state authoritarianism, neo-imperialism and communalism. Medha, along with her colleagues Prof. D. K. Mishra and Himanshu Takkar will visit Assam on 17-18 June 2007 on invitation by Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, Assam. She and her colleagues will address around 1000 activists engaged in struggle for right to land, water, resources and livelihood in Assam and will explore the peoples’ strategies for realizing those rights in Assam in the light of their experience in India. Three important issues i.e. Land Rights in Assam; Dams, Development and Displacement in Assam and Seismic Survey and Oil Drilling in the Riverbed of Brahmaputra have been earmarked for discussion. Medha will also attend a meeting on 18th June at 3-0 PM at Gauhati University. Assam, which is passing though turmoil today, has been witnessing three different forms of movements. Whereas ULFA and other armed groups are fighting for secession from India and establishment of independent states of their own; the ethnic movements are demanding more autonomy and territorial councils within the Indian federalism. On the other hand, series of grass roots political movements have come up in Assam on different substantive issues centred on peoples’ right to life, security and livelihood. For example, thousands of people come on the street in Tinsukia district, fighting against the state atrocities perpetuated by the military and para-military forces and demanding their right to life, security and dignity. The Doiyang-Tengani movement in Golaghat district in Assam has mobilized thousands of people, particularly the forest dwellers, demanding land rights. This movement has now spread to different parts of the state, particularly among the tribal and the down-trodden who are suffering in the hands of state anti-people strategies. The Doiyang-Tegani movement, which has transformed into an All Assam Movement today in the form of Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, Asom has now emerged as a very strong and visible voice of peoples’ resistance. Movements have also come up against the big dams/projects in different parts of the state today. Lower Subansiri Hydro Electrical Project, Pagladiya Dam Project and the Bogibeel have been resisted by the potential displacees in organized way. The visit of Medha is expected to give a new dimension to these peoples’ movements.

Arrival on 16th June 2007 & Departure on 19th June 2007
Medha Patker
Himanshu Takkar
D. K. Mishra
Issues: Land Rights
            Dams and Displacement
            Seismic Survey and Oil drilling in Brahmaputra
Tentative Programme
17th June 2007
Venue: Not yet decided
1.      A briefing on the situation in Assam 9-00 Am to 10-00 AM
            By Nitya Bora & Akhil Ranjan Dutta followed by a discussion
2.      The Issue of Land rights in Assam: 10-15 Am to 10-45
3. Discussion on Peoples’ Strategies in Assam in the light of the situation/experience in India: Medha Patker : 11-00 AM to 1-00 PM

       LUNCH: 1-00 PM to 2-00 PM

4.      The Issue of Dams and Displacement in Assam:
      To be introduced by Prof. M. Hussain & Prakash Mahanta
Discussion by Prof. D. K. Mishra & Himanshu Takkar
5.      Discussion on Peoples’ strategies: Medha Patkar

18th June 2007
9-00 AM to 10-00 AM
1. Introduction to the issue of Seismic Survey and Oil Drilling in Assam by
      Saumyadwip Dutta
2. Discussion on the situation by Bhagabat Pran Duoarah & Prasanta Saikia 9-00

        10-15 AM to 12-30 PM
 3. Discussion on Peoples’ Strategies by Medha Patker

Medha Patker’ s visit to Assam
Date 17-18 June 2007
(On invitation from Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, Assam)

Medha Patkar is a voice of peoples’ resistance against the authoritarian approaches of development pursued by the Indian state in connivance with the national and international capital. Leader of the Naramada Bachao Andolan, Medha invited wrath of Indian state by exposing the hidden agenda behind the development strategies. She mobilized thousands of people in the Bank of Narmada to resist the Sardar Sarovar Dam Project demanding the peoples’ right to land and livelihood. In the decade long struggle, she has generated the support of the democratic, progressive and secular communities/individuals in different parts of the country and her movement against Dams and Displacement has transformed into a peoples’ movement for right to land, resources and livelihood. In the long run, Medha has emerged as a voice against state authoritarianism, neo-imperialism and communalism. Medha, along with her colleagues Prof. D. K. Mishra and Himanshu Takkar will visit Assam on 17-18 June 2007 on invitation by Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, Assam. She and her colleagues will address around 1000 activists engaged in struggle for right to land, water, resources and livelihood in Assam and will explore the peoples’ strategies for realizing those rights in Assam in the light of their experience in India. Three important issues i.e. Land Rights in Assam; Dams, Development and Displacement in Assam and Seismic Survey and Oil Drilling in the Riverbed of Brahmaputra have been earmarked for discussion. Medha will also attend a meeting on 18th June at 3-0 PM at Gauhati University. Assam, which is passing though turmoil today, has been witnessing three different forms of movements. Whereas ULFA and other armed groups are fighting for secession from India and establishment of independent states of their own; the ethnic movements are demanding more autonomy and territorial councils within the Indian federalism. On the other hand, series of grass roots political movements have come up in Assam on different substantive issues centred on peoples’ right to life, security and livelihood. For example, thousands of people come on the street in Tinsukia district, fighting against the state atrocities perpetuated by the military and para-military forces and demanding their right to life, security and dignity. The Doiyang-Tengani movement in Golaghat district in Assam has mobilized thousands of people, particularly the forest dwellers, demanding land rights. This movement has now spread to different parts of the state, particularly among the tribal and the down-trodden who are suffering in the hands of state anti-people strategies. The Doiyang-Tegani movement, which has transformed into an All Assam Movement today in the form of Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti, Asom has now emerged as a very strong and visible voice of peoples’ resistance. Movements have also come up against the big dams/projects in different parts of the state today. Lower Subansiri Hydro Electrical Project, Pagladiya Dam Project and the Bogibeel have been resisted by the potential displacees in organized way. The visit of Medha is expected to give a new dimension to these peoples’ movements.

Arrival on 16th June 2007 & Departure on 19th June 2007
Medha Patker
Himanshu Takkar
D. K. Mishra
Issues: Land Rights
            Dams and Displacement
            Seismic Survey and Oil drilling in Brahmaputra
Tentative Programme
17th June 2007
Venue: Not yet decided
1.      A briefing on the situation in Assam 9-00 Am to 10-00 AM
            By Nitya Bora & Akhil Ranjan Dutta followed by a discussion
2.      The Issue of Land rights in Assam: 10-15 Am to 10-45
3. Discussion on Peoples’ Strategies in Assam in the light of the situation/experience in India: Medha Patker : 11-00 AM to 1-00 PM

       LUNCH: 1-00 PM to 2-00 PM

4.      The Issue of Dams and Displacement in Assam:
      To be introduced by Prof. M. Hussain & Prakash Mahanta
Discussion by Prof. D. K. Mishra & Himanshu Takkar
5.      Discussion on Peoples’ strategies: Medha Patkar

18th June 2007
9-00 AM to 10-00 AM
1. Introduction to the issue of Seismic Survey and Oil Drilling in Assam by
      Saumyadwip Dutta
2. Discussion on the situation by Bhagabat Pran Duoarah & Prasanta Saikia 9-00

        10-15 AM to 12-30 PM
 3. Discussion on Peoples’ Strategies by Medha Patker

2. Discussion on Political Strategies on Integrating Peoples’ Movements for
      Peoples’  Right to Resources/Land/Development

       LUNCH 2-00 to 2-30 PM
      3-00 PM Programme at Gauhati University

(Political training to the activists by Medha and her colleagues from 7-00 Pm to 9-30 PM on 17-18 June 2007)

2. Discussion on Political Strategies on Integrating Peoples’ Movements for
      Peoples’  Right to Resources/Land/Development

       LUNCH 2-00 to 2-30 PM
      3-00 PM Programme at Gauhati University

(Political training to the activists by Medha and her colleagues from 7-00 Pm to 9-30 PM on 17-18 June 2007)

on behalf of peoples from subansiri-

Gogamukh, Dhemaji, Assam
The North east India

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