Good Ram, Simple Good Raam!
I thought of ignoring -but I had to  come back and address your  first post  
clockwork, the floods are back again       A Century of Meteorological 
data+Super brainy India IT experts+ Param Supercomputers crunching Zillions of 
data should have  been enough to create 100’s of pp of simulation pictures 
–when .where,how  floods are going to hit 
looks like the floods have come with a vengeance        It has, locally after 1 
year of Drought(Drought-Like situation in Mantriji language). Super Computer 
Drivers could have predicted these accurately too—if they knew how to drive
fighting over food.              Can’t expect them to form a queue  after a few 
days of being marooned. Could even go the way of cannibals
Can the flood problem ever be mitigated?   Simple predictable hydraulics problem
phenomenon seriously?    Who  will? Why can’t Riverlink proponents like Kalam 
and Vajpayee  and handsome Tamil Finance minister now be made  head of  Flood 
problem –solving team? 
Why does the Govt. allow people to inhabit flood-prone areas*?       Take 
Assam: at least landmass 40%is*. Bihar ~45%*,Bangladesh~60%*. Here “Govt.” 
doesn’t allow people to live—they allow the people to die.
They kill the people. Because only they can print the notes, make the bullets, 
import  the guns.
 And the People  allow the Govt to :
Why on earth is the flood situation, "political"       How else can ordinary 
bums get chosen to LEAD?
funds allocated to the flood situation every year   . See all above
some accountability?          None, but Accounting—yes, to the last paise.
no govt., no entity, the public, 
actually no one 
is ever prepared. 
We are totally oblivi
                              Information and Broadcasting, Classical Dance.   
Culture with useless Gamosa,Japee Xorai, full page advertisements on quaint new 
knowledge on the usefulness of Breastfeeding, Use of  Condoms to avoid 
AIDS/HIV(both rapidly on 1 breath)—Govt. is Busy attending important conclaves 
in Delhi on what needs to be done to popularize Our Rashtrabhasa in all 
emerging economies of outer space…..
absloute surprise every            Motto here is “In crisis we thrive!”
why are we never prepared for the floods   See all above
suddenly get serious about floods every year           Mostly out of a feeling 
of Guilt         :“ I Escaped with  the  booty”
forget about it later          Rather, prepare  for more
Possibly in the hopes that it won't happen this year    Far from it. Rather 
visit Maa//’s temple and offer a goat and pray” MAA this year was good 
Money—keep it coming !”
really depressing.         For Simple Raam . Good Honest Raam. A Failure !!.
will go back to the hand-wringing    “There is no business like Show Business”
millions displaced         “They deserve it. Why don’t they live in some 
super-Luxury flat like in SPANISH GARDEN in Guwaaahati ,the Gateway to NE,the 
Hub of the LOOK –EAST Policy  of great Bharat Mahaan-and ‘Designed by the the 
most Prestigious Architect of our times Mr Hafeez Contractor’???
am not sure if we 'collectively' care    You must be Kidding . This is an 
ongoing SHOW
Am Scared --somebody may blame me for India Bashing.


Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2007 06:55:34 -0600From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: [Assam] Annual floods!

>We have been trying to take care albeit in a small scale.
Yes, we have Ankur, and I am glad there is at least some effort to help people. 
But all the funds collected, cannot, unfortunately, bring back those people the 
state loses to floods, each year.
What I was referring to is what, if any long-term, preventative measures has 
the state or center ever taken, and how concerned are the people to take 
long-term measures seriously? That is where the 'care ' part comes in. If we 
did, why does it happen with such devastation every year? Yes,  the state does 
have to learn to live with floods, but the affects, could, I am sure be 
On 8/7/07, Ankur Bora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Quote From the reports - 1400 have died and millions displaced. I am not sure 
if we 'collectively' care UnQuote
We have been trying to take care albeit in a small scale.
http://www.children ofdhemaji. 
Collectively ? it's depend how community respond.
Austin , Texas

Ram Sarangapani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Like clockwork, the floods are back again with the usual lack of sheer 
helplessness & hand-wringing from every quarter. This year it also looks like 
the floods have come with a vengence.
This is also the first time, one reads in the papers that affected people 
fighting over food (being distributed) - shades of Somalia, Bangladesh?
And every year, we ask the same questions: 
Can the flood problem ever be mitigated?
Will the State officials from the CM all the way to the district level flood 
management officials ever take this yearly phenomenon seriously?
Why does the Govt. allow people to inhabit flood-prone areas?
Is there a science to controlling floods?
Why on earth is the flood situation, "political" 
What happens to funds allocated to the flood situation every year? Is there 
some accountability?
Why are Sonia Gandhi and others visiting the state? Post-mortem?
But one really can't blame this or that govt. There were floods in Sarat 
Singha's administration, and much, much before that, and predictably there will 
be floods for ever - if the status quo is maintained.
This is a situation, that anyone with half a brain can predict with 100% 
And yet, no govt., no entity, the public, actually no one is ever prepared. 
We are totally oblivious.
It seems very strange, that we seem to be taken by absloute surprise every year 
by floods.
If it isn't a surprise, why are we never prepared for the floods?
Why do many of us suddenly get serious about floods every year - but obviously 
forget about it later? Possibly in the hopes that it won't happen this year.
All this is really depressing. I think, I will go back to the hand-wringing, 
and re-post this post again in time for next year's floods, and find some 
scapegoat or the other to blame for this year's floods! :) 
>From the reports - 1400 have died and millions displaced. I am not sure if we 
>'collectively' care
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