I am glad that you met him and bought some paintings from him. If you 
remember we discussed about his paintings in the net last year. I wrote to 
him at that time. He needs the right encouragement. It is good to see that 
he could already sell some of his painting hopefully at his asking price. 
This should encourage others to go for that ine.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chan Mahanta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, June 04, 2007 10:19 AM
Subject: [Assam] Tridib Dutta's Paintings

> Dear Netters:
> I have up-loaded a couple of paintings of the budding Oxomiya artist
> from Tinsukia, Tridib Dutta, to Flickr;
> Please look up
> In one of my recent visits to Assam I was going to look Tridib up.
> But I fell sick at Dibrugarh  and was stuck there due to a Bondho
> :-).  However Tridib came by and looked me up and I purchased the two
> paintings from him.
> Tridib interprets the lovely, peaceful  Assamese rural homestead
> settings that are fast disappearing, in a realistic  style. He works
> mostly with both oil on canvas and water-color. He also does charcoal
> and pencil pieces. Tridib told me he is a self-taught artist and is
> continuing to work on his techniques, doing art full-time.
> Since art is not something with which one can make a living easily,
> unless people support them by patronizing their creations, many never
> get to realize their creative potentials.
> I was struck by the simplicity of Trdib's technique with which he
> interprets a lifestyle that so many of us hold dear but which is
> about to vanish,  like so much of our past , without a record,
> without any reminders. Thus, I found Tridib's efforts  extremely
> worthwhile.
> May I request my fellow men to purchase his work and give him the
> support he deserves, so that he can become a truly Oxomiya artist of
> stature and contribute to our culture in an area that has so little
> to show for?
> Tridib can be contacted at:   Tridib Dutta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> His website is:
> Best.
> cm
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