*** First off, I was only being facetious :-).

It was an absurd proposition to begin with . I can't believe how a segment of Assam intelligentsia, particularly the internet set, that continue to make that argument.

Having said that, just because I am not ULFA, my explanation, if sound could not be accepted by ULFA as their own? After all it is not like dealing with intellectual property issues, where they qwill have to pay me if they use it.

In fact thinking people ought to promote the notion of incorporating the best practices, wherever available from. One of a functioning democracy's main benefits is to be able to make the best use of the collective wisdoms of the people and something that Indian democracy has proven to be eminently incapable of.

At 6:24 PM +0100 10/8/07, uttam borthakur wrote:
 >>>>>>>>>>And in this era of globalization, where
boundaries of state is an obsolete concept as you all declared, the fact of my being
        an ex-pat ought not to be an issue.

If we all agree on this, where is the question of adding a new 'state' in the map with 'boundaries' and 'colours'? Will this 'state' also not 'wither' away?:-)

Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Utpal:

I have found what I was looking for.

You wrote that you were reading my responses to SH with a lot of interest. I feel honored, considering that many tell me they never read what I write or give a damn.

I will attempt to answer your questions, but NOT as in an inquisition or interrogation, where you ask the questions and I am required to give the answers, while "---don’t wish to join you in a debate". SH also refuses to debate me. I understand he has no time for such. I like to think that you have at least a little more time than SH, considering you put together that exhaustive list of questions for Rubi Bhuyan. And I have no reason to think that you all prefer to pick on easy targets only.

SH declared on your behalf that  your

"--- purpose was a DIALOGUE, and that too of the
"sincere" variety and the best way we could have started was by
seeking answers to questions that are plaguing the minds of most
"educated", "middle class" Assamese people.

Taking his word for it, before I give any answers, would you kindly share with us what the primary objective of your ( and others' too, if you share theirs) question/s was/were?

I ask, because it was not clear. I am no journalist, just an ol' homespun observer. But I know from observation, that dedicated and effective journalists ask questions with an objective in mind and keep asking, seeking until they arrive at the objective or find the answers that help them achieve their objective/s.

What was your objective, your AIM?

After that I propose to engage in a give and take, ask/answer/follow-up and so forth, as in a civil dialogue between two mature persons. I promise not to ask anything personal or call you names or question your intelligence or integrity, comment on your language skills and indulge in other such confrontational or condescending tactics. If you wish you can appoint one or more ombudsmen/referees of your choice monitor the dialogue, but only for form/tenor of the discussions--not on the subject matter/s.

Is that a fair deal?

You are also welcome to have others in your team, perhaps no more than say two more persons. I don't want to get into what I termed the other day a feeding frenzy of scavengers.

I am hoping that you will not decline on account of your sixth question below:

        6. Since you say you “do not speak for ULFA and am NOT PRIVY to

its policy-making”, would not it be better if ULFA talks directly to all of us?

        with regards,

The answer to that is this:

Let us assume that ULFA is incapable of answering your questions, as was concluded by many of the inquisitors. But that does not mean these are unanswerable. I can field those questions. We will let you and the netters judge how well or how poorly.

You are interested , after all, in seeing if these resolvable issues. If I can answer them satisfactorily, and if ULFA does not have anyone in its policy-making body capable of dealing with them, they can always HIRE me. I will be pleased to help them, having proven in this forum that I am up to it. That is the kind of work I do for a living, as a consultant, solving other people's problems. And in this era of globalization, where boundaries of state is an obsolete concept as you all declared, the fact of my being
        an ex-pat ought not to be an issue.

Shall we ?


Chandan-da, I have been reading with great curiosity your mails arising out of Shantikam Hazarika’s comments on my questions posted to ULFA on another online group of Assamese people. I don’t wish to join you in a debate on the exchanges you have been having with Hazarika or others, but I would be grateful if you let me know:

1. How you deduced that my questions to ULFA were constructive (as you put it, “So, even though you have been evading the points I raised, you can correct yourself, and tell us, that Utpal's
 ploy was not a constructive one”).

2. I had asked ULFA some stratightforward questions, and HAD given the reasons why I was asking them. I am not sure if you saw / have seen the questions while questioning the motive behind them, because I have posted them on another group and on this group it just took off on the basis of Hazarika’s comments. (I am also not sure if you are a member of the other group, since you have not participated in the debate on the other group, though you have said in this forum “As I wrote earlier, Utpal's questions were virtually the same as those posed to this writer by Chittaranjan in May of this year.”)

3. How did you arrive at the conclusion that the questions were an “inquisition” and “an interrogator's talking points”, and that it was not designed to have a “SINCERE DIALOGUE”?

4. If the “ULFA dispatcher” “might have been farther handicapped by not being in on ULFA's policy making or communicating team” (I would like to know how you arrived at that conclusion, or whether you are privy to some inside information on this, since Ruby Bhuyan is a member of ULFA’s central publicity committee, as is mentioned in the ULFA press release emails), s/he should have told me that. My questions were not directed at him/her, but at the ULFA, so s/he could have taken some time – maybe even collecting all the questions of all varieties (pro/anti/whatever) from more questioners and come up with an overall response from the leadership, the one which makes the policies. If the ULFA dispatcher is not part of ULFA’s policy making or communication team, n that context, there is no use in sending any question to ULFA through Ruby Bhuyan

5. ULFA, for your kind information, did not even attempt to reply to a single question in a straightforward manner – it just inserted some words in different colours, adding some caustic comments and remarks. I would have appreciated if it had replied to my questions even if it had been in the manner you had argued with Chittaranjan Pathak. I am not sure if you have seen the so-called reply before questioning my motive.

6. Since you say you “do not speak for ULFA and am NOT PRIVY to

its policy-making”, would not it be better if ULFA talks directly to all of us?

with regards,

Utpal Borpujari

I fully agree with Mrinal that for the first time, at least one section of Assamese (those with access to the Internet and part of this e-group) are being able to have a direct interaction with Ruby Bhuyan (or as Mrinal says, a person assuming the identity of Ruby Bhuyan since the original RB has already surrendered quite sometime back), and through 'her', the ULFA. So, let both sides ask questions and get replies, without being uncivilized.

I want to ask ULFA a few questions - as an Assamese whose extended family includes my late grandfather Suresh Goswami (the director of 1953 film Runumi) who along with my mother's uncle Jibeshwar Goswami for the first time had tried to institutionalize Sattriya Dance through the Prachin Kamrup Nritya Sangha, Lakshminath Bezboruah from whose family my maternal grandmother came, filmmakers Siba Prasad Thakur (my father's cousin) and Bidyut Chakraborty (Thakur's son-in-law), Mamoni Raisom Goswami (who is a relative through my bhai-bowari). I am giving all these examples to prove my 'purebred' credentials to ULFA before asking the questions - so that Ruby Bhuyan can reply to them without attributing any motives. Also, I am a journalist who have been working outside Assam for last 14 years after starting my career in Assam, with a close tab of Assam's events, and have been done my best to promote particularly Assamese cinema outside Assam. I had been in touch with several former ULFA spokespersons as a journalist in my professional capacity. But here I am asking these questions as a common Assamese who want to see Assam excel in every field, without any fear that he or she might not return home alive in the evening.

So, here are the questions. I hope there will be straightforward answers to my straightforward questions:

1. In your last mail to this group, you mentioned "By the way--Assam's West is Korotoya+ Jomuna, North is Tibet, East is Yunnan, South is Maan". Does this mean that in ULFA's map of Assam, Bhutan/Arunachal Pradesh/Nagaland/Manipur/Mizoram are all included as an integral part of Assam? Asking because between Assam & Tibet are Bhutan & Arunachal, between Assam & Yunnan is Arunachal, and between Assam and 'Maan' are Arunachal/Nagaland/Mainpur/Mizoram. And the southern borders do not mention Bangladesh.

Can we have an image of the independent Assam that ULFA wants?

2. How does ULFA's Assam plan to run its economy? The oil & natural gas are not going to last forever and tea sector is facing a lot of competition already. Please give us a detailed plan of action, not theory.

3. What will be the place of Bodoland, Karbi Anglong autonomous council and many other such demands in ULFA's Assam? Has ULFA found out from all the communities demanding autonomy whether they want to be / would be part of ULFA's Assam?

4. How do you justify the killings of the Dhemaji children, the scores of innocent people going to market places in various towns and cities, bus & train passengers all these years through bomb blasts, etc? Is this ULFA's way of waging war against the 'colonial' rulers of India? If you are fighting the official machinery in an armed struggle, you are supposed to fight the armed forces directly, isn't it?

5. What will be the political system of ULFA's Assam - will it be a democracy? will discordant voices be allowed to be heard or will they be sougth to be subjugated like some of your replies on this forum sought to do with a lot of taunt to people who all want good of Assam (like calling Nayanjyoti Parasara a Bihari - even if he is one, what difference does it make, though for the record he is as pure an Assamese as any ULFA cadre could claim to be; or calling Santikam Hazarika 'the best management guru east of Suez' or some such description)?

6. With reference to the killing of Bihari settlers in Assam, what is the definition of outsiders for ULFA, because many of those killed have been residents of Assam for over 50 years, with their children even going to Assamese medium schools. What is the cut off date, basically? Because it can be stretched to include the family of Jyotiprasad Agarwalla, the late Lalan Singh (whose forefathers had come to Assam from Bihar, and who became a president of AASU in the early 1970s), singers like Pulak Banerjee and Banikona Ghoshal, actress Seema Biswas, all the brahmins and many of the kayasthas in the states who were brought to Assam by the Ahom Kings, the saah bagan mazdoors who were brought in by the British from the present-day Telengana, Orissa, Jharkhand... and many more people.

7. ULFA has banned Hindi film screenings in Assam as it is part of 'colonial propaganda'. Does its definition also include films made by Assamese directors in Hindi (Jahnu Barua's 'Maine Gandhi Ko Nahin Mara', Anshuman Barua's 'Dooor' which is yet to be released), or even venturing into Hindi film world by people like Zubeen Garg, Saswati Phukan, Kalpana Patowari (who is, incidentally a superstar singer in Bhojpuri though she is a 'purebred' Assamese), Seema Biswas and others? Does the bad influence films also include those by people like Shyam Benegal, Govind Nihalani etc which talk of common man's concerns?

8. Does ULFA's ban mean that it would seclude Assam from 'outside' world through such censorship, by preventing its people from accessing any form of art form as they want, especially in today's globalized world?

9. Is there a possibility of ULFA extending the ban to literature, dance and other art forms from outside? What is ULFA's cultural policy? What has it done in all these years to inculcate in people love for indigenous art & culture (people still see Bollywood potboilers more than they go to see Jahnu Barua's Hkhagorloi Bohu Door, isn't it?)? I am particularly asking this in context of poetry of people like Mithinga Daimary, whose writings talk of an open world with freedom for all.

10. Would ULFA ban people from Assam from participating in talent hunt shows (however trivial they may be) of TV channels from 'India' - for eg Saregamapa which Assam's Debojit Saha won last year?

11. What are ULFA's views on mass organizations like Axom Sahitya Sabha, AASU, AJYCP which have all opposed its demand for independence and opposed the killing of innocent people? What is ULFA's opinion about public protests against the killings of innocent people in bomb blasts, allegedly carried out by ULFA? (Please don't refer to the atrocities carried out by Indian Army on innocent people and families of ULFA cadres - we all know about that are condemn that fully).

12. What are your views on NSCN-IM's demand for Greater Nagalim which includes parts of Assam, Arunachal and Manipur?

These are just a dozen. If I have more, I will send them in my next mail.

And yes, I must congratulate Rubi Bhuyan for the sudden improvement in English - if anyone has noticed, the language and grammar in her latest mail was really outstanding - not like the angry outbursts without a care for grammar in her earlier mails.

Utpal Borpujari (New Delhi / Guwahati)
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Uttam Kumar Borthakur

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