Mukul da,

Most of us little or no idea who Tarun Vijay is, and much less whether he
belongs to the RSS or something else.

But be that as it may, do you think what Vijay has written is NOT really the
truth or that it is all hype?  If so, could you please enlighten us what
exactly is happening in Assam/NE - vis-a-vis the illegal bangladeshi


On 9/11/07, mc mahant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> <etc* which are mentioned by Shri Tarun Vijay (the editor of Organiser (or
> is it Panchajanya?), the RSS mouthpiece*)...
> Oh Yea!
> mm
>  ------------------------------
> Date: Tue, 11 Sep 2007 01:31:03 -0700
> Subject: [asom] Re: From Tarun Vijay of the Organiser: Tears on the NE!
>  Its heartening to note that now non-assamese are also equally concerned.
> To put it in perspective, here's a gist:
> 1. The chief minister of Assam is in no position to take action against
> Bangladeshi infiltrators. The reason is that they are overwhelmingly Muslim
> and represent a solid vote bank. So until the time Assam remains a part of
> India, the party he represents can find hope only from this section to
> remain in power.
> 2. The Ulfa is no position to take action against Bangladeshi infiltrators
> either. For them its a matter of reciprocal symbiosis. For Barua and
> Rajkhowa to enjoy Bangladeshi hospitality, its important that Ulfa looks the
> other way while Bangladeshis swamp Assam.
> 3. Many Assamese "intellectuals", mostly foreign educated or settled
> beleive that the Muslim infiltration is all hype and a myth created by
> pro-RSS bodies dominated mostly by Hindi speaking people and their Assamese
> symphatisers. They prefer to beleive that the "infiltrators" are actually
> mostly kind and good Assamese muslims who have lived like "brothers" for
> centuries. Hence for them the "lungi menace" is a media created monster.
> 4. The Ulfa is busy cleaning up land by chasing off Hindi speaking people.
> That way more Bangladeshis can settle and expand their elephatine families.
> 5. There are others who never cease to debate on why Hindus should also
> not be deported along with Muslims. They fail to recognize that the myth of
> Assam being a safe haven for Bengali hindus exploded many years back. So
> while they waste their own time and that of others, the infiltration
> (probably 99% muslim now) continues.
> 6. The AASU backed by ageing leaders does not have the organizing or
> motivating capacity to lead people again in a 1980s type agitation. Besides
> Assam has had a chief minister from this group who hasnt got anything to
> show.
> 7. In many districts, Bangladeshis have registered their mother tongue as
> "Assamese" in the late 80s and early 90s. This was to distinguish themselves
> from the Bengali Hindus who are often accused of not blending into Assamese
> language and culture. However now that the muslims are majority in many
> districts, they are re-registering themselves as "Bengali" speaking again.
> Now they have the numbers to not worry about trivia like language.
> This issue is now a multi faceted problem with several dimensions to it
> and therefore it is all the more difficult to get anywhere close to a
> solution. You will soon see for yourself if you continue to be copied on the
> emails.
> Regards,
> SD
> --- *"Souparna Lahiri" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> I am forwarding this email from our friend Vijayan with serious concern.
> As he says, this needs to be countered by people from the NE.
> Souparna Lahiri
> 143 Khirki Village
> New Delhi - 110 017
> Mobile: 91 9818147740
> Tel (R) No. 91 11 29541502
> Friends,
> Lalit reahed me this piece from some list serve...
> It goes without saying that I will appreciate anyone trying to put
> together a counter to this article, which is based on half-truths and baked
> conspiracy lies... I would have loved to do, but since there are you who are
> better than me regarding knowledge about the ground situation in the eight
> NE states especially Assam, Nagaland, etc which are mentioned by Shri Tarun
> Vijay (the editor of Organiser (or is it Panchajanya?), the RSS
> mouthpiece)...
> Pls do and do let me know how I can help anyone with additions,
> suggestions, etc...
> Vijayan MJ
> *Delhi fiddles while the northeast burns
> Tarun Vijay*
> September 07, 2007
> Visiting Nagaland makes you feel different. You have to procure an inner
> line permit to enter. The permit demands to know why I am going there, where
> I shall stay and to be sure about my credentials I needed a guaranteer to
> vouch for me, my safe conduct and return within the stated period. Issued by
> the deputy commissioner's office this permit is governed under the Bengal
> Eastern Frontier Regulation Act 1873. Yes, 1873.
> The British left India in 1947. We are celebrating the 60th anniversary of
> that freedom obtained after our motherland's division and the massacres that
> followed. Still, I needed a permit, something that the British began to
> isolate these regions in the name of 'protecting' the local indigenous
> people. The same procedure is also in vogue in Arunachal Pradesh.
> So, we, legitimate Indians, are required to obtain a permit -- another
> name for a 'visa' -- but these states are reeling under the heat of illegal
> Muslim infiltrators from Bangladesh, who, obviously do not need to get an
> permit to enter, buy land, marry local girls and become so dominant that
> even the state authorities feel afraid to oust them.
> Arunachal Pradesh's student bodies recently compelled Chief Minister
> Dorjee Khandu to take action against the Bangladeshis. So what did he do? He
> pushed a couple of thousands to Assam and the matter ended. In Assam it
> created a furore. The Muslim bodies, specially the All Assam Minorities
> Students Union, threatened to oust Hindus from Muslim majority districts
> like Dhubri, Goalpara and Barpeta, so Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi
> 'certified' that all those ousted by the Arunachal Pradesh government are
> Assamese and shall be accommodated in Barpeta!
> The situation is so serious and Delhi's apathy so mindboggling that the
> people have lost all hope. The All Assam Students Union, which spearheaded
> an unprecedented movement in the 1980s to oust Bangladeshi infiltrators, has
> in utter desperation said that in the next ten years Assam may have a
> Bangladeshi chief minister. Strong and alarming words indeed. But neither
> the media nor the political parties paid any attention.
> Assam has been transformed beyond recognition. The state's cultural
> identity is symbolised by the great reformer and rejuvenator Srimat Sankar
> Dev. His birthlace in Dhing, near Bardowa, is a must-visit pilgrim centre
> for every Assamese Hindu. Now the Dhing assembly constituency has 
> 90.02percent Muslims. No prizes to guess how this Hindu pilgrim centre became 
> a
> Muslim majority town because of the Bangladeshi influx.
> Assam's latest political star is Maulana Badruddin Ajmal, a perfume
> tycoon, who formed a new political party, the United Democratic Front, in
> 2005 and won 10 seats in the 2006 assembly election, surprising everyone.
> Previously he used to remote control other secular parties. Now he has taken
> the reins in his hands.
> Assam and other northeastern states have become more volatile than
> Kashmir, but Delhi's page three media and corrupt polity don't see beyond
> their immediate concerns.
> After Assam and Arunachal Pradesh, it is Nagaland's turn now. Bangladeshi
> jihadi factories supplying men and material are creating havoc from Itanagar
> to Kohima and Hyderabad. They are there before everybody's eyes, yet no
> government has shown a steely resolve to identify them and send them back.
> Aliens are turned into voters for political gain. The lines dividing
> traitors and patriots are getting blurred. Patriotic people need permits,
> they are made to live a refugee's life, but aliens feel quite confident and
> vocal to aggressively enter our country, bomb it and yet find sympathies in
> the corridors of power.
> In Nagaland, people are sandwiched between the insurgent groups and the
> Bangladeshi influx. The headquarters of the National Socialist Council of
> Nagaland (Issac-Muivah group) is in Hebron, 30 odd kilometres from Dimapur.
> Everywhere, while going to Kohima one can see posters demanding 'quick
> results of peace talks' and a greater Nagalim which they want in the name of
> Christ -- a separate independent country. According to government sources
> there are about 75,000 Bangladeshi Muslims in Nagaland today.
> I had come to attend a seminar organised by a daring tribal organisation,
> the Janajati Vikas Samiti, which had invited about 80 participants from the
> northeastern states. Nagaland Home Minister Thenucho inaugurated the
> conference. Former state secretary C M Chang headed the organising
> committee. It was incredible to see so many tribal leaders engrossed in what
> can be termed a free discussion on the problems Nagaland faces --
> Bangladeshi infiltration being the foremost.
> Minister Thenucho was forthcoming and said this problem has to be seen as
> a demographic invasion. 'The Naga people may be soon reduced to miserable
> sufferers by these infiltrators, who may appear as an asset for providing
> cheap labour and easily available hands for menial jobs. But look what they
> have done elsewhere and there is no guarantee that they will not do the same
> here. Today they work as labourers; tomorrow Nagas will have to work for
> them, if we do not stand up and say no to them,' the minister said. He was
> serious.
> The only problem is the Centre does not share their anxieties. Nothing
> that binds Naga society with the rest of the country has ever been
> encouraged and strengthened. Natwar Thakkar started his Gandhi ashram in
> Mokukchang but could never expand his mission of spreading Gandhi's sublime
> thoughts beyond that.
> To be in Kohima is still considered a matter of fear, pregnant with life
> and death questions. There is no icon of India that can be seen here. In the
> early 1980s a Gandhi statue was installed in Kohima, only to be desecrated
> and destroyed soon. 'Nagaland doesn't need any Indian's statue' was the
> decree issued by the insurgents.
> Almost everyone, from IAS officers to traders and teachers, have to cough
> up a part of their earnings to the insurgents. Their 'freedom days',
> 'republic days' are celebrated in full public view with the media from
> Kolkata and Delhi in attendance. Presently there is a ceasefire between the
> NSCN (IM) and the Indian Army, but rumours are afloat that this period has
> been better utilised by the insurgents to reinforce its battalions with new
> recruits, procure better weapons and resources to press for its demand for
> an 'independent 'Nagalim', which seeks to 'add' parts of Manipur and
> Arunachal Pradesh to its fold.
> This has enraged Manipuri and Arunachali tribals and a tribal war cannot
> be ruled out if the Naga insurgents' demand is given any sympathy.
> The press is lively but cocooned in its own world. "We have never been
> invited to join any prime minister's party on his foreign visits, Delhi and
> Kolkata papers reach us very late, after a day or two, that too the dak
> edition,' said Geoffrey Yaden, editor of the Nagaland Post, the main daily
> newspaper in the state. "They don't understand us properly, they write to
> please their egos. Nobody has the time and interest to understand our people
> or to make serious efforts to create bridges and strengthen national
> feelings here. Are politicians sitting in Delhi are bothered about us or the
> nation?" he lamented.
> I know it is very difficult to have a Delhi leader or social activist or
> cultural tsar to find time for a northeast visit. How many of us would go to
> Manipur or Nagaland or Arunachal for a family trip? Do we know that the most
> scintillating lakes, mountains, rivers and forests are in the northeast,
> bettering even Kashmir's panorama? Unfortunately the northeast has yet to
> register in our minds as markedly as Hardwar, Manali, Goa [Images] or
> Rameshwaram.
> Corruption to the northeast's politicians is 'taught' by politicians in
> New Delhi. Even to get a central grant released for these states, central
> ministers and their durbaris have to be suitably 'pleased'. The grants that
> go to the northeast finally come back in large parts to the Delhi durbar
> through traders, contractors, commission agents and sanctioning ministers.
> The rest is divided amongst local 'beneficiaries', including the insurgents.
> In view of the infiltration threat faced by Nagaland and other
> northeastern states, an observation by E Ramamohan, the former director
> general, Border Security Force, who was with me in Kohima, should be an
> eyeopener. He warns about the insurgent groups' long-term planning for 2015
> -- "Today there are several Islamic fundamentalist insurgent groups in
> Assam, all created with the help of the Director General Forces Intelligence
> of Bangladesh and Pakistan's Inter Services Intelligence. The main groups
> are the Muslim United Liberation Front of Assam, the Muslim United Tigers of
> Assam and the Islamic Liberation Army of Assam... what is most interesting
> that these Islamic fundamentalist groups have not started operations so far.
> Interrogations of the suspects and intelligence reports have revealed that
> they are in a preparation phase. Motivating and recruiting cadres, training
> them in Pakistan, stockpiling arms and explosives for the insurgency is
> their present strategy. The target is (to launch an assault) in 2015."
> Why can't we understand that India shrinks from every inch that is
> occupied by Bangladeshi infiltrators in our territory? In less than 100
> years India has shrunk like no other nation on earth.
> We lost Taxila, Karachi, Dhaka. Post independence, we lost 1.25 lakh
> square kilometres of land to Pakistan and China. Beijing [Images] still eyes
> Arunachal Pradesh.
> Then Indians lost lands and homes in the Kashmir valley and became
> refugees for the 'sin' of supporting India. Now, jihadis, Maoists and
> church-supported insurgents want their share. Where will this all lead to?
> All the power, position, money and glitter weigh nothing before the question
> of the nation's sovereignty and territorial integrity. At least in the
> northeast, people feel nobody listens to their woes in Delhi.
> Regards,
> Vijayan MJ
> Delhi Forum
> F-10/12 (GF), Malviya Nagar,
> New Delhi INDIA - 110017
> Phones: 91-11-26671556 (Direct),
> 26680914/883 Fax:26687724
> "We hear that governance now will have a different cadence
> Tyranny will now be the protector; cities will be without walls or doors
> Innocence will now be a punishable crime
> Judges will profess ignorance of criminal deeds…
> Executioners will be in charge of funerals, killers will organize
> mourning…
> If this be the realization of India's ancient dreams
> Then soon, there will neither be India, nor any of its connoisseurs…"
> (By Ali Sardar Jafri)
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