Without invoking 80,000 martyrs, Kashmiris will achieve nothing.

Tuesday September 04 2007 17:01:26 PM BDT


Hem Raj Jain, India <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Ref: - Time running out fast for Kashmiris in view of impending elections.

As per September 1 media reports Huriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali
Shah Geelani, asked people of J&K to completely boycott the forthcoming
Assembly elections in the state.

This appeal of Geelani means a lot especially in view of the fact that
India-Pakistan dialogue, which is otherwise also merely eyewash, is stalled.
And last week Huriyat (M) talks with New Delhi have failed which saw its
chairman Mirwaiz Umar Farooq lamenting on T.V that India is not serious
about Kashmir solution. Apart from JKLF Chairman Yasin Malik who, on Friday
during Safar-e-Azadi (journey for freedom) which commenced on May 20, said
in a public meeting at Tangmarg that freedom struggle in Kashmir will
continue till the goal is achieved.

People speaking same language and practicing same religion tend to live in
one nationality / States and separating such people (having geographical
continuity but with shared border / LOC) always create political problems.
Therefore when it became increasingly evident that neither India nor
Pakistan will be able to bring entire Kashmir (predominantly Muslim) under
its one rule / nationality, then Kashmiris were left with no other
alternative than to develop their own nationality.

Kashmiris have certainly earned their nationality with their blood where
they have already lost, as per EU report, 80,000 Kashmiris for Kashmir
solution of 'Unified J&K'. And Geelani has of course hit the nail directly
in the head of the problem when he realized that the complete boycott of the
coming Assembly / impending parliamentary elections is the only and highly
effective leverage with Kashmiris.

But given dissensions within these Kashmiri leaders and also with political
leaders like Abdullahs of NC, Muftis of PDP, Azads of Congress etc., Geelani
can succeed in his mission of time bound Kashmir solution only when he
invokes the martyrdom of these 80,000 Kashmiris and endeavor (by forgetting
his ego & personal ambition, if any) in order to unite all the people of

Being an astute & conditioned politician, Geelani must already be knowing
that nationality mainly originates from & survives on martyrdom. Therefore,
Geelani will be well advised to keep in mind and do the following: -

(1)- Geelani ought to launch a NGO which will take care of the human rights
of the surviving dependents of these 80,000 Kashmiri martyrs.

(2)- In this NGO, Geelani ought to persuade also the above-mentioned
Kashmiri leaders of all the hues, to participate.

(3)- This NGO should then persuade the people of J&K to completely boycott
the forthcoming Assembly / Parliamentary elections in the state (or for
conditional participation along with periodic progress review).

(4)- This NGO may work in tandem with other international human rights
organization like Gender Concerns International at Hague, Netherlands, which
is already working for securing the human rights for the women dependents of
these 80,000 Kashmiri martyrs.

(5)- Once this NGO takes off then Geelani may mobilize the people and their
leaders from Pakistan administered Kashmir in the interest of time bound
solution to Kashmir problem.

(6)- And then after this, Geelani and his companions of this NGO ought to
merely float and should not try to swim toward any preconceived Kashmir
solution (like independence, autonomy, self-determination etc.) because in
view of: -

(i)- Cold political turmoil in India (manifest also in on-going controversy
over Indo-US nuclear deal) due to vigorous strategical interest, being taken
by capitalist USA / EU and their allies, in 1130 million strong secular
democratic India. Primarily due to increasingly re-assertive Russia along
with fast emerging economical / strategic clout of China (both communists)
and partly due to post 9/11 'global war against terrorism' and

(ii)- Hot political turmoil in SAARC (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal

- Political scenario in South Asia is inexorably inching towards "Federation
/ United States of Secular Democratic SAARC Countries". Therefore at this
defining moment of South Asia's history, for Kashmiris it will be enough and
prudent to merely sulk (over delayed Kashmir solution of 'Unified J&K") by
completely boycotting the forthcoming Assembly / Parliamentary elections in
J&K while keeping a close observation / watch on the relevant events &

Rest every thing else is bound to be taken care of (automatically,
peacefully, without surgical pain and in the best interest of the people of
J&K) by India, Pakistan & all-powerful said international community. Because
no community, which lay down the lives of its so many people (as Kashmiris
have done) for a nationalist cause can remain, for long, without being
master of its own political destiny.

Yours truly
Hem Raj Jain
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