I just edited wiki profile for Rama removing the title as mythological hero as 
added as Hindu's revered hero as mentioned in revered Hindu epic (removed 
"folklore" tag)

http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rama&action=history  my edits


PS: I did this after I found that the page created by me of Jaipur School had 
is categories removed -esp one I created "Hindu Schools in India " 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Hindu_Schools_in_India -- there were 
already ones for "Roman Catholic Schools of India " -- the person who removed 
my categories had also edited Rama page earlier - he is active member of some 
Baptist church in US.
umesh sharma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This book supposedly speaks about it.


Hindu Press International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: Hindu Press 
International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2007 16:55:42 -1000
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: HPI, August 1, 2007

Hindu Press International August 1, 2007                 August 1, 2007 
   Sri Maha Periyachi Amman Temple Demolished 
   Invading the Sacred Book Review 
   Debate  Continues on Handling of UK Infected Temple Bull 
   Correction: Hindu Festivals for 2008  

    1. Sri Maha Periyachi Amman Temple Demolished www.hindusangam.org.my
 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, August 1, 2007: The Malaysia Hindu Sangam sent the 
following press release on the demolition of the Sri Maha Periyachi Amman 

"The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is very disturbed at the demolition of the Sri Maha 
Periyachi Amman Temple, Tambak Paya, Melaka, today by officials of the Melaka 
State Government. It is even most disturbing when the Mayor had last night 
given assurance to the MIC Secretary General that the demolition is deferred to 
seek a quick solution by the community. The Malaysia Hindu Sangam had at almost 
11:00 p.m. last  night informed the Malacca MIC leaders of the impending 
demolition this morning. The Mayor had no decency to inform the MIC Leaders of 
his change of mind. 

"Once again, it appears to the Hindu community that the State has arbitrarily 
taken action against a Hindu temple without regard to the sensitivities of 
Hindu devotees. Given that many other structures throughout Malaysia are still 
standing even though they too were built without local authority permission, it 
is particularly disturbing to Hindus that a place of worship is targeted in 
this manner. The demolition of a place of worship is a very serious thing, and 
should not be done lightly. The Sangam has previously said that any demolition 
of a place of worship must be based on a Court order and should only be carried 
out after the devotees of the place of worship have been given a meaningful 
opportunity to be heard. We urge all State governments to carry out this 
practice, and for legislation to be enacted to  recognize and protect the 
special status of places of worship."

  2. Invading the Sacred Book Review invadingthesacred.com
 USA, August 1, 2007: (HPI note: following is a review by Dr. V. V. of 
"Invading the sacred: An Analysis of Hinduism Studies in America," edited by 
Krishnan Ramaswamy, Antonio de Nicolas, Aditi Banerjee, Rupa & Co. New Delhi, 
India. 2007.)

Roots of the book: Like the multiplicity of the authors who have contributed to 
this volume, many factors have converged to create this book. These include a 
growing dissatisfaction with Western images of the non-West, the application of 
inappropriate methodology for understanding traditional world views, and the 
continued hegemony of the West even in matters that don't concern it, such as 
what Hindus think about their Puranas. Already in  the first decades of the 
twentieth century, many Indian thinkers declared that Indic culture cannot be 
subjected to, much less analyzed, through the blurred lens of Western 
rationality.  Indeed, it may be said more generally that scientific probing and 
cold rationality can never grasp the full significance of any living tradition.

The primary catalyst for this book is Rajiv Malhotra, a thinker, scholar, 
idealist, and activist, besides having been a highly successful entrepreneur 
more than a decade ago. He is a thinker in that he reflects deeply on important 
issues, a scholar in that he is widely read in history and current cultural 
debates, an idealist in wanting to see a world where all cultures and 
civilizations receive equal and fair treatment; and an activist in that he has 
been participating in conferences, organizing meetings, giving lectures, 
writing provocative essays, and funding projects, all with one goal in mind: To 
correct what many people perceive as  distortions and misrepresentations of the 
Hindu world and of Indic traditions in North America. In a single decade he has 
achieved more in this endeavor than many authors who are read an  d appreciated 
by countless people.

The book's relevance and thesis: No matter how one reacts to it - and it is 
bound to touch large numbers of people, lay and scholarly - this book is likely 
to become a landmark in the history of India-related studies. It dissects a 
number of cases in which scholarly commentaries on aspects of Hindu thought, 
lore, and religion have been incorrect and offensive. It focuses primarily on 
the writings of six authors (of whom I will mention but three), and it argues 
that their callous misrepresentations are systemic to Eurocentric commentaries 
on other cultures.

The book is a strong and considered response to Western Freudian scholarship on 
Hinduism, which, the authors contend, has missed the mark altogether.  
Essentially the thesis is this:  Obsessed by the Freudian approach to life and 
literature, some American scholars have transformed Puranic mythopoesis 
(literally, "myth making") into pure pornography, examined a highly revered 
spiritual personage's life in homo-erotic terms, and desecrated the lofty 
vision of a time-honored Hindu deity by reducing it to sexual allegory.

Aside from deliberately sinister analyses of scriptures, saints and symbols, 
the journalistic portrayal of Indic culture has generally been in terms of cows 
and castes, superstitions and satis, daughters-in-law and dowries, monkeys and 
masalas. A growing number of English-reading Hindus in the West are not willing 
to tolerate such selective sketches of a dynamic civilization to which they are 
heirs. Such writings have pushed many Hindus in America beyond what Eric Sharpe 
called the response threshold. Put differently, that's when the target group 
says, "Enough is enough!"

The chapters in   the book are by different authors.  They examine the 
questionable, and to Hindus also objectionable, theses based on gross 
psychoanalytic interpretations. The chapters are replete with examples of 
unwarranted extrapolations, distorted interpretations, and ridiculous 
caricatures. Such writings may be okay for Western specialists who examine 
Hinduism like entomologists dissecting bees and grasshoppers. But they are 
confusing and misleading, distorted and dangerous. 

For the balance of the review, and more information on the book, click URL 

  3. Debate Continues on Handling of UK Infected Temple Bull 
 UK, August 1, 2007: The debate continues after the culling of Shambo, a bull 
at the Skanda Vale monastery in Wales, UK. Two other animals have now tested 
positive for bovine tuberculosis at the monastery. Jay Lakhani's  editorial 
piece appeared in the New Statesman of India, along with a rebuttal here, and 
many comments posted by readers. See also here for an update on the newly 
infected animals.

  4. Correction: Hindu Festivals for 2008 Hinduism Today
 KAUAI, HAWAII, August 1, 2007: (HPI note: The dates for Raksha Bandan were 
incorrectly given in the last HPI.) 

The following festival calendar is for nine major festivals. The nine are 
Mahasivaratri, Holi, Ram Navami, Guru Purnima, Raksha Bandan, Krishna 
Janmashtami, Ganesha Chaturthi, Navaratri and Deepavali. These dates below are 
calculated for Washington DC. Festival dates may differ for other areas of the 
world.  The descriptions below may be freely used with credit to  Hinduism 
Today. To download the Hindu calendar or panchangam for 197 locations 
worldwide, click here.

Mahasivaratri, March 5, 2008
Holi, March 20, 2008
Ram Navami, April 13, 2008
Guru Purnima, July 17, 2008
Raksha Bandan, August 16, 2008 (15th on the west coast)
Janmashtami, August 23, 2008
Ganesha Chaturthi, September 2, 2008 (3rd on the west coast)
Navaratri (begins) September 29, 2008
Deepavali, October 26, 2008

      NOTICE: Some source URLs cited in HPI articles are only valid on the date 
the article was issued. Most are invalid a week to a few months later. When a 
URL fails to work, go to the top level of the source's website and search for 
the article.  
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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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Umesh Sharma

Washington D.C. 

1-202-215-4328 [Cell]

Ed.M. - International Education Policy
Harvard Graduate School of Education,
Harvard University,
Class of 2005

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