Rubi Bhuyan reply
  <In view of observing the discussions for a long, now I would like to open up 
my talks.I am not sure who is Rubu Bhuyan, a male or a female.And as per my 
knowledge with ULFA deep inside stories, I know only ULFA publicity secretary 
MIthinga Daimary.Because of Bhutan crackdown now he is with Peetamaha are in 
Guwahati jail.>
  Till today, all the publicity material of the ULFA has been put out in the 
name of Rubi Bhuyan, (including the Statements of Chairman Arabinda Rajkhowa 
and CS Paresh Barua and Swadhinata and Freedom journals) which means Rubi 
Bhuyan is an approved person by the Central Committee of the ULFA. One should 
ignore what ever is published by others in the name of ULFA. 
  <As my friend Utpal Borpujari narrated the mervellouse mistakes in writting, 
Ruby Bhuyan is unable o make any replies.Bu it is another peron now to write on 
behalf of Ruby.>
  If Rubi Bhuyan does not exist and some body else is using the name to damage 
the ULFA, why is it then the ULFA has not come up with  clarification?  If you 
really believe that  Rubi  Bhuyan no longer exists, why are you wanting to 
communicate with a ghost writer? 
   <ULFA- the days are gone from the Assam map.The intellectuals who 
contributed are no more in this world.All are killed by Army and BSF- all 
because they carried a brigh united Assam in their mind where money was no 
issue.Frankly speaking I was one of them at the begining.>
  Dear Dr. Das, if the ULFA is now without any political brain, how is it 
possible for the organisation to publish Swadhinta in Assamese and Freedom in 
English regularly? Are you suggesting there is a phantom writer around? Or are 
you telling that that you are equipped with good English and the ULFA should  
approach you to do the writing? There has been some discussions going on in the 
internet and upon noting some specific questions asked by some netters Rubi 
Bhuya gave replies to those. If you have been following the threads in the net, 
where do you think Rubi Bhuyan made an error? 
  But then I found that was only Guwahati boys monopoly to take control of arms 
and ammunitions.As a hard working student leader in 1975 and to begin my career 
as a Moina Parijat moina in 1972 then to All Assam Chemoniya Choura and later 
Convenor of Moina parihat from 1975 with Chemoniya Choura and Jatiyatabadi Juba 
  I do not think there is need to make any comment on your bio-data. 
  <Megh phukan and all are no more....What remainhed are either i Switzerland 
or in Bangladesh.I have seen Paresh Baruah home at Jeraigaon while I was on 
duty at Dinjan.Paresh Baruah might be good till now.But with lacking  hi tech 
educations he better remained calm with Bangladesh.After Bhutan crackdown he is 
also no more in capability.>
  Ok, Megh Phukon and others are dead, Mithinga and all are in prison, the rest 
are all in Switzerland and Bangladesh and that there is no ULFA cadres in 
Assam. Why on earth then the Indian Government is having to deploy hundreds of 
thousands of soldiers in Assam at the cost spending crores of rupees to 
maintain them and the politicians, intellects and the public is calling for a 
peaceful resolution to the Assam-India conflict for restoration of Sovereignty 
of Asom inviting ULFA to the negotiation table? 
   <Where the mervellous Xanbidhan of ULFA gone?I have a copy of it till.It has 
noble ideas for better Assam.I am afraid if any of present ULFA cadre like Ruby 
or likewise same narrator did really gone through the real Xanbidhan???>
   How can you say that the ULFA does not have a constitution any more? Without 
a constitution ULFA like organisation cannot go on. What is your intention of 
bringing up such idiotic notions?
  <Where the Civil wing disappeared after 1990 operation Bajrang by Govt of 
India?Where the intellectuals missing from ULFA?Now no doctors, no engineers 
nor some military man to support.Its like only one outfit to have extortion 
  Mind it Mr Das, barring a mad person no one would suggest that the ULFA does 
not have any other strategy than extorting money.  Otherwise, what would you 
say to the ULFA stance of seeking peaceful political solution of the 
Asssm-India political conflict?  
   <Why ULFA then leadership forgot these people, who did helped really to 
transport them from GHY University to Bhutan by POlice vehicles when Govt of 
India declared Operation Bajrang in Dec 1990??> 
  If the ULFA leadership forget  the sacrifices of many of their cadre and the 
people then might compromise and give up the struggle. Despite the set back as 
a result of the Bhutan episode, the colossal counter  from the enemy and 
criticism from intellects still we are continuing our struggle steadfastly. 
  <Why ruby Bhuyan like people forget to mention the biggest sacrifice like 
then Assam IGP Sri HIranya Battacharjyee?To say frankly it was me to make him 
excited by handing ovr a copy of Bangladeshi handbook when Assam agitation was 
yet to start.That was when Mangaldai MP Hiralal Patowari died.>
   In the current debate there is no reason that we need to delve into these. 
   <Like Netaji left congress, Paresh Baruah also left Prafulla Bhrigu team.>
   You are totally wrong here. Colonel Paresh  Barua would object to it as 
  <But the AGP too betrayed ULFA.Then why ULFA never targetted AGP- the most 
worst student leaders came like Octopus to Assam to ruin the region by another 
50 years.All my beggar like friends become now billionarie..!! Amazing.Look at 
Biren Baishya, Mahendra Mohan Chowdhury, ( Which Mahendra Mohan Choudhury?) 
Nagen Sharmah,Jainath Sharmah- the biggest Deshdrohee,Apurba Bhattachajya- my 
class friend and now a bulky aged rich man from the beggars..........>
   It is very true that the AGP betrayed. But that does not mean that all the 
AGP members need to be eliminated. The way you have dealt with the subject, it 
sounds like you are instigating the ULFA to murder them. People who knows you 
would understand why are you doing this. Are you aware of the attacks on 
Joinath Sarmah, Prafulla Mahanata. Nakul Das, Pradip Hazarika and C… 
  <Does present generation existing ULFA cadre knows about all?Did they really 
tried to meet like us people?Or they will keep threatening still??>
   Look Mr, Das, you are also a son of the soil like the ULFA cadres. You have 
responsibilities too. You can  execute your responsibilities individually, 
joining the ULFA or by setting up a peaceful organization. You only can decide 
what do you want to do. In the current situation of danger in every step, do 
not expect of us to meet up with you to seek your advice. As a result of 
counseling from sentimental people like you Animesh Kakati, Kabir Ranjan Saikia 
and Bhaskar Dutta like extremely capable cadres have lost their lives. Can you 
deny this?
   <I laugh at one time my class friends threatening.I got married in 1991 
Jan.Same time operation Bajrang was in full swing and since none was available, 
all SFI peoples got entry to ULFA to fulfill their dreams with weapons.So the 
then Central Assam ULFA commander Shekhar Baruah alias Prabin Deka send a 
message to go back to Delhi if I wanted to maintain my newly married wifes 
XINDUR!!! I had a big laugh.Then I told the messenger to ask him to meet 
me.While he carried a carbine and 40 rounds ammunitions, he was unsure about 
usage!!! Then he send the message again that he will not meet me as I carry a 
pistoil that might kill him!!!!So Ruby or whoever it is note that he was scared 
of a pistol while he was threatening people to extort money by showing a 
carbine supposed to be deadly in military.As well he had some Chinese deadly 
grenades- but necer know how to use!! As I was fully aware about their arms 
practice, I never got scared.Now none is with ULFA.No intellectuals, nor
 doctors nor public.>
  If the ULFA is short freedom fighters, do not have weapons, lacks public 
support; don’t you think the Indian soldiers should leave Assam? Why are the 
soldiers from the occupying forces raiding homes in Assam looking for ULFA 
cadres? Before criticizing the ULFA, dear Deka you should put yourself in 
ULFA’S shoes. Otherwise you would devalue your prestigious Doctoral title.
   If you are trying to prove your bravery by censuring the ULFA, you are 
mistaken; the public knows better. 
  <I still remembe the most pathetic scenes in my life.When at Nalbari the 
ULFAs first publicity secretary was killed openly with a water bucket by one 
simple paan dokanee, nothing had happened to that Bihari.He still lives 
happily.Then why you people wanted to threaten Utpal or MC Mahanta or the most 
educated people?>
  Tell me who has threatened Utpal Borpujari and MC Mahant? When was it? Are 
you suggesting that my responses to their comments are threats?  
  <I know you did kiled mercilessly Sri Manabendra Sharmah at Guwahati for 
nothing.That curse will carry long at the mercy of maa Kamakhya.>
  Manabendra Sarma could have been a honest person himself , but, he had to pay 
the ultimate price him and his party trying to destroy the national liberation 
struggleof Asom. 
   <To say simply ULFA has taken a ride of our people.All are over now.As none 
are capable of coming to talks with Govt, what else you people can do now?Stop 
   This bit sounds like coming out from the unified command structure, how come 
it has appeared on your mail? The cat is finally out of the bag! I should not 
have spent so much time to write back to you. 
  Rubi Bhuyan
  Central Publicity member,ULFA

  In view of observing the discussions for a long, now I would like to open up 
my talks.
  I am not sure who is Rubu Bhuyan, a male or a female.And as per my knowledge 
with ULFA deep inside stories, I know only ULFA publicity secretary MIthinga 
Daimary.Because of Bhutan crackdown now he is with Peetamaha are in Guwahati 
  As my friend Utpal Borpujari narrated the mervellouse mistakes in writting, 
Ruby Bhuyan is unable o make any replies.Bu it is another peron now to write on 
behalf of Ruby.
  ULFA- the days are gone from the Assam map.The intellectuals who contributed 
are no more in this world.All are killed by Army and BSF- all because they 
carried a brigh united Assam in their mind where money was no issue.Frankly 
speaking I was one of them at the begining.But then I found that was only 
Guwahati boys monopoly to take control of arms and ammunitions.As a hard 
working student leader in 1975 and to begin my career as a Moina Parijat moina 
in 1972 then to All Assam Chemoniya Choura and later Convenor of Moina parihat 
from 1975 with Chemoniya Choura and Jatiyatabadi Juba Santha.
  Megh phukan and all are no more....What remainhed are either i Switzerland or 
in Bangladesh.I have seen Paresh Baruah home at Jeraigaon while I was on duty 
at Dinjan.Paresh Baruah might be good till now.But with lacking  hi tech 
educations he better remained calm with Bangladesh.After Bhutan crackdown he is 
also no more in capability.
  Where the mervellous Xanbidhan of ULFA gone?I have a copy of it till.It has 
noble ideas for better Assam.I am afraid if any of present ULFA cadre like Ruby 
or likewise same narrator did really gone through the real Xanbidhan???Where 
the Civil wing disappeared after 1990 operation Bajrang by Govt of India?Where 
the intellectuals missing from ULFA?Now no doctors, no engineers nor some 
military man to support.Its like only one outfit to have extortion poilicy.
  Why ULFA then leadership forgot these people, who did helped really to 
transport them from GHY University to Bhutan by POlice vehicles when Govt of 
India declared Operation Bajrang in Dec 1990??Why ruby Bhuyan like people 
forget to mention the biggest sacrifice like then Assam IGP Sri HIranya 
Battacharjyee?To say frankly it was me to make him excited by handing ovr a 
copy of Bangladeshi handbook when Assam agitation was yet to start.That was 
when Mangaldai MP Hiralal Patowari died.
  Like Netaji left congress, Paresh Baruah also left Prafulla Bhrigu team.But 
the AGP too betrayed ULFA.Then why ULFA never targetted AGP- the most worst 
student leaders came like Octopus to Assam to ruin the region by another 50 
years.All my beggar like friends become now billionarie..!! Amazing.Look at 
Bire Baishya, Mahendra Mohan Chowdhury,Nagen Sharmah,Jainath Sharmah- the 
biggest Deshdrohee,Apurba Bhattachajya- my class fried and now a bulky aged 
rich man from the beggars..........
  Does present generation existing ULFA cadre knows about all?Did they really 
tried to meet like us people?Or they will keep threatening still??
  I laugh at one time my class friends threatening.I got married in 1991 
Jan.Same time operation Bajrang was in full swing and since none was available, 
all SFI peoples got entry to ULFA to fulfill their dreams with weapons.So the 
then Central Assam ULFA commander Shekhar Baruah alias Prabin Deka send a 
message to go back to Delhi if I wanted to maintain my newly married wifes 
XINDUR!!! I had a big laugh.Then I told the messenger to ask him to meet 
me.While he carried a carbine and 40 rounds ammunitions, he was unsure about 
usage!!! Then he send the message again that he will not meet me as I carry a 
pistoil that might kill him!!!!So Ruby or whoever it is note that he was scared 
of a pistol while he was threatening people to extort money by showing a 
carbine supposed to be deadly in military.As well he had some Chinese deadly 
grenades- but necer know how to use!! As I was fully aware about their arms 
practice, I never got scared.
  Now none is with ULFA.No intellectuals, nor doctors nor public.
  I still remembe the most pathetic scenes in my life.When at Nalbari the ULFAs 
first publicity secretary was killed openly with a water bucket by one simple 
paan dokanee, nothing had happened to that Bihari.He still lives happily.Then 
why you people wanted to threaten Utpal or MC Mahanta or the most educated 
people?I know you did kiled mercilessly Sri Manabendra Sharmah at Guwahati for 
nothing.That curse will carry long at the mercy of maa Kamakhya.
  To say simply ULFA has taken a ride of our people.All are over now.
  As none are capable of coming to talks with Govt, what else you people can do 
now?Stop threatening.All fox has limits.MAmoni Goswami tried her best and that 
lead her to stroke.Did ULFA tried for her treatment??Why Prabal Neog has to 
give Tezpur Police a simple caught??Because he issued honest notice to all 
Bangladeshi immigrants???So Bangla bhais wanted him to get killed?T have a safe 
way to live- he has to give up with police!!Haaaaaaa
  What ULFA thinks of AGP?Why they never think twice to take control over 
them?AGP become brother of BJP and then what had happeed?BJP paid crores of 
Bhutan Govt in additio to Crores of Arms and millitary equipemnt.And as that 
was more than what ULFA paid was enough to give sudden attack to Bhutan 
sheltered ULFA and families, where thousand remain butchered.Did Paresh know 
all?Or Arabinda knows??
  The AGP leaders are now  beggar turned crorepatis, why ULFA never targetted 
them?The 10 year AGP rule ruined Assam till 19th century.Since AGP time the 
Govt employees never get their salary regularly! Did ULFA thought of hem?
  Prafulla made to sit for Assam accord for crores personally by IB and RAW as 
like Gorkhaland Subhash Ghising.Why ULFA never questioned them??
  I am fully aware whatever ULFA cadre operating in Asam are only for money and 
enjoy their lifes.Not for the sake of Assam.All for money gain with easy way.If 
I need to write in details it wil take pages.
  But Now I asked ULFA operating in Assam to cool down and come with times and 
people.None supports.Never talk hight as before.You have nothing now.All 
gone.You made kill all those was real Assamese for your personal benefit.
  Never attack your ow peoples as quotig as small mass.Learn good as well learn 
from past and from the present society.Try to bring the region into 
unity.Forget your theories- get with mainstream and technology.
  Have guts to sit for talks with GOI.Show that you are better than 
NSCN.Otherwise go to hell.MInd no asamese supports ULFA now- you people are 
small time criminals or robberers now-.Do best to develope the region- not 
destruct.Then aim for the destination.Never increase enemy.
  Dr Bikash Kumar Dss.
  The GOI has similarly been willing to hold parleys with ULFA in order to 
hammer out a solution within the ambit of the Constitution.What is wrong with 
that ?

  On 10/13/07, Chan Mahanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:       The big vacuum of 
reason here I see is  this:
          IF, Assam's OWNERS, I mean other those who sit in Dilli , so wish for 
an end to hostilities
          and can't  figure out HOW, and if ULFA, the villains, declare that 
they will abide by the
          verdict of the people for whose sovereignty they gave nearly 15,000 
Oxomiya lives over
          29 years, then would it NOT make eminent sense to hold one?
  What am I missing here?  Would it be sincerity of purpose ( of a hope for 
peace), or is that yet another
  display , albeit unintended, attempt to to have it both ways?


Dr.Bikash K. Das    
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