>>>>particularly in light of the fact that Assam 
NEVER was a part of India historically, 

*** And so?  Texas joined USA in 1845 -- later then
Assam became a part of British India.  go and preach
to Uncle SAM that Texas historically was never a part
of US and so should be separated.

I fail to understand HOW some foreigners who have NOT
lived in India/Assam in 30+ years except for brief
visit as Tourists Prescribe on well being of
You have no clue on what is happening in India but
pretend to be an expert.

Ask someone who is in Assam what they think about
being with India. There are people in this forum like
Chitta, Shantikam, Nayan ... who are closer to ground
zero and they DO NOT support your idea.

>>The question that ought to be asked, is WHY Assam
wants to be 

The people of Assam gives a damn to separation. They
do care about Progress,  about employment, industry.

The Question ought to be asked is HOW Assam can
progress.  We have asked in this forum a number of
times WHY you think separation will lead to a better
Assam  and who could not answer.  ALL you say is
Separate but WHY people will join your bandwagon ? 
WHAT benefit would they have? You are not going to
leave your abode so WHO is going to lead Assam? What
is the plan? Unless you have a clear plan, unless you
can prove that Assam is going to be better by moving
out of India,  you are NOT going to get a support just
by killing some innocent people.

I am sure you will avoid these and come up with some
ruse ..... but then .. that shows your thinking
ability as we saw earlier

I am just replacing one word in Rajenda's comment and
that would prfectly fit you ---

>>Most Americans donot have any clue what is happening
>outside world.

>  >While South Indian expats overwhelmingly outnumber
>Assamese expats ... they never think of a fragmented

>>**** So?

>>They also don't crave Sambar, as good a delicacy as
it is. Even dosas 
only intermittently.

>>And they don't crave to marry their first cousins

>>Nor do they hold pujas for their gods and goddesses
with burning 
incense in their tiny apartments.

>>I can go on and on.  But so what?

>>The question that ought to be asked, is WHY Assam
wants to be 
separate.  Without asking that, to judge Assam in
comparison to South 
Indians or anybody else, particularly in light of the
fact that Assam 
NEVER was a part of India historically, only shows
one's own 
inability to look at things critically.

At 10:29 AM -0700 10/1/07, Krishnendu Chakraborty
>  >Most Indians donot have any clue what is happening
>outside world.
>The BIG American Ego ..... 
>While South Indian expats overwhelmingly outnumber
>Assamese expats ... they never think of a fragmented
>>>>I find guys from India specifically from Assam
>>>>with all sorts of weird perceptions about America.
>>The other day I met one Assamese visitor who was
>>strongly for George Bush because according to him,
>>it was due to his policy of attacking Iraq, that the
>>Muslims in India are silenced, and India can now
>>have a stronger relation with Pakistan. He was all
>>against the Democrates.
>Compare that with views of KC.
>>It looks like, from out side, people view  America
>like blind people looking at an elephant.
>>Most Indians donot have any clue what is happening
>outside world.
>>They are busy with their own
>culture believing whatever the GOI-Indian media is
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Chan Mahanta" <cmahanta at charter.net>
>To: "A Mailing list for people interested in Assam
>from around theworld" <assam at assamnet.org>
>Sent: Monday, October 01, 2007 11:36 AM
>Subject: Re: [Assam] What noooo is it India ?
>>>   >Really !! I thought you guys are more busy
>>>whom to attack next (after Vietnam, Iraq),  how to
>>>meddle in internal affairs of Mayanmar, or, for
>>>how to work on destroying India.
>>  ***That is about as appropriate a commentary on
>>  abilities as one might want to know about.

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