Develop, Displace, Forget The Poor

"What else did you expect me to do?" was her reply when I asked her 
why she had pulled her son out of school to turn him into a child 
labourer. She is one of four lakh parents to have done so in Assam 
alone, all of them displaced in the name of national development and 
left to fend for themselves. Assam claims to have displaced 4,51,252 
people from 3,91,773 acres between 1947 and 2000. The real figures 
stand at 19,09,368 people from 14,01,186 acres. West Bengal has done 
the same to 7 million people from 4.7 million acres in the same 
period. Similar numbers are found in other states .
Leave alone rehabilitation, most of them are not even seen as 
displaced. Assam has rehabilitated those displaced by just about 10 
projects out of 3,000 and West Bengal has partially resettled around 
10 percent of them. Fifty-six percent of the displaced in Assam and 
49 percent in Bengal have turned their children into child labourers. 
When that is not possible, women sell their bodies to keep the hearth 
fires burning. Crime is another option.

Studies indicate that India has deprived some 60 million people of 
their livelihood in the name of national development. Fewer than 20 
percent have been rehabilitated. Since colonial land laws continue 
and recognise only individual ownership, Assam has not counted the 1 
million acres of common land from which it displaced 14.5 lakh 
tribals, Dalits and others. It has been their sustenance for 
centuries but the colonial laws declare it State property. The 
official claim that compensation is rehabilitation is untenable. But 
the ruling class does not have to worry about them because they are 
powerless. Tribals are more than 20 million of these 60 million, 
Dalits are 12 millions and other rural poor are some 10 million. They 
can be displaced and forgotten.

That is the future trend too. Nandigram and Singur hog headlines but 
not Navi Mumbai, other SEZs and the 2.26 lakh acres that West Bengal 
has committed to industries with private profit as the only 
criterion. One hundred and sixty eight massive dams are being planned 
in the Northeast. Former PM Vajpayee declared in May 2002 the dams 
will turn the Northeast into the powerhouse of India. Many more lakhs 
of people who will be impoverished by them were ignored.

Greater poverty is intrinsic to this Shining India approach. Crime 
for survival, prostitution and child labour are its result. Is this 
the only alternative or is development with a human face possible?
Fernandes is director, North Eastern Social Research Centre

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