>Besides he has written this line many times over for women of every other
community in India :-)))

While, one can generally agree that the Assamese are quite friendly people,
KS is often referred to as "Khusamat Singh". Not without reason, I guess :)


>  "Why? For me the average Assamese woman is better-looking than the
> average-looking woman anywhere else"
> Heh Heh - now we know why he is interested.
> Besides he has written this line many times over for women of every other
> community in India :-)))
> Rgds,
> Sandip
>  ----- Original Message ----
> From: Manoj Das <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: ASSAMNET <assam@assamnet.org>
> Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 9:25:21 PM
> Subject: [Assam] Assamese are the friendliest Indians-Khushwant Singh
>    *Saturday, December 23, 2000*   *T H I S  A B O V E* * A L L*
> **
> *
> Assamese are the friendliest Indians
> by Khushwant Singh*
> **
> *W*E got talking about the friendliest people in our country. We analysed
> Panjus (Punjabis), Bhaiyas (Uttar Pradeshis and Biharis), Bongs (Bengalis),
> Dakhanis (Telengas, Kannadas), Mallus (Malayalis), Madrasis (Tamilians),
> Mian Bhais (Muslims), Makapaons (Christians) and Bawajis (Parsis). We went
> down the list demolishing each group for one defect or the other. Panjus:
> very forthcoming but uncouth and loud-mouthed, who wants to make friends
> with them ? Bhaiyas: non-descript, neither as extrovert as Panjus nor as
> introspective as Bongs. Bongs: think they are number one Indians and very
> arty; when Bengal sneezes, the rest of India catches a cold etc. And
> clannish. No cuisine culture, only *moshti doi* and *roshogulla. 
> *Maharashtrians,
> Dakhanees, Madrasis and Mallus, all lumped together as Madrasis, are full of
> caste prejudices and rarely invite people to their homes. Makapaons and
> Bawajis are half-baked firengis: you don't feel relaxed in their company.
> General conclusion: people who prefer their own kind — language-wise or
> caste-wise — don't qualify to compete for the "friendship championship". Nor
> do people who keep their women in *purdah* or in the kitchen.
>      *EARLIER COLUMNS* The Father Teresa of 
> Punjab<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001216/windows/above.htm>
> December 16, 2000  Metros bursting at the 
> seams<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001209/windows/above.htm>
> December 9, 2000
>  Going for Ganga darshan
> <http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001202/windows/above.htm>December 2,
> 2000
>  To be among 
> celebrities<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001125/windows/above.htm>
> November 25, 2000
>  The dawn chorus at 
> Santiniketan<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001118/windows/above.htm>
> November 18, 2000
>  A priceless Divali 
> gift<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001111/windows/above.htm>
> November 11, 2000
> Making documentaries is her forte
> <http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001104/windows/above.htm>November 4,
> 2000
>  The Indo-Malaysian 
> connection<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001028/windows/above.htm>
> October 28, 2000
>  Lessons terrorism taught 
> us<http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001021/windows/above.htm>
> October 21, 2000
>  Blood-letting in 
> Punjab<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20001014/windows/above.htm>
> October 14, 2000 Translating the *Japji Sahib 
> *<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20001007/windows/above.htm>
> *
> *October 7, 2000 Indian concept of 
> beauty<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000930/windows/above.htm>
> September 30, 2000 To forgive and 
> forget<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000923/windows/above.htm>
> September 23, 2000 Memoirs of Vijaya Lakshmi 
> Pandit<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000909/windows/above.htm>
> September 9, 2000 Times are out of joint
> <http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000902/windows/above.htm>September 2, 2000 His
> voice is immortal <http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000826/windows/above.htm>
> August 26, 2000 No end to 
> hostility<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000819/windows/above.htm>
> August 19,2000 Visit to a once peaceful 
> metropolis<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000812/windows/above.htm>
> August 12, 2000 The most abominable 
> crime<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000805/windows/above.htm>
> *
> *August 5, 2000 Unveiling Indian 
> women<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000729/windows/above.htm>
> July 29, 2000 A spiritually incorrect 
> mystic<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000722/windows/above.htm>
> *
> *July 22, 2000 India without 
> Pilot<http://www.tribuneindia.com/20000715/windows/above.htm>
> July 15, 2000
> So who are we left with ? I go over my encounter with my country men and
> women. I have been just about everywhere in Bharat. I could not make up my
> mind when I got a letter from Bobbeeta. I had all but forgotten her but for
> her odd name Bobbeeta. I had met her briefly in Guwahati and Delhi. I went
> over the names of other Assamese I knew: Baruas, Bezbaruas, Hazarikas,
> Gogois, Bardolois Saikias, Phukans, Bor-Thakurs, Raj Khowas, Goswamis,
> Chaudhrys, Sarmas, Acharyas. It is surprising that even though I have not
> been to Assam more than four or five times and for that too three or four
> days each time, I keep in touch with more Assamese than with any other
> people. Why? For me the average Assamese woman is better-looking than the
> average-looking woman anywhere else. For another they are more forthcoming
> and more hospitable, with no hangups about caste or class. My vote for the
> friendliest of Indians goes to the Assamese.
> Back to Bobbeeta. She was nurtured on films and electronic media. As a
> child, she started playing roles in may films till she came to Doordarshan
> in Guwahati as a news reader and also began acting in serials. While she
> teaches history in Pandu College (Guwahati), she is a research fellow in the
> Department of Film studies in Calcutta's Jadavpur University. Her crowning
> achievement has been her being the anchor and co-producer of *Geetimalika,
> *a song-based programme, which will telecast its 100th episode on Boxing
> Day — December 26, a record for any programme telecast in Assamese. For the
> centenary of *Geetimalika*, a bash is planned to honour Bobbeeta, her
> husband and co-producer Chinmoy, director-editor Manas Adhikari and script
> writer Jimoni Chaudhury. Bobbeeta has written to me about what they plan
> doing for the big day but has not invited me to join them. This is a very
> unfriendly act by people I vote as the friendliest of Indians.
> *
> Poonch is dead
> *
> My neighbour Reeta Devi Verma is passionately fond of dogs and cats, not
> the pedigreed variety but strays, born in gutters or abandoned by their
> masters. Her husband Bheem, a prince of Cooch Bihar, is even more dedicated
> to them. Every evening he sets out in his ancient car with packets of food
> to do the rounds of the locality where dogs await his arrival to be fed. He
> occasionally takes a vet with him to inject dogs with anti-rabies vaccines
> and treat them for mange and even gets them sterilised. Caring for abandoned
> animals is more important to him than social norms. No matter who has
> invited him at what time, he will not turn up before 8.30 p.m., till he
> has fed hundreds of dogs who depend on him. He never goes away from Delhi.
> Reeta has taken on more. She is building a hospital for TB and AIDS
> victims in her hometown Guwahati. She has a fully-equipped ambulance van
> which goes round villages treating people no longer able to travel to the
> city. She has also set up a laboratory. She has to spend many days in Assam
> every month.
> Reeta found a mongrel abandoned in the Greater Kailash market. It was
> scared of humans and as Reeta approached it, it ran away and hid under a
> car. When she tried to get it out, it bit her. Nevertheless she managed to
> get hold of it and bring it home. It had been traumatised. It took some time
> for Reeta to win its affection. She fed it, nourished it to health and
> virtually became its human mother. It was a hairy cuddly Apso kind of dog.
> It developed a terrible mother fixation. It slept in Reeta's bed, growled at
> anyone who came near its mother and followed her wherever she went like her
> shadow. I named her Poonch (tail), Reeta's tail.
> Reeta and Poonch became inseparable. Whenever she came to see me, Poonch
> followed. She felt unhappy till Reeta took her in her lap. It took me a long
> time to win Poonch's confidence. Reeta would put her in my lap and let me
> cuddle her. She returned my affection but as soon as Reeta stood up to
> leave, she jumped off my lap to run after its mom, happily wagging her tail.
> When Reeta left for Guwahati, Poonch was desolate. Bheem brought her
> morning and evening to let her sit in my lap for a few minutes. Poonch
> became possessive about me. If anyone came near me, she growled at them. She
> was not as eager to go back with Bheem as she was with Reeta. A bond of
> affection grew between us.
> One morning last week, Bheem and Poonch did not show up. I wondered what
> had happened. A couple of hours later, Reeta rang me up from Guwahati.
> "Poonch is dead", she said in a choked voice. She could not speak any more.
> A heavy gloom of depression came over me. I kept thinking of Poonch all day
> and the time she spent in my lap, how she fell asleep as I stroked her fat
> bottom and whispered into her ears, "You sensuous little bitch!"
> So passed the day. After dinner I was sitting by my fireside. I was lost
> in my thoughts when Bheem walked in carrying Poonch's body wrapped in a
> shawl in his arms with tears streaming down his eyes. I extended my arms. He
> placed her body in my lap. I stroked her body. It was as cold as a slab of
> ice. Her eyes and mouth were slightly open — just as they were when she was
> alive and enjoying my stroking her.
> *
> Star-struck
> *
> Raghupati did nothing important without consulting his astrologer. Had it
> been feasible, he would have checked with the stars even before buttoning up
> his shirt or scratching his elbow or breaking wind. A family tradition. Over
> the years, astrologers and palmists, *yogis and *fortune-tellers had
> advised him on whom to marry, what new first name to give his wife, when to
> copulate so as to beget only sons, when to officially drop his
> caste-revealing surname, when to angle for a transfer, which posts were both
> lucrative and safe, whom to be beware of, whom to trample on, whom to suck
> up to, when to separate from his wife, which functions to attend, what
> colours to wear on which occasions, what food to eat when, when to divorce —
> in brief, how, when and where to place every step of life.
> *
> (Upamanyu Chatterjee in The Mammaries of the Welfare State).
> *
> Note: Khushwant Singh is away on holiday, there will no column next week.
> *
> *
>     <http://www.tribuneindia.com/>
> <http://www.tribuneindia.com/2000/20001223/windows/above.htm#top> *
> *
> ------------------------------
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