>>Because that is the role of the press in a

>>But I realize, desi-demokrasy and the Assam press'
>role in it does 
>not necessarily reflect that.


The Assam Press you are referring to includes soe of
the very renowned figures of Assam like DN Bezbarua,
Nirupama Borgohain et al. 

Over past few years we have learnt that School
Teachers of Assam,  Villagers of Assam (who lynched
ULFA), Bureaucrats of Assam, Assam Police, AXX  and
now even Assam Press ----- all of them favor Desi
Demokrasy over Independent Assam ..... enemies of

If tomorrow Assam gets that elusive independence,  how
do you plan to run the Govt (i.e. if you plan to
migrate back to Assam to help build it) with the
entire population favoring Desi Demokrasy ? 

One option might be to go for a ethnic cleansing and
import hoards of Bangladeshis to run it.  Not sure if
that is the plan :)

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