******That should pretty much place those who are for Assam's continued 
servitude in a huge majority and thus pave the way for a plebiscite to put an 
end to the speculations, wouldn't it?*****
  *****IF you are for an end to the conflict, and ULFA agrees to abide by the 
verdict of the people, why do you invent excuses like that to avoid the 
plebiscite, unless you really do not believe what you profess, that the people 
don't want sovereignty?****
  Mahanta da
  Just a small query based on your above two statements! You have been saying 
that plebiscite is a good idea and you claim (I hope I have the usage right 
this time) that ULFA will also abide by the results. I am not sure whether the 
plebiscite card being waved here-is it a genuine desire to know peoples mood or 
a ploy to dub Assam as a disputed territory before the world (as Ram da has 
indicated now and before)?
  Let us assume that the Indians grant your wish of UN supervised poll. Now 
tell us, will you as an Assamese allow another UN supervised poll in the north 
bank for NDFB’s Bodoland? In addition, some mini UN franchised polls in south 
bank, Barak valley, Hill district to give them an opportunity to decide whether 
they want to stay subservient to an independent nation ruled by Goswami, Gogoi 
and Gafoor. Some more micro-polls within the Bodoland for fulfilling the 
aspirations for Rajbonghis and within Assam for the Aadivasis? 
  Now you might say that I am racing ahead to muddle the situation. But is not 
the situation precisely going to be like that given what we have seen in last 
few decades:
  An Asom Sahita Sabha for greater Assamese society becomes one amongst some 20 
ethnic Sahitya Sabhas of Assam.
  An all-powerful Assamese AASU leads the way for numerous student 
organizations in the state.
  Similarly, Bodo/Dimasa/Karbi/Naga secessionists join an independent Asom 
seeker ULFA for the same piece of land.
  Now tell me if it is UN sponsored poll for your ULFA then why not more polls 
for the other mates? And where will it end?
  Have you not visualized this situation? Or is this UN plebiscite call is not 
for the actual results but is a strategy to use it as a stepping stone for some 
more turmoil.
  If this plebiscite business is a genuine effort on ULFA’s part to gauge the 
mood of people then why do you need to wait for an UN sponsored exercise? Why 
don't you ask an Assamese organization to conduct the exercise people’s mood? 
Or Why ULFA along with all the team mates (with whom aligns opportunistically 
to carry out the cleansing operations) or it’s over ground supporters do not 
conduct a “scientific” poll again assuming earlier poll with 5% “yes” never 
happened? Why do you people end up questioning the credibility of Assamese 
poll-sters? However, surprisingly you mention the organization in all humility 
will accept the results of a poll supervised UN in coordination with Deshi 
government. Is not it strange the organization and the supporters don’t have 
faith on the very people whose sovereignty aspirations they claim to espouse?
  Just to remind you again Mahanta da, the question was:
  Will you as an Assamese allow another UN supervised poll in the north bank 
for NDFB’s Bodoland, some mini UN franchised polls in south bank, Barak valley, 
Hill district, some more micro-polls within the Bodoland, Assam, Dimaraji, 
Nagalim, Kamatapur for the discontented lot within these sovereign territories?
  Chittaranjan Pathak

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