Mahanta da
  Please find my responses to your observation
  CM*** That is your explanation. OK, fair enough. Let me ask you this: What is 
your reaction to garish alien culture temples pock-marking the once beautiful 
Assamese landscape, including smack-dab in the middle of Kaziranga  ? When was 
the last time you can point to anyone complaing about that?
  Mahanta da I dont blame you. Guwahati, halt at wild grass and then to upper 
Assam. That must be your usual route in Assam. Go to lower Assam-Dhubri, 
Kokrajhar, Barpeta-you will start wondering whether landscape belongs to Assam 
, Bengal or Bangladesh.

CM***Or for that matter full 25 % of Karbi Anglong population is Hindi 
speaking, about to get its own autonomous defense establishment? Or of Tinsukia 
  By automous defence establishment -do you mean police districts? When 
compared to area of other Assam districts, KA may be can have some 10 police 
districts. In fact Assam governemnt was for long thinking about declaring the 
separate landmass of Hamren as separate district. But 6th schedule and Karbi 
politics was blocking this. So this new move does not have anything to do with 
the Hindi speaking people. 
  And on this 25% population-Assamese do not go to do those manial jobs in KA 
or NC Hills. So body will have to work in the field of Karbi farmers-is not it? 
Compare their (the Biharis of KA) population (some 50,000) and political clout 
with people of suspected foreign nationality. And these people are still known 
as Desuwali because under very adverse situation they still go back to their 
Chaapra, Darbhanga, Munger, Bhagalpur etc.So I did not get it what was so great 
about 25% figure-that to in a district which is one of the most sparsely 
    ***Now then a  huge problem facing the 'Oxomiya' identity not to mention 
'national-security' and complete destruction of the rule of law ( as aptly 
pointed out by Ram) has been brewing and building for over a  quarter century 
-- the lungi menace. A select group of Oxomiyas ( I won't attempt to label it, 
but I could :-))  and a certain segment of the English language press have been 
wailing about it,  charging ULFA with carrying out ISI orders to gift wrap 
Assam over to Islamists from the east, and to be fair, when challenged, at 
least nominally admitting GOVERNMENTS' responsibilities over the issue: 
Upholding the laws of the land.
  Well well Mahanta da-this Bangladeshi nationals issue and some Assamese 
crying foul over it-are you trying to avoid dubbing it as a problem or threat 
just because your ULFA is blamed by some people for encouraging the influx? If 
instead of ULFA , BSF or government would have been blamed, then may be you 
would have accepted it as a problem haunting Assamese nationality. And may be 
you might have used it as a prime reason for wanting to be independent. We 
salute your blind faith-no more on this issue.

  ***For over twenty five years this dereliction of governmental duties ( as 
pointed out by Ram, the Sentinel, Dilli based security analysts etc.) for 
failing to stem the flow of the lungi-menace has been going on, unabated. Do 
the governments care? What are the governmental duties? Whose duty is what? 
What have they been doing? Would it be reasonable to say almost NOTHING? If so, 
don't the voters who vote so intelligently ( as I was corrected by outraged 
netters for my temerity to question that recently ) CARE about this abject 
dereliction of governmental duties?
   Would it be reasonable for us to conclude  THEY DON'T, as soundly affirmed 
by the re-election of the Assam government by a huge 65% voter turnout?
  I did not know that you woulld be so removed from demographic reality of 
Assam. Do you or I have any clue of that 65% who voted what % will be those who 
are considered as threat or what % feels threatened? For every one's benefit 
lingustic break up of 2001 census is also kept secret.  So 100% of turn out in 
Assam election also does not mean you can have a government which will reflect 
the aspiration of origianl inhabitants of the state.  

  ***So Chitta, tell me why  anyone  should BELIEVE that  your outrage over the 
'lungi-menace' or Ram's or of the others like you, is  over ILLEGALITY of the 
  Again I am at loss. Elected government has failed to check the influx. Does 
that mean people should remain silent just because government is elected by 
them knowing fully well that Assam's demography is not like Orissa or Bengal to 
give a government which will be more reflective of one single majority 
community's aspiration. Governemnt is constrained by some of its own components 
because of the process of democracy in a demographically heterogeneous Assam 
and this constrain will remain even if Assam is separated from India.   

  ***That leaves the Islamophobia ,  as the pre-eminent reason, as is evidenced 
by a pervasive and ancient  animus. Oh I know that most know how to package it 
in genteel and secular  wraps. And it is not as virulent as say  Togadia's, or 
the RSS' or VHP's or displaced Sileti Hindus' .  I  point here to the RSS' 
Jagadamba Mall's  article in its mouthpiece the Organizer, quoted in Sanjib 
Baruah's Post Frontier Blues as an example.
  Oh really!! I knew this where you were coming at. Forget Togodia and come 
back to your Xonor Oxom. So you believe Assamese people become paranoid because 
of the religion issue only?  Where was the religion and islamic component when 
hundreds of people have been killed in Karbi-Kuki, Bodo-Adivasi conflicts? Tell 
me in your pristine northeast in the conflicts between Naga-Asomiya, 
Khasi-Garo, Karbi-Dimasa where people are killed just because they do not 
speak, dress, eat alike-where is the islamic anagle? Were you trying to say 
that Togodias communal politics have taught Assamese people to be xenophobic 
and otherwise there was no issue with xenophobia in Assam and NE?  

  ***But even in its benign wrappings, the outcry, replete with claims of a 
grand conspiracy to hand Assam over to B'desh, over their own 'democratically 
elected' government conspiring to certify illegals as genuine, of ULFA as an 
ISI agent doing its bidding to help overrun Assam with the lungi-menace, of 
posing shrill questions like 'how is it that Arunachal or Nagaland can throw 
them out but we can't' ; the message is very clear to all those who are not 
inferentially challenged.
  Who are we kidding?
  What is the message Mahanta da?

  ***I am not suggesting the outrage is not justifiable. There is some 
justification to it--as far as governmental dysfunction is. But  where is 
Assam's intelligentsia or for that matter India's, to  act to help change the 
unresponsive and dysfunctional system? When have you seen an editor-for-hire 
write an editorial on HOW to change the dysfunctional government.
  Were we discussing the duty of press or government or you were supposed to 
tell us why you dub Assamese people's anti-BDeshi tirade as anti muslim? We all 
know, you do not have the answer.

  ****Last but not the least is the absence of a remotely informed and 
intelligent  discourse on HOW can the B'deshi problem , both real and imagined 
, be resolved, if at all?
  IMHO this problem can not be solved by government of India or by those whom 
you want to see in power. Influx will continue till potential difference, 
osmotic pressure on both sides become equal. All the attempts to solve the 
problem will just may be increase the resistance, but flow will not cease till 
pressure equalisation occurs.

  ***Can YOU explain why it is missing ?  I have some ideas. But I know it will 
distract everyone from the subject as it always does, when I share my views 
:-). Want to give it a try?
  By all means-lets give it a try. Please share your views.
    Also Mahanta da you seem to have missed some vital questions asked by 
Krishnendu. It will be so nice if you try to throw some light on those also.
  Krishnendu said
  ***“Thanks for rejecting the voting by Indian/Assamese population. This 
really shows how much willing you are to accept the verdict of people. You will 
surely reject the referendum on similar flimsy ground that these people do not 
know what they are doing. And before you jump on debate and discussion, if 
there is a really free platform to debate (without threats from some sections), 
there will be many more voice rejecting the Sovereignty issue. As you have 
noticed, the Assamese intellegsia has already rejected Sovereign Assam theory 
(if you think otherwise, tell me 10 prominent people of Assam who support it); 
you have already rejected the voting by common people of Assam ..... So who 
remains to support you on your referendum?
  Mahanta da , your response to Krishnendu’s above observation will be 
appreciated. We can see that Krishnedu’s logical Brahmstras are proving to be 
too much for you. So just one more small query on what he said. I think this 
was also missed by you and response will clear the doubts of many people.
  ***Krishnendu said
  “ Over past few years we have learnt that School Teachers of Assam, Villagers 
of Assam (who lynched ULFA), Bureaucrats of Assam, Assam Police, AXX and now 
even Assam Press ----- all of them favor Desi Demokrasy over Independent Assam 
..... enemies of Assam. If tomorrow Assam gets that elusive independence, how 
do you plan to run the Govt (i.e. if you plan to migrate back to Assam to help 
build it) with the entire population favoring Desi Demokrasy ? One option might 
be to go for a ethnic cleansing and import hoards of Bangladeshis to run it. 
Not sure if that is the plan :)”
  If I can reframe his question-in the new scheme of things you wish for, how 
will you change the mindset of the population. Can you cite the example of a 
role model who has capacity to inspire the entire disaffected lot? One who will 
not be affected by money, one who will not go Prafulla-Bharat Narah way, one 
who will not resort to all too familiar plunder to make for the time lost in 
  Give it a try if you can. If you had the answers , may be you could have said 
in few lines. But to hide that lack of answer, you will have to write a tretise 
to distract, confuse us. So if it takes please feel free to skip the questions. 
We understand  Mahanta da!!























  At 6:21 AM -0700 8/14/07, chittaranjan pathak wrote:
  Well, yes Mahanta da, I am still at loss.  Please explain to me and to others 
like Ramda, more explicitly why you try to make the Assamese Hindus suffer from 
collective guilt complex by dubbing their anti BDesh stance as an anti Muslim 
one. Decrying others of being unnecessarily sensitive to lungi menace and 
yourself garbing a selectively broadminded image-this is quite beguiling!! Or 
is there a hidden motive and may be you also have the same level of jingoism 
you accuse your fellow Assamese Hindus of harbouring, which for the time being 
may be you have kept in suspended animation for some technical reasons.  By the 
way, a clarification on why I used the term Assamese Hindus (at which you 
jumped to emphasize that the usage of that term itself exposed every thing-I 
don’t know what you meant)  1) I believe amongst the Assamese speakers-they 
(Hindus) are still in majority in Assam. Or do you think otherwise?  2) They 
are the more vocal on this issue infiltration by BDeshis 
 3) This feeling of paranoia is present amongst Assamese speaking Muslim also. 
But their protestations are not that loud as their Hindu counterparts as they 
are less in number, many come from more disadvantaged back ground. Many of 
those who are economically well off, educated, learned and city bred (say from 
Lakhtokiya of Guwahati), same religious affiliations and post 9/11 more 
cohesive feeling make it some what difficult for them to be as vocal as their 
Hindu counterparts. Most of the educated Assamese Hindus understand this 
dilemma and should not have qualms about it.  So I hope it is now clear why I 
used the term Assamese Hindus?  CM said  *****Are only 'Assamese Hindus' 
burdened by illegal immigrants? Is Assam the home of B'deshi despising Hindus 
only? And if they are the only ones outraged or aggrieved, then is it ALL of 
Assam's Hindus or most or just a handful of them? And is it because of:  The 
offenders' name?  The color of their skin?  Their cuisine?  The
 language they speak?  The lungis they wear and the skull-caps they flaunt?  
The unkind cuts the male of their species live with?  The high wage jobs they 
deprive the natives of?  The economy they depress by their dependence on public 
charity?  The criminal activities they spread in society?  The corruption they 
promote by bribery of public officials?  The economic progress they thwart by 
their habitual sloth?  Inundate the free public health-care system?  Flood the 
public school system with children of the non-producing, lowering the quality 
of education?  Usurp and rob the Oxomiya bhaxa of its purity and ownership?  
Other ills I have not mentioned, deliberately or otherwise?  Or is it because 
of their religious persuasion?*****     Your numerous clues did not help me 
much. If the last line was your punch line it is again the same hackneyed 
manifestation of your covert agenda. As I told you many times before-it is not 
the religion alone. It is the religion combined with
 language combined with an alien culture that has been causing the discomfort. 
If there are millions of khukri wielding Saulor phut luwa Daajus and Kaanchas 
also, the reaction of the local populace would have been similar.  So I am 
still at dark about your attempts. Please explain more explicitly and clearly 
unlike those numerous inconclusive mails where you end by saying something like 
“I will explain later if you want” or by adopting those avoiding techniques 
saying that “I will explain if you first answer this question”.  Come on 
Mahanta da enlighten us on the eve of 60th Independence Day of India.  Regards  
Chittaranjan Pathak
    Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's 
on, when.    *** That is your explanation. OK, fair enough. Let me ask you 
this: What is your reaction to garish alien culture temples pock-marking the 
once beautiful Assamese landscape, including smack-dab in the middle of 
Kaziranga  ? When was the last time you can point to anyone complaing about 

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