
Assam integral part of India: Sahitya Sabha
By A City Correspondent
GUWAHATI, July 2 – After a brainstorming two-day session, Asom Maha
Sanmilan organised by the apex literary body of the State, the Asam Sahitya
Sabha, declared that Assam was part and parcel of India and called upon the
insurgent groups to give up the idea of secessionism and sit for
unconditional talks. The Sabha resolved to take up the burning problems of
Assam with the Central Government, the State Government and the public on
the basis of the categorization of the issues.

The session attended by writers, intellectuals and representatives of
student bodies had discussed around 40 issues affecting the socio-economic,
cultural and political aspects of the State.

On the concluding day of the Sanmilan today, the Sabha decided to pursue the
problem of infiltration with the Centre stating that the problem of influx
had assumed quite an alarming dimension in the last four decades by changing
the demography of the State, and posing a threat to the indigenous
communities. It may be mentioned here that several participants had
highlighted the problem of infiltration with facts and figures during the
session calling upon the Sabha to interfere on the matter.

The Sabha said that Assam was an integral part of India and called upon the
insurgent groups to give up the idea of getting separated from the mainland
and asked the Centre to provide safe passage to the militants and declare
the dates of unconditional talks with the militants. The Sabha also demanded
of the Centre to ensure that the innocent citizens of Assam were not
harassed and their human rights not violated at the time of operations by
security agencies against the militants. The Sabha also decided to take up
the issue of employment and creating job opportunities for the youth of the
State in various sectors with the Centre besides taking up the problem of
flood, erosion and encroachment by the neighbouring States of Assam.

On the other hand, the Sabha felt that the State Government was not sincere
in its approach to solve the problem of militancy and urged the State
Government to tackle the problem with earnestness. The Sabha also observed
that the alleged nexus between politicians of the State and the militants
was a matter of great concern and demanded of the Government to investigate
into the matter and take stringent action immediately against the guilty

The Sabha appealed to the State Government to streamline the education
system and to introduce the official language of the State in all the
Government and as well as private educational institutions as a compulsory

The Sabha also demanded for implementing the official language in its true
spirit in all the government offices.

Besides demanding of the State Government to free the reserved areas from
the encroachers, the Sabha also asked the Government to direct the banks to
provide loans to the local youths.

Asserting that the people of the State must maintain vigil to solve the
problems, the Sabha appealed to the people to check corruption and other

President of the Sabha, Kanaksen Deka promised that the resolutions would
not remain confined to paper only, but that the literary body would do
everything within its capacity to get it implemented in the true sense.
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