That's what I meant when I said :
Only IIT graduates should be allowed to run the place!!

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2007 21:36:25 -0500To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 


I wasn't even paying attention to that part of the story. It is a spook vs 
spook  intrigue that I don't pay much heed to.  But now that you bring that up, 
why do you think that the hotel room could NOT have been bugged, even though it 
was chosen by the Brits themselves? Its not like that they had the place 
cordoned off by the British security apparatus before Blair came a calling? And 
it wasn't like some third party who supposedly found  the bugs -- it said the 
Brits found them during their sweep.

At any event, what would be Campbell's motive to throw that in, while the 
entire book merited about ten references to an India with super-power  
pretensions? A calculated resurrection of the benign-neglect doctrine :-)? 
Racism? Die-hard colonial condescension? Fear of an emerging India? What?

Be that as it may, what I found ironic and held my nose at was ABV's 
supplication ( I had to look that up -means   prayer to a higher power, a 
humble request for help from someone in authority ) for Blair not to pass India 
by on his Pakistan visit, the grovelling for equal notice, that much despised 
'parity' problem that continues to haunt India :-), never mind all the bravado 
declaring it as past.

Not that I was surprised. I had a pretty good idea how much Britain or even the 
USA respects India. All one needs to do is look at the Indian press head-lines 
or NRI proclamations here in the USA or in Europe to know how much Indians need 
that notice of whom they suck-up to. What I was surprised by was  ToI's ability 
to print the piece, warts and all, obviously written by an 'anti-Indian' , 
probably an ex-pat , if not a 'pseudo-secularist' who hates ABV or the BJP :-).


At 6:40 PM -0600 7/29/07, Ram Sarangapani wrote:
Hi C'da
This news was reported also sometime ago (both in the British and Indian press).
The Indian Govt. asserts that there was no way they could have planted bugs, as 
the hotel was chosen by the British Govt. And the M16 or was it M15 had gone 
thru the suites with a tooth comb.
Now, how did all that get past British Intel.
The story seems too convenient as a story for Cambell.
On 7/29/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
** Tsk, 
 spin doctor spills beans on Indian waiters, PMs30 Jul 2007, 0038 hrs 
IST,Rashmee Roshan Lal,TNNDid you know there are more Indian waiters in Britain 
than there arecoal miners?" Tony Blair was asked in September 1994 by one of 
hishigh-flying researchers Peter Hyman.It was two months since Blair had become 
the youngest Labour Party
leader since World War II. Hyman's question presumably reflected the
profound changes in late 20th-century Britain. Blair was desperate tochange his 
moribund party and drag it out of 18 years in thepolitical wilderness. Hyman, 
who became one of Blair's favouriteadvisors, presumably asked his question to 
point to Blair thegeography of the change he must embrace.Thirteen years from 
the day Hyman asked the question, the past is adifferent country. As is 
Britain. Blair has departed Downing Streetafter a decade as Labour's 
longest-serving PM. A new PM is in office.Blair's former aides have scattered 
like leaves in the wind. One ofthe most prominent of these, former spin doctor 
Alastair Campbell,has published extracts from his diaries. The volume, titled 
The BlairYears, finally hit stands in India.And so we finally learn what PM 
Blair and his golden guys and girlsreally, really thought about India in the 10 
years they colonised thePM's office and the British political landscape. Going 
by Campbell'sdiaries, the answer is very little, if at all. Despite all the 
recentrhetoric about a new special relationship between India and itsformer 
imperial master, Campbell's diaries make clear that Blair's
office, if not all of Blair's Britain, hardly thought about India,except by 
default.According to Campbell's account, Blair and Britain were 
forced,post-9/11 to acknowledge India's needs vis-a-vis Pakistan forface-saving 
Western tokens and gestures signalling New Delhi'simportance and influence.In 
October 2001, says Campbell, Blair was on his way to Islamabad tofirm up plans 
with the West's new best friend, Pervez Musharraf, forinvading Afghanistan. New 
Delhi was not on the prime ministerialitinerary. "We had a real problem with 
the Indians over the plannedvisit to Pakistan," writes Blair's spin doctor, 
"Vajpayee was on thephone, totally adamant that if TB (Blair) went to Pakistan 
withoutalso visiting India, it would be a real disaster for him. He(Vajpayee) 
was normally so quiet and soft-spoken but there was bothpanic and a bit of 
anger in his voice".Later, Campbell describes the "two bugs" found in the 
British PM'sDelhi hotel room and notes, "we decided against making a 
fuss".Campbell fulminates at some length about the "valet, Sunil" he isassigned 
for the Delhi stopover, complaining that "he just would notleave me alone...I 
was beginning to wonder whether he had been putthere either by the (Indian) 
spooks or a paper".Soon in January 2002, and Campbell is once again recounting 
thelow-key theatricality of the UK-Indian relationship. Campbell'smemories of 
this passage to India appear to be dominated by Blair'sdecision to wear a Nehru 
jacket."Hopefully it would be seen as showing respect (to the Indians)", 
hewrites. And then he damns PM Vajpayee with faint praise, describinghow Blair 
"pushed hard but got very little change out of Vajpayee. Hewas holding out for 
a lot more from the Pakistanis. He was prettyshrewd and his total lack of 
embarrassment at long silences was areal strength".As a miniature portrait of 
Indo-British relations six years ago,Campbell's sketchy recollections of the 
stop-start bilateral rhythmoffer an unedifying picture. There is British 
suspicion and Indiansupplication; "mystical" Indian silences and wordy British 
lectures;there are unmemorable banquets in the Hyderabad palace, pryingnatives 
and clumsy Indian intelligence moves. All of this larded withstreaky bits of 
Indian tub-thumping and British mantras on SouthAsia's need for stability.In 
the end, of course, it is significant that Campbell mentions Indiabarely 
half-a-dozen times in this account of the 10-year period inwhich India's 
relations with its former master visibly andconclusively changed. The 
significance may lie more in what he doesnot say than what he 
does._______________________________________________assam mailing [EMAIL 

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